Chapter 6: A New Member, A new friend

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for too long. By the way there's a new characters here. 


Jin's Pov

Today Chin Hwa hyung called us all for a meeting. We're all here, we're just waiting for him. While waiting I head the others talking. They're talking about a new member of our clan? Is it true? Is that the reason why we're here? I was about to ask them when I saw Chin Hwa hyung. The others also stop talking when they saw him.

Chin Hwa: Okay, we're all here because I want to introduce a new member. I also taught them how to fight and I think this is the time for you guys to meet them. This is Oh Sehun, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Byun Baekhyun, Park Jinyoung, Choi Young Jae, Tuan Yi-En and Wang Ka Yee. I hope you guys get along, so that it's easier for us to kill our target.

After introducing them, Chin Hwa hyung left and I left here with BTS and the new members. I look at them, that Baekhyun looks like Taehyung. I wonder if they're related. We're just there looking at each other, no one dares to talk. Chin Hwa hyung didn't tell us about them before. So, I'm surprised that there's a new members. It's a little bit awkward, luckily Namjoon hyung speak. We introduce each other, and they also introduce themselves.

After introducing ourselves, we ask them how long did Chin Hwa hyung trained them. Some of them said that 13 years, and some said that 15 years. After talking about past life, it gets awkward again until Taehyung speak.

Taehyung: Baekhyun hyung and I look the same, aren't we?

That causes us to laugh at him. They don't look alike that much but they look like that they're sibling. We become closer, maybe it's not bad to become friends with them. But this time, I don't trust them that much since I just met them. I need to get to know them better. I just wish that they can keep secret, so that that I don't need to get worried once they knew that I have a friend that's not belong in our group. I'm just the only one who has friend outside of our group.

After talking to them, I went to the park. It's already 11 pm, so the people here is not too much. I sat in front of the lake. I wonder how long do I have to do this? There's no way out, I want to live like the other people, but how? I need to kill in order to live. I knew that if I leave them, they will kill me and I don't want that to happen. I was about to leave when I saw a girl sitting not that far from me. She's throwing a rock at the lake. She looks familiar. Is that Min Kyung? When she look at me, I quickly look at the lake. Then I heard that she called me. I look at her and I'm right it's her. It's Min Kyung. She went here beside me.

Me: What are you doing here at this hour?

Her: Nothing, I got bored so I went here. I love this place especially at this hour when there's just a few people around.

Me: It's not safe for you to go here because it's late you know, and what if there's someone drag you to an alley and do something bad to you?

Her: Don't worry, I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. And how about you what are you doing here?

Me: Nothing, I just want to be here.

Her: It's also not safe for you, you know.

Me: I can handle myself. Don't worry about me.

Her: And by the way, my family wants to meet you, can you go to our house? I also want you to meet them. I told them that you're a nice guy and you're my friend, and they want to meet you.

Me: What? A nice guy? You barely knew me. You're weird you know.

Her: Mianhae, my cousin saw us talking, and she ask me who are you. She also ask if you're my boyfriend, but I told her that you're just my friend and you're a nice guy. Then she told my family about it, that's why they want to meet you.

Me: When?

Her: How about on Friday night?

Me: Sure.

Her: By the way what's your favorite food, so that I can cook for you when you went there?

Me: It's okay, I'm not a picky eater, you can cook whatever you want.

Her: Okay, if you say so.

It's became awkward.

Her: By the way, where's your family?

I was shock at her sudden question. I felt sad. I look down.

Her: I...I'm sorry. I should know my limit.

Me: They're gone. They died when I was 5 years old.

Her: That's so sad. I'm so sorry for asking. You're a strong man, I knew it. You lost your family at the very young age, and it's very hard. Don't worry, I'm sure you have a friend that's always there for you right? If there's none, I'm here for you.

I smiled at her. This is the first time that I smiled at her like that. She makes me happy with what she said. Maybe I'm lucky to have some friend like her.

Me: Thank you.

Her: It's nothing, that's what friends for. If you have a problem just call or text me, I'm here for you, I promise

I thanked her again. From now on, I will protect her. I don't want to lose a friend like her. I just wish that she wouldn't break her promise. I really want to tell her that I'm not a nice guy, and she's wrong for what she thinks about me. But I don't want to lose a friend like her. And if I did, what if she tell it to the other people? That can't be. I think I really need to keep it secret.

After talking, I walk her home since it's already 12:30 am, and it's not safe for a girl to go home alone.

I went home. I saw the new members talking. I smiled at them.

DO: Hyung where have you been?

Me: I just went to the park. I got bored so I went there.

Of course that I won't tell them that I talk to Min Kyung and also walk her home. He just nod and we talk for a while. After talking Baekhyun hyung ask us what's our plan in the future.

Most of us think that we want to have a happy life.

Sehun: Do you guys love someone, I mean a girl or what.

All of us said there's nothing in our heart. It's true, but I'm afraid that I may fall in love with Min Kyung, if she continue to become so cheerful and didn't leave me. But I'll do my best not to fall in love, not yet. I promised myself that no matter what, I'll do my best not to fall in love. And I don't want it to be broken, because I don't want to get hurt again.


A/N: I decided to add an EXO member and a Got7 member, so that there's more character in the story. Thanks for reading. I hope you like it.

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