1. Ugh

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I walked down the halls of my new school. I see people staring at me, I try to ignore them. I didn't have many friends at my old school and I had to leave after getting kicked out. Stupid bitch made me fight her, so I beat her face into the concrete. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was tied back in a high ponytail and your bangs hung at the sides of your face. Your ears were covered in piercings, from top to bottom. You saw the strange looks every one was giving you, but you couldn't have given a shit. You went to your locker and opened it, shoving all of the stuff that you didn't need in it. You looked through your timetable and was greeted by a shy girl with long black hair. "Y-you must be (Y/n), I'm Hinata", she stuttered. You gave her a friendly smile and shook her hand. "W-we both have math together, I can take you there if you want". "Yeah sure, by the way Hinata, please don't be afraid of me". She looked up at you in shock, but it faded and turned into a smile. "Yeah sure, it's just I've never seen some one with so many piercings", she said pointing at my ears. I giggled and we both walked to math.

I was sitting next to Hinata in math when I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I turned and saw a tall boy with slicked back silver hair. He grinned and winked at me, then he pointed at the paper he had just thrown at me. I picked it up and unscrunched it. I was just about to read it when I was interrupted by a loud voice. "(Y/n) are you passing notes?", he questioned. "No Mr. Hatake, idiot over there threw it at me", you said pointing back at the boy. "OK then would you read out to the class". You looked down at the note and sighed. "Damn your so hot, can I get a piece?". The whole class erupted in laughter. "(Y/n) detention". You frowned and crossed your arms. You heard the guy laughing at you, you turned around and flipped him off. "(Y/n) now that's two detentions". You sighed, when will this be over.

At lunch you sat with Hinata and her friends. "Who's this?", they all asked. Hinata grinned and looked at you, an indication to introduce myself. "Hi I'm (Y/n)", you said. They nodded and introduced themselves. There was Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto,Sasuke, Sai, Shino, Kiba, Neji, Tenten and Lee. "Whats with all the piercings?", asked Naruto. "I'm in a band", you replied. Their eyes lit up. "Wow what do you play?", asked Tenten. "Guitar". They all seemed so impressed that I was in a band, when they stopped I asked Hinata something. "Hey Hinata, who was that guy who got me in trouble?". You saw that Hinata had tensed up as you asked. "W-well they are a group of students that call themselves the Akatsuki, they think that they run the school". You smirked, you had heard of them before. It was last years battle of the band, they were alright, but nothing compared to my band, Masked. Me and my older brother had formed it and we were great, we played regular gigs and had won the battle of the bands three years in a row. You looked across the school cafeteria and saw the group of students gathered around a table. There was a guy with orange hair and facial piercings, making out with a girl with purple hair. There were so many others, what a group. You saw the guy from earlier sitting with them, you wanted to confront them but you couldn't be bothered. You rested your head in your hands and relaxed.

Time skip

After school you headed to the hall to take your detention. Mr Umino was the teacher in charge (Iruka). You sat in an empty seat and slouched in it. I grabbed out my phone and put in my head phones and began listening to music. You closed your eyes and relaxed, but were interrupted by Mr Umino. "(Y/n) what are you doing?", he asked, pulling out your head phones. You shrugged, he grabbed one of the head phones and put it in his ear. A shocked expression appeared on his face, you gave him a large smile. "Are you a fan?", he asked. You smirked and showed him the small tattoo you had behind your ear. It was an image of the mask that you wear while on stage, you band is called masked for a reason. (A/n: If you have no idea what masks I am talking about, they are the masks that the hidden mist wear, like Haku or Kushimaru). He looked so happy, he leaned down and whispered in your ear. "I'm such a big fan". You laughed and he let you go, you walked out waving happily to the silver haired boy in the back. Son of a bitch deserved to be stuck in detention.

You walked out of school and walked home. It was just you, your mother and older brother. Your mother wasn't very nice to you, she actually hated you. She had always wanted two boys, but when you popped out she cursed. That's probably why you were so different. You had all moved to Konaha to be closer to your mothers family, her mother was very sick and in the hospital and her father was living in a retirement home not far from our house. They all hated me, all except my brother, he was the only one who was nice to me, oh and also my dad. But he died three years ago, my mother blamed me. I had nothing to do with it but it was just another thing to add to the list of things she hates about me. I sigh and walk in through the front door of my house. "I'm home", you call. Your mother was sitting in the lounge reading, She looked up from her book and glares at you. "Where were you?", she asked angrily. "Detention". You saw the anger in her eyes, but you walked up stairs to your room and locked the door before she could do anything. You turned up your music and sang along, forgetting all of your problems.

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)Where stories live. Discover now