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I woke up in Kakuzu's bed. His arms wrapped protectively around my waist. Last night I couldn't be bothered to go to my own bed, so I decided to sleep next to Kazu. I gently kissed his nose and giggled watching his face scrunch up. "Your so cute", I giggle. "You're cuter", he says pulling you closer. I push him off of me and get up, checking my phone. I sweatdrop when I see how many missed calls I have. I call Konan to see why.

K- Hello?
Y- Hi Konan
Y- Woah cool down
K- Ugh I have been trying to reach you for hours, what were you doing?
Y- Uh sleeping
K- Yeah whatever, now when are you gonna get here?
Y- I don't know its only 11am
K- Yeah and the girls are already here
Y- OK I will be there in an hour, I'm also bringing Yellow
K- Yas girl, don't forget to bring your onesies
Y- OK I will bring mine
K- Later bitch
Y- Bye bye whore

I push myself off my bed and head to my room, beginning to pack my bag. I put in my blue dragon onesie and a whole bunch of other random shit. (A/n: Honestly how I pack). I call Yellow and she picks me up. She drives us to Konan's place and we walk up to the door. I knock, the door swings open and I'm tackled to the ground. "Ow Konan get off me", I say while struggling. She gets off and helps me up, dusting me off. "Sorry its just that I'm so excited!". I giggle and forgive her. We all get into Konan's room and she stands before us. "OK everyone listen up, I had this great idea that we should all go into town in our onesies!", she exclaims. I jump up and hug her. "Yes lets wander the streets of Konaha in our pajamas!". "They're both insane", Tenten sighs. "Anyone who isn't willing to do so should leave now". Tenten tries to stand but Hinata pulls her back down. "OK then since everyone is staying lets change into our onesies!", Konan squeals.

We all get changed into our onesies, turning around once we are all done. I was wearing my awesome blue dragon onesie, Yellow's was Pikachu, Ino's was a lion, Sakura was Winnie the pooh, Hinata was a unicorn, Tenten was a bear, Temari was a panda and Konan was a giraffe. We spent a few minutes complimenting each others onesies before we actually left.

We were in the car driving to who knows where. Konan seemed really excited but I had no idea why. "Where are we going?", I ask. "Well I thought that we should all go see a movie", she giggles. I smile and shake my head. "Your lucky that I brought my money or else I wouldn't have been able to go". "Nope I think some random guy would happily pay for you". I roll my eyes and stare out the window. We arrive at the movie theater and look through everything that is playing. "What do you want to see?", Konan asks. "How about that?", Hinata asks pointing to a romance movie. "No Lets go and see that!", I yell pointing at a poster for a horror. "What? No please I don't want to see that", Hinata squeals. I laugh and ruffle Hinata's hair. "Don't worry Hinata the blue dragon will protect you", I say confidently. She sighs and nods her head. "OK Blood moon 2 it is". We pay for out tickets and food, then take our seats in the cinema.

With the boys

Kakuzu got a text from Pein saying that he wanted to hang out so he was on his way to Pein's house. When he got there he saw that the rest of the guys were there too. "What are we doing?", Sasori asks. "Well I thought that since the girls are all hanging out, that we could", Pein said. The others nodded. "So what do we wanna do?". There was a moment of silence. "There's a new horror movie playing at the cinema", Kisame suggests. "OK then we will go and see that". No one argues, they all begin to leave. When they get there they buy their tickets and food, then head into the cinema. "Damn it someones taken the best seats", Hidan growls. At the very back there were 8 people sitting in the very middle, all of their hoods up.  The boys all sit two rows in front of them, in the middle of course.

With the girls

We were all sitting in the back and watched as a large group of boys walk in. "Is that the boys?", Konan asks. I look over and spot Kakuzu zoning out. I giggle and decide to throw a piece of popcorn at him. It hits him in the back of the head, he turns around and I look away. He grunts and turns back around. I saw that the other girls were doing it to their boyfriends and Yellow doing it to Hidan. It was hilarious to watch. Before one got angry the movie started. We were sitting quietly watching when I heard a frightened squeak. I turn and see Hinata absolutely shitting herself, not literally. I giggled and gently held her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She weakly smiles at me. The movie was about a masked man who appeared every blood moon killing everyone who occupied his land. I cracked up laughing when I watched him slice a woman's head off, spraying blood everywhere.

Kakuzu turned around when he heard a familiar laugh. He looked up and saw his insane girlfriend laughing like a maniac. He smirked and turned back around. The girls were so happy when they knew that the boys were sitting in front of them. The cracked up laughing every time they saw them get frights.

At the end of the movie the lights turned on and the boys jumped ten feet in the air when they saw the girls sitting right behind them. "What are you guys doing here?", Kisame asks. "To watch the movie of course", I giggle. "Why would you choose a horror?", Naruto asks pointing to a terrified Hinata. "Because horrors are awesome and I think they're hilarious". A lot of the boys raise their eyebrows at you. I give them an insane smile and the girls walk off. "OK so where are we going next?", I ask Konan. "How about we go and have something to eat?", she suggests. We all agree and begin walking towards a nearby ramen stand.

While walking I noticed a cloaked figure following us. He may not have looked like he was but I could see that he truly was. I decided to ignore him, but to also keep my guard up.

After dinner the girls and I got back in the car and drove back to Konan's house. Once we were back we set up our beds and decided to watch a movie. A few hours later there were only three of us up, Yellow, Konan and me. We sat on her bed in a small circle casually chatting. "So are you and Hidan dating?", I ask. Yellow's face heats up. "Uh no, not yet". "Olala not yet", Konan giggles. I laugh and wink at Yellow. "Don't worry, he will ask you really soon". She smiles at me and pulls me into a hug, Konan joins. The three of us lay on the bed eventually falling asleep.

Another girls night... cause why not. Also does anyone else laugh at gore, cause I do. Sorry I just think that excessive amounts of blood is hilarious. My mum tells me I have no empathy and... I think she is right. Watching people injure themselves is just so funny to me. I promise you that I'm not insane. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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