7. Pranks

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I was playing on my phone before school when I got a text from an unknown number.
??- Hello
Y- Who is this?
S- Oh it's me Sasori
Y- Hi Sasori
S- I was wondering if you could help me prank Deidara
Y- Yeah of course
S- OK Do you want a ride to school, we can plan it in the car
Y- Yup sounds good, get Kisame to give you my address
S- K see you in 10
Y- Bii

I was really surprised that it was Sasori, he never really spoke he just glared at people. I hoped it wouldn't be awkward because I was told that I hooked up with him at the party, but I wasn't to bothered about it. Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. I got up to get it and it was Sasori. Your mothers walked past and saw the boy standing outside, she scowled. "(Y/n) why are you being such a whore, bringing boys over?!", she spat. I looked back at the pathetic excuse for a woman and flipped her off. "Fuck off", I said before closing the door on her. Sasori smirked. "You mom sounds like a complete ass", he chuckled. "The son of a bitch is always on my back, if you don't want children then don't get fucking pregnant". Sasori nodded and you both got into the car. First he drove us to a shop and bought us both a drink, you nodded in thanks and took a big sip from the straw. "Why did you want me to help you?", you asked him. He smirked and shifted his messy red hair. "I need someone he won't hold a grudge against, Deidara has a massive crush on you and I know that you don't like him back". "How do you know that?", you questioned while smirking. "Because you like Kakuzu". "Wait what, how do you know?!". "You are very obvious, I am always quiet but very observant, I see the way you look at him". You felt your cheeks glow bright red. "I won't tell anyone just as long as you help me prank Deidara". You nodded and the two of you discussed your pranks on the way to school.

You got out of the car and walked with Sasori through the school. "Hey (Y/n) do you want to come hang out with me and Sasuke before class?", he asked. "Oh sorry Naruto, I'm kinda busy right now but I will hang out with you at lunch". You gave him a closed eye smile and wave, before walking away with Sasori. We were going to torment him. Deidara walked over to us and blushed lightly when he saw you. "Hey guys", he smiled. Sasori nodded and you gently waved. He walked past and Sasori tripped him up, you giggled as Deidara struggled to regain his balance. "See ya later Dei", you called after him.

At morning tea you both put mouse traps in his art folder and then a couple spiders in his lunch box. We waited out side his art class and laughed when we heard his sudden scream of pain. "Ow who the hell put mouse traps in my art folder?!", he complained. He looked at the door and saw both Sasori and I. "It was you two wasn't it, I will get you both", he got up and ran towards us. We ran away and quickly made it to the gym for our PE class.

As promised you hung out with Naruto and the rest at lunch. "What were you even doing with that freak?", asked Naruto scowling. "Hey don't call him that and we were just pulling pranks on a friend". "Naruto is right, you shouldn't be hanging out with them", added Sasuke. "You looked them both in the eye and scowled. "Don't try and control me, I can do what I want". And with that you got up and went to sit next to Konan and the Akatsuki. "Oh hey (Y/n), why aren't you sitting with your gang of nerds?", she giggled. "Ass holes trynna tell who I can and can't hang out with". "Sounds like your mom", chuckled Kisame. You nodded and laughed. "What is she like?", asked Konan. "Well when Kisame came over she kept accusing me of sleeping with him and she told me she hoped he had an STD, crazy bitch wants to get rid of me, she did the same to Sasori this morning". "Damn that sucks, what about your dad?", She asked. "Oh he died a couple of years ago". "Oh I'm sorry, may I ask how?". "Yeah he was murdered, but the police caught the guy before I got my hands on him". "I'm sorry girl". Konan wrapped her arms around you and smiled into your neck. You returned the hug and giggled, then her hand moved to you neck and she started to tickle you. "Konan what are you doing?", you said while tensing. "So you are ticklish", she smirked. "No Konan please NO!". She had already gotten you, you were laughing so hard you were about to fall on the floor. Everyone else was just watching you, amused looks on their faces. Konan stopped and pulled you into another hug. "I love having a friend that's a girl", she giggled. "Same". "Have you never had friends that are girls?", she asked. I nodded. "I only really hung out with guys, the girls at my old school were so bitchy and two faced". You were interrupted by some one standing behind you. You turned around and noticed it was Sasuke. "Come back to our table", he said, almost like an order. "Why, I don't want to hang out with you if you are gonna order me around and follow me like a lost puppy". Sasuke sighed, he wasn't taking no for an answer. "Come on", he growled. You crossed your arms and shook your head. "Little brother leave (Y/n) alone, she clearly doesn't want to go with you", glared Itachi. Sasuke scoffed and walked away. A few minutes later there was a tap on your shoulder. You swore under your breath and turned around to see the pink haired whore standing in front of you. "Stay away from my Sasuke", she growled. "Yeah good on ya, next time keep your Sasuke tied up cause I don't want to deal with either of you". "I being serious you ugly bitch stay away from him". "Look I don't remember hiring a prostitute so go crawl back into the STD filled hole you came from". There were several snickers from the table and others around the room. "If you don't take me seriously we are going to have a problem". "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, there is nothing wrong with working in the sex industry, maybe if you got your Sasuke drunk enough he might consider hiring you". She growled and threw a punch at you, you caught it and twisted her arm. You now had her with her arm twisted around onto her back. "If your looking for a fight you won't find it, cause if you face me it won't be a fight it will be a beating". You shoved her away and turned back to the others. "Jesus girl, is there anyone you are afraid of?", questioned Kisame. You smirked and stole one of Konan's chips.

After school Sasori drove you both to Deidara's house. You got the spare key from under his door mat, he lived with his grandmother. She was really old and Deidara was looking after her. You both got inside and saw that his grandmother was asleep on the couch. You put mouse traps in his bed, glitter in his shampoo and conditioner, glad wrap on his toilet (A/n-Its like the clear plastic stuff used to wrap stuff, food ect), lego scattered through out the rooms floors and a pie on his chair at the dining table. You both devilishly smiled and high fived, you couldn't wait to hear him complain tomorrow. You and Sasori left and went out to get something to eat.

"Will you ever tell Kakuzu how you feel?", Sasori asked, taking a sip from his drink. You tensed and blushed. "I-um I'm not sure, I don't want to ruin what we have right now". Sasori nodded and smirked. "What if he liked you back?". You hesitated, thinking about it. What if he actually liked you back, you never really though of it that way. "I would probably date him, it would be nice, not to date an ass hole". Sasori smirked and licked his icecream.

Later he dropped you off home, you thanked him for buying you food and for driving you to and from school. He thanked you for helping him prank his best friend. You went up to the front door and knocked. Your angry bitch of a mother answered the door and watched as Sasori drove off. "Why are you hanging out with all of these boys?", she questioned. "I dunno, they are just friends". "Stupid sluts like you don't have friends", she growled, pulling you inside by the ear. When she let go and slapped you. "No one likes you, you have no friends and no one will ever love you, I wish you were never born!", she yelled. I put my hands over my ears and rolled my eyes. I had heard the same thing over and over since dad died. This woman was cruel and heartless. You wished she was dead, that she was the one to go instead of your dad. Only those who are compassionate and caring should live, others like her should die and endure eternal pain for everything they have done. Everything that's she has done...

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