3. Party!

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You lay back in your bed, guitar in hand. You let your fingers wander the strings, the music relaxes you. The sun streamed through your open window, warming your body. Then you heard you phone go off. You returned to this reality and picked it up.
(Y-you, H- Hinata)
Y- Hello?
H- Oh hi (y/n) it's Hinata
Y- Hey Hinata
H- I was wondering if you wanted to come to Sasuke's party tonight
Y- Sure, do you wanna hang out before it?
H- Yeah of course, can Tenten come?
Y- Yup
H- I will pick you up at 2
Y- Kay see ya
H- Bye

I switched off my phone and smiled. I honestly hadn't been to a party in so long, I had been to a few of Reds but he always got extremely drunk and kept telling me that he loves me. Gotta love that derp. It was 10 am so I decided to get up, downstairs Red was on the phone and your mother was watching TV. You made yourself something to eat and went back up to your room to watch a movie. Your cat, Neko, slipped through the open window and lay on your back. You were laying out your stomach with your laptop in front of you.

Time skip

Finally it was 2 pm, I rushed down stairs and jumped into the backseat of the car, with Hinata and Tenten at the front. "W-what do you guys want to do?", she asked. "We should go shopping!", sang Tenten. You all agreed that you wanted to go shopping, so you drove off towards the mall.

Akatski POV
They were all at the mall, hanging out before Itachi's party that night. "Ugh I can't believe my idiot brothers friends are coming", Itachi complained. "Hey get some color girl", called out a voice. "But black is my color", another argued. "How about this?", said the first. "Ew pink, burn that shit". The akatski turned the corner and in one of the clothing stores was (y/n) and Tenten arguing. Tenten was now chasing (y/n) around the store trying to get her into a pink skirt. "Tobi thinks that new girl is pretty cool", commented Tobi. "Do you like her Tobi?", cooed Deidara. "Tobi doesn't know". Kakuzu stood staring at her, she reminded him of some one, but who?

Kakuzu watched the band play, it was Masked. He really loved their music and was glad that they had won. He was sitting in a chair by himself when someone came up to him. "Hey your the drummer for the akatski right?", it asked. Kakuzu looked up and saw one of the members of Masked, Blue Dragon. "Um yeah". "You're really good by the way", she complimented. His cheeks tinted pink and he nodded. "I-um I'm Kakuzu". "Well sorry I can't tell you my real name, so just call me Blue, well see ya around Kakuzu". The rest of the akatski walked over, excited expressions on their faces. He had just got to met the Blue Dragon.

Flash back end

Konan stepped into the shop leaving the boys outside, she walked forward approaching (y/n). "Hey your (y/n) right?", she asked. (Y/n) nodded. "Well I'm sorry about yesterday, the boys are idiots". (Y/n) giggled. "Yeah but I showed them up, something I love doing". "Well are you going to Sasuke and Itachi's party?". "Yeah I am". Konan started walking away, she waved back at (y/n). "We'll see you there".

Your POV
I was so confused as to what had just happened. Konan came up to me and asked if I was going to the party. So it was a joined party, half Sasuke and half Itachi's. Konan seemed really nice, you thought that she would be a bitch hanging out with those jerks all day but she was nice. Well I was going to be seeing her later, hopefully I just made another friend.

Time skip

We all got ready at Tenten's house, we would've gone to Hinata's but apparently her dad is really scary. I put on a flowy black skirt that stopped just above my knee, black converse and an oversized white top, which was tied on one side showing off your belly button. The others wore more color then I did but I didn't care, black was my color. We knocked on the door and it was answered by Sasuke, he smiled at me as we were let in. I saw some of the akatski there already, I hoped they wouldn't cause trouble. The three of you girls went into the kitchen to get a drink, then sat out on the deck outside , watching the sun go down. It was really pretty and music was playing in the background. The girls went inside to chat with some of their other friends but you decided to stay out, you loved the night. The stars, the darkness, it just made sense to you, you heard the back door open and someone step out. You didn't bother to turn around you just lay there staring up at the sky. You felt someone sit right next to you, you gently turned your head and saw Kakuzu sitting next to you. He stared up at the sky. "So- uh what ya doing Blue?", he asked. You sighed and closed your eyes. "Just staring up at the sky". "So it is you, huh". You sat up and turned to him, a confused look on your face. "Am who?". You stopped and rewind end the conversation in your mind. "Shit". Kakuzu let out a soft chuckle. "Please don't tell anyone, not until the unmasking anyway". He nodded and looked up into the sky with you. He reached his hand back to support himself but touched your hand instead. You looked down at your hands and back up at Kakuzu, your cheeks both tinted pink. He quickly pulled away. "I-um I'm sorry". You giggled and smiled at him. "Hey (y/n) do wanna come dance?", called Tenten out the window. You looked back and laughed. "Sure, I'll be in in a sec". You stood up and smiled at Kakuzu before walking away.

Loud music was playing it was you, Hinata and Tenten dancing. Soon Konan came over, we all danced in a circle. You were getting really drunk, but you were happy because Hinata wasn't drinking, she would watch over you. You even got some of the boys dancing, you were honestly the life of the party.

No ones POV
(Y/n) jumped around the dance floor, she was so drunk. She was only a small girl and a light weight. More and more people showed up, a smile spread across her face when her boyfriend showed up. "Omg (bf/n) I didn't know you were coming", she said with a smile on her face. He had a shocked expression on his face, then a skinny blonde girl came up and kissed him on lips. "What's going on babe?", she asked, grasping his arm. (Y/n)'s filled with fire. People stared to stare. "Who the fuck is this slut!?", she yelled. "I-uh... Um". Everyone watched as (y/n) cracked her knuckles and her neck. "You wanna do some explaining?". Her boyfriend tried to run, he opened the back door and ran out it into the backyard. (Y/n) chased after him. "Too scared to fight me, I'm gonna fucking kill you!". She leapt onto him, pinning him to ground. She punched him in the face so many times, she kept going even when he was unconscious. Shikamaru and Naruto managed to pull her away.

"She's awesome", said Deidara. The other akatski agreed, she was a really strange girl but they were starting to like her. They watched as she wiped the blood from her knuckles and started dancing like nothing had happened. Kakuzu smiled and went over. "Hey are you alright?", he asked. "Yeah I'm having so much fun!", she sang. Konan came over and they danced, both were extremely drunk.

Time skip

The next morning (y/n) woke up next to Konan, who was still asleep. She sat up on the couch and combed her messy hair with her fingers. Heaps of people were sitting around chatting and eating. They all smiled at her when they saw her. "Tobi thinks (y/n) makes the party fun!", he yelled. She rubbed her aching head and stretched her arms. "How are you feeling about you know, the whole boyfriend thing?", Pein asked. "He was cheating wasn't he", she guessed. The rest of them nodded. "Did I beat the shit out of him?". They all started laughing and nodded. A large smile spread over her face, she tied her hair back into a high ponytail and got a glass of water. She stopped drinking and turned to the others. "Did I hook up with anyone?", she asked. "I think you made out with Sasori for a bit but that's it". She sighed,then looked over at him, he gave her a sly grin.  Hinata stepped out into the lounge and gave (y/n) a big hug. "Are you OK?", she asked. "Yeah I'm fine, why?". Hinata told her that last night she kept hugging her and telling her that she loves her. (Y/n) giggled and hugged her. "Love ya".

Later after everyone was awoke they all just hung around and talked. Then Hinata drove (y/n) home to a very angry mother and protective brother. What a night!

In the band (Kakuzu x Reader: modern)Where stories live. Discover now