28. Dance?!

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We all sat in the school hall and waited for the principal to address us. "As you all know we are holding a school ball this Friday and everyone who is attending will be receiving a surprise after this assembly". There was talking among the crowd, students trying to guess the what the surprise is. "If you are attending the ball then come back to the hall after lunch". When she finished speaking she left the hall to go drink sake in her office. The bells rings and all the students are dismissed.

"What do you think the surprise is?", Sasori asks. You all shrug. "If its at school it can't be good, school surprises are always shit", I say in a bored tone. "Aw come on it can't be that bad", Konan says. "Once the teachers said that there was a 'surprise' and after that we were forced to eat fruit at lunch or else we weren't aloud outside". (A/n: At my primary school we had this, it was called fruit in schools and everyone was given fruit at lunch. But the thing was that if you didn't eat it you weren't aloud to go out and play. So if you hated the fruit you had to sit there and stare at it cause you weren't aloud to leave. Unfortunate for me when it was pineapple, ugh I hate the stuff >:( ). "Well it can't be that bad". I sigh and lean my head on Kakuzu's shoulder. "Are you alright?", he asks. I nod and close my eyes trying to relax. I knew something felt wrong.

The bell rang and we all headed for the hall. Once everyone was standing in there the principal came out. "Hello everyone", she exclaimed with a drunken smile. People talked among themselves waiting for the principal to continue. "We have a special treat a students parent has suggest a person to help you all learn how to ballroom dance", she smiled, struggling to keep her balance. Suddenly a familiar woman walks out.... my old ballet teacher. "Hello students!", she announces. She scowls when she sees me, I just give her a shit eating grin. "Have fun my wonderful students", Tsunade says clumsily waving at us, using her secretary Shizune to support herself. She leaves us with the woman and she smiles at us. "OK do you want to go with the same genders or with different?". "Can we just choose our own partners?", I call out. She frowns at you but turns it into a fake smile. "Hello my dear (Y/n)", she says. I roll my eyes and look away from her. "Still have an attitude as always, well that's why I kicked you out". "How do you know her?", Kakuzu asks me. "She used to be my ballet teacher". "You used to take ballet", Deidara laughed. "Yeah and what? I got kicked out because I was too aggressive for ballet so I took martial arts instead, I'll give you a demonstration if you want", I say cracking my knuckles. He steps back and hides behind Ino. "Still picking fights I see, I remember when that girl stole your candy so you spun and kicked in the side of the head". I laugh. "Yeah she was such a bitch". "Anyway I will be be choosing your partners", the woman says. Everyone sighs and waits to be partnered up. I got partnered with Gaara and Kakuzu got put with Konan. Pein was with Hinata, Naruto had Tenten, Deidara had Sakura, Sasori had Ino, Kisame had Tayuya and Itachi was stuck with Karin. "I'm so happy that your my partner", I squeal hugging Gaara. He blushes and looks over at Sasori who is glaring at you. Kakuzu was mouthing the words 'help me' while I laughed at him.

"OK everyone dance as you naturally would and I will come over to inspect you". We all nod and sway to the music. Gaara was panicking. "Hey calm down, just put your hands on my shoulders", I say. He does as I ask and I put my hands on his waist, taking the lead. "No no no you are doing it wrong, the man takes the lead", the woman complains. "I am the man in this relationship", I argue. "No switch positions and dance". "Maybe if the music wasn't so shit". She arches her pointy eyebrows and grins. "Well then why don't you play something for us", she suggests. "OK sure where is the guitar?". She points at the piano in the corner of the room. "I'm not playing that shit box", I argue. She rolls her eyes and grabs my wrist dragging me to the piano. She forces me onto the seat. "Play or I will make you dance in front of everyone". I poke my tongue out at her and begin playing a song I love.

A lot of my friends were really surprised that I could play the piano but I was full of surprises. When I finished my audience clapped and I blew them a kiss. "Alright everyone stay put I'm going to the bathroom!", the woman calls. We all nod and sigh in relief when shes gone.

"Wow (Y/n) I didn't know that you could play the piano", Konan squealed. I stood up and smiled. "My mom used to force me into doing it". We all begin to chat and I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned and saw Kakuzu. "Hey Kazu", I greet. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "I didn't know that you did ballet or played piano", he chuckled into my hair. "I'm bored do you wanna put some music on?", I ask. He nods and gestures Sasori over. "Can you put some music on the speakers?", he asks pointing at the large speakers. Sasori nods and begins doing his thing. Soon music begins to play and I run over to girls and we all dance. Tayuya came over so asked her for a dance, she blushed the whole time and I dipped her in the end and kissed her cheek. She nearly died, no I am serious she fainted. I lay her unconscious body on a bench and smile at the others who were approaching me. "You took it a bit far this time", Tenten giggles. "Yeah you should really tone down the flirting cause you have a boyfriend", Ino adds. I stand and playfully shove her. "Its fine". From behind you you could hear Tayuya whispering your name in her sleep. The girls raise their eyebrows at me waiting for an explanation. "Sorry I guess I got a bit carried away", I sweatdrop.

The woman comes back and shakes her head in a disapproving fashion. "What are you all doing? And why is this terrible music playing?", she complained. "I dunno we were bored". She sighs and smiles at you. "Even though you were the naughtiest and worst student I have ever had you were definitely my favorite", she smiles. I smile back and wink at her. "What was the funniest thing I have ever done?", I ask. "It would have to be your first performance where you danced so well and then at the end you bowed and flipped off the audience", she chuckled. Even though this woman was strict and a pain in my ass, she could be so sweet when she wanted to. She pulled out her phone and showed me the video. I giggled and got her to send it to me, then I sent it to all my friends.

"OK everyone I'm going to put on some faster music and I want to see how you dance to it". We all nod and she puts the music on. It had a good beat and was a lot better then the slow crap she had us dancing to before. There was a mannequin in the corner of the hall so I ran over to it and pulled it close to me, dancing with it. I spun it and then finally dipped it, earning a wolf whistle from Hidan. I giggled and drop the mannequin, then ran and jumped into the arms of my amazing stitch covered boyfriend. "Are you ready?", he asks. I nod and let him take the lead. "Wow you're a really good dancer", I compliment. "Shut up", he chuckles hiding his blush.

We dance for another 20 minutes and then wait patiently for the bell. When it did go the woman called me over to her. "Whats up?". "I wanted to let you know that it was your mother who called me here", she says. Her tone was sad, I didn't understand why. "Yeah OK but why would she do that?", I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "I know that you're a great kid and one day you will be a successful musician, please don't let your mother control you, I saw the way that she treated you when you were my student". I nod and thank her. "Why did you kick me out of your ballet class if I was your favorite?". "Many of the other students parents weren't to happy with a girl with a foul mouth and a bad attitude being around their oh so perfect daughters". I cracked a smile and waved to her as I left. I may have hated her when I was growing up but now that I'm older I understand her a little more. A woman I though absolutely hated my guts actually admitted that I was her favorite student. It warmed my insides knowing that that was true. Kakuzu came up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to his car. "Hey are you OK?", he asks. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just thinking". "About what?". I open my mouth to speak but am interrupted by my stomach making a loud growl. "I was thinking about pizza", you smile sweetly. He sighs and unlocks the car. "OK then maybe we can go and get some pizza before we go home". "Yay", you squeal leaning over Kakuzu to give him a big loving kiss on the cheek.

The song is one of my favorite undertale sonfs. I love undertale very much have never really been big on the fandom. There is just so much that I dont understand lol. I played it again for the one hundredth time and cried do hard at the end of the pacifist run. It is so sad yet so happy and one thing led to another and I had something in my eye. Tears specifically. I walking home from school the other day and friend told me that she was dancing with mannequins in sewing so that's where I got that idea. For my school ball or prom or formal or whatever other people call it, we don't have to learn how to dance. At my cousins school they have to learn how to haha shame. I bought my dress and I'm really happy with it. I hate the pressure of feeling that you have to have a date though. I mean I don't care about that stuff cause I have all of my anime crushes and such but some people are really obsessed with the idea. I'm just going with my friends and we got a cool car which we are gonna show up in. It looks like Bumble bee from the transformers. Tbh my fav transformers are bumble bee and starscream!! Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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