25. Memories

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I sat alone in the park, gently swinging on the swing. Then I saw something, what was it? I got off the swing and walked towards it, it looked like some sort of necklace. There was a heart shaped locket attached to it. I picked it up and tried to open it. I tried my hardest using all of my strength but it would open. I sighed and sat down, my hands covering my face. "Hey its alright kid", said an oddly familiar voice. I turned towards it and saw a tall man, his long (h/c) hair flowing in the breeze. He extended his hand, I reached forward and took it. He pulled me up and stared into my (e/c) orbs. "Cheer up, come on if we hurry we can get ice cream", he smiled. "W-who are you?", I asked. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Don't be silly, I'm your dad". "My dad?". "Yup, now come along my little melody your mother will be looking for us". He held my hand and led me into darkness.

My eyes snapped open and I stared around the room. All of the others were awake and staring at me. "What's wrong?", Hinata asks. "What do you mean?". "Well you were talking in your sleep, saying stuff about your dad". I rub my eyes and brush my fingers through my hair. "Well I feel like I'm remembering him, he disappeared when I was 7 so I didn't have long to get to know him", I sigh. Konan hugs me. "Hey cheer up kid", she giggled. I felt a pang in my heart, I hunched over in pain. "Oh my god are you ok?", Yellow worries. I send her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, uh sorry guys but I think I should go". "What?! We haven't even had breakfast yet!", Tenten yells. "I'll make it up to you later, right now I just don't feel to good". "OK then I will drop you off", Yellow smiles. I shake my head. "Sorry I feel like walking and I really need to clear my head". The girls wave good bye to me and I leave the house.

It was a little bit cold this morning so I put on a hoodie and pair of jeans. I walked down the street with my hands in my pockets and my hood up. I could see a park up ahead and decided that that would be a good place to think. I walked over and sat down on one of the swings, dropping my bag on the ground. I gently pushed myself, the wind pushed my hood off. I reached back to reposition it but lost balance and fell backwards onto the ground. I landed with a loud thump, I groaned in pain as something smacked into my face. I put my hand up to my lip and saw that it was bleeding. I angrily looked around for the object that had hit me, then looked down and saw that my locket was on top of my hoodie, a small amount of blood on it. I licked the blood off my lip and wiped it off my locket with my sleeve. The locket was a bit dented now, but it also seemed to be open. I took it off my neck and opened it, staring down at the photograph inside. It was a little girl and a man. The man was the same one from my dream so that must be my dad and the little girl must be me. I smiled down at the picture, letting the tears roll off my cheeks. Suddenly I remembered something, it was the last time I had even seen him.


Young (Y/n) sat on her bed reading through a book with her brother. Red was pointing at the pictures and making her laugh. "Dinner is ready!", their mother called. The two children jumped off the bed and ran into the dining room. "Whats for dinner?", Red asks. "Vegetables", mother says. (Y/n) scowls at the plate in front of her. "Come on (Y/n), if you eat all your vegetables I will buy you some ice cream", her father says. She giggles and begins digging into her food, ignoring the disgusting taste. "You need to stop spoiling her", her mother say. "I'm not spoiling her, I'm just giving her some motivation", her father chuckles. Her mother shoots the young girl a dirty look and begins eating her own food.

"Daddy look, I'm finished", (Y/n) giggles, holding up her empty plate. "OK then lets go and get some ice cream", he chuckles. "Does Red wanna come?". Red shakes his head and continues to eat. "OK more for us". (Y/n) took her dad's hand and skipped next to him, they got into the car and drove away.

Red sat at the dinner table with his mother. Her face was hidden by his hands. "What's wrong Mommy?", he asks. "Do you think that your father still loves me?", she asks. "Yes Daddy will always love Mommy", Red giggles. His mother slams her fist on the table. "No he doesn't love me, he only loves that stupid brat", she growls. "What are you saying Mommy?", Red asks, his voice was shaking. "If he won't love me, then I won't let him love anyone else". She got up from the table and took out her phone. She dialed the numbers into the phone and then held it to her ear. "Hey I was wondering if you could do me a favor".

(Y/n) and her father sat at the park eating their ice creams, watching the sun go down. "Can I ask you something?", he asks. "OK". "How would you and Red like to live with me?", he asks. (Y/n) looks up at her father and smiles. "Daddy already lives with us". "No I meant just you, me and Red". "What about Mommy?", (Y/n) asks. "(Y/n) your mother isn't mentally stable, there is something wrong with her". "Can we fix her?". "No we can't". "Ok then I want to live with Daddy and Red", she laughs. Her father hugs her and laughs into her hair. "I love you so much my sweet little melody". "I love you too Daddy". Suddenly their moment is ruined by the sound of his phone ringing.

(D- Dad and F- friend)
D- Hello?
F- You won't believe what your wife just asked me to do
D- What did she do?
F- She wants you dead, you've gotta get out of there
D- *sigh* She asked you to do it didn't she
F- Yeah she did
D- Call her back and say that you invited me over for a drink, I will leave from there
F- Fine but don't take too long
D- Don't rush me I want to say good bye to my daughter and son
F- Time is limited if your gonna leave you are going to need to go soon
D- Get the car and my stuff ready
F- I will, see you soon
D- Bye

(Y/n)'s father gave her a sad smile and led her back to the car. The drove home in silence, (Y/n) was still unaware of what was happening, she just stared out of the window receiving worried glances from her father. They finally arrived home, (Y/n)'s mother looked angry at them. "Why did you take so long?", she growled. "Sorry sweetie there was a long line", he said kissing his wife's cheek. She nodded. "OK I'm going to put (Y/n) to bed now and then I'm going around to a friend's house for a drink", her father said. Her mother's smile was so fake, yet he ignored it not wanting to give away his true intentions. He lead the small girl into her room and left so that she could changed. He walked into his son's room only to find him already asleep. He knelt down beside Red's bed and kissed his forehead. He got up and made his way back to his daughter. (Y/n) was sitting up in her bed surrounded by her favorite teddies. He sat on the bed and tucked the young girl in, smiling sadly down at her. "What's wrong Daddy?", she asks in a concerned tone. "I'm sorry but I have to leave". "What do you mean?". "Daddy has to leave you". "B-but I don't want you to leave". "I don't want to either but its not my choice". "Is it because Mommy is broken?", she asks. Her father nods his head. (Y/n) begins to cry. "Hey its OK, I promise that I will come back". "When?". "I don't know". Her father pulls a necklace out of his pocket and helps his daughter sit up. He put the necklace around her neck and kisses her forehead. "This locket belonged to my mother and I want you to have it, I put a picture of us inside", he says. (Y/n) tries to open it but it won't budge. "It won't open unless it is broken, so your mother won't take it away from you". (Y/N) nods and hugs her father. "Good bye Daddy", she whispers. "Good bye my sweet little melody". He gets up to leave but stops when he hears her voice. "Daddy?". "Yes". She holds her favorite teddy out to him. "I want you to take him with you", she says. "But he's your favorite". "I want Daddy to look after him and then when he comes back he can give him back", she smiles. Her father takes the teddy in his arms and tucks it under his jacket. He waves to his daughter and leaves. He gets into his car and takes teddy out placing on the passenger seat. He pulls out of the drive way and smiles down at it. "Don't worry I will keep you safe as long as I live, just so my little melody can see her blue dragon again ".

Flashback ends

(Y/n) collapsed to her knees, gently sobbing. "(Y/n) is that you?", a voice calls. I turn my head and see Kakuzu running towards me. He kneels down next to me, cupping my cheeks and forcing me to look up at him. "Whats wrong? Did someone hurt you?", he asks, searching for injuries. I crack a smile and hug him. "I'm fine I was remembered somethings that really hurt". "Its ok I'm here now". I laugh into his chest, then wipe away my tears. "Ready to go?", he asks. "Hell yeah I am".

So that is what happened to your dad, sadness :(. Anyway if you are confused Red's actual name is Red so please don't think I don't have one for him. We reached 500 reads so thank you so much for that I really appreciate it. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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