6. Mysterious phone call

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You woke up with a smile on your face. Neko was sleeping peacefully at the end of your bed, purring softly. You checked you phone and saw that you had an new message. It was from Kisame.

K- Hey do you want a ride to school?
Y- Yeah sure
K- K will see you in an hour
Y- OK see ya then

You got up and quickly had a shower. Once in your clothes you went downstairs to have breakfast. Red was sitting at the table on his phone and your mother was watching TV. She shot you an angry glare when she saw you. You just rolled your eyes and stared to make your breakfast.

An hour later there was a knock at the door. Red got up to get it while you were brushing your teeth. "Is (Y/n) there?", Kisame asked. "Ya just lemme get her". Red turned his head into the house. "Oi Blue get the fuck down here!", he yelled up the stairs. "Yeah calm ya tits Red", she giggled running down the stairs. Red flipped her off and she returned the gesture. You got in the passenger seat of the car, Kisame gave you a cheeky smile. "So I'm guessing that your brother is Red Chaos?". "You've got the evidence detective, what do you think?", she giggled. He put on some music and they both began to sing. They pulled up to school and both got out, walking beside each other to the entrance. They playfully pushed each other when they saw each others crushes. "See ya (Y/n)", he called out flipping her off with both hands. She stuck out her tongue and did the same. "Hey Mr. Hoshigaki and Miss. (L/n), I hope your not doing what I think your doing", called Mr. Sarutobi (Asuma), raising an eyebrow. "No sir", (Y/n) giggled.

I walked in through the large double doors of the school. Tenten and Hinata ambushed me, grabbing me by both arms. "What the fuck are you two doing?", I questioned. They smirked and pulled you into the girls bathroom. "Who do you like?", they said in sync. Just as they said that Konan came in. "Oh my gosh (Y/n) do you like some one?!", she fangirled. I sighed and hid my face. "Come on tell us, we promise we won't tell anyone", they begged. I sighed once again and moved my hands away from my face. "Fine but if you tell anyone you are all dead, got it", you threatened. The girls came closer so that you could whisper in. "Kakuzu". "AH OMG I SHIP IT!", Konan yelled. "Oi shut the fuck up, some one might hear you". They nodded. "But why him, you could do way better", questioned Tenten. I smiled and shrugged. "He's awesome, we get along so well". They all giggled. "We should have a girls night!", Tenten smirked. "Konan can come too". We all walked out of the bathroom and started planning it. "GIRLS NIGHT!", we all yelled. Everyone just looked at us, some giggled. "Can I come?", asked Hidan, placing a hand on yours and Konan's shoulder. "Girls only mate, strictly no pervs". Hidan scoffed and walked off.

"How are you liking the rejection?", chuckled Deidara. "You look like a girl maybe you could join them Barbie". Deidara rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

The bell rang and (Y/n)'s first class was PE, one of her most hated subjects. She wasn't bad at sport or anything like that, she just hated it. She was a fast runner and a natural athlete, but she loved her music more. "Tobi and (Y/n) are in the same class", yelled Tobi excitedly. Not only was Tobi in you PE class but also Pein, Kisame, Itachi and Sasori. "How's it Blue", asked Kisame. She smiled and he ruffled her hair. "Not too bad, why am I the only girl in this class?", she complained. The others just shrugged their shoulders. "Ok first we are going to play dodge ball", instructed Mr. Gai. He pointed at two boys to be team captains, Kabuto and Suigetsu. They began picking their teams and unfortunately you were last to get picked. "(Y/n)", Suigetsu sighed. "Shame you have to have the girl on you team", chuckled Kabuto. "Hey shut the fuck up before I break your glasses", you threatened. He smirked and adjusted his glasses. "I'd like to see you try little girl". You felt the anger flow through you. "Hey are you OK?", Kisame asked. You turned to him and smiled. Gai placed the ball in the center of the room and then blew the whistle, everyone except (y/n) ran forward to get a ball. She just stood there waiting for the attacks, several balls flew towards you. You jumped up, dodging one and catching another. The player on the other team walked off the court and to the sideline. I gripped the red dodge ball tightly in my hands then brought it back and then threw it as hard as I could. It hit Kabuto right in the crotch. He bent over in pain, then (Y/n) threw another. This one hit him directly in the face. You were the best on your team and your team won. You gave Suigetsu a high five as he came over to you. "Hey your actually pretty good", he smirked showing off his shark like teeth. "Do you wanna go out some time?", he asked. You hesitated then nervously smiled. "Uh I'm sorry, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now". He nodded but smirked, before walking away to his friend Jugo. "Saving yourself for someone else?", hinted Kisame. "Oi shut the fuck up, I don't need the entire school knowing". "Knowing what?", interrupted Pein. "Knowing that (Y/n) likes K-", Kisame was cut off by (y/n), she had tackled him to the ground. "Tell anyone and not only will I kill you I will tell everyone your secret". Kisame blushed and nodded. They both got up and the others just gave them a strange look. "Is there something we don't know?", Sasori asked. The two nervously shook their heads. "Tobi thinks (Y/n) has a crush". You went bright red. "So (Y/n) does, Please tell Tobi, Tobi promises not to tell anyone". I shook my head and sat down on the bleachers. "Alright everyone two laps around the school", called out Mr. Gai. Everyone sighed and then began to run.

Time skip

I got home and lay down on my bed, but then I heard talking. I got up and walked over to Red's room and gently pushed the door open. He was sitting on his bed, talking on hid phone.
"Yeah I know, I will tell her on the day". You wondered who he was talking about. "I promise I will, she will probably get really mad at me but I will do anything for you". "Ok sure thing, I will come over tomorrow, Love you". He then hung up and you walked away from his room. Who was he talking to and what was it even about.

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