4. Tobi time

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On Saturday morning you were delivered home by Hinata. Your mother tried to slap you but you dodged, Red came running after you up the stairs. "Hey I heard about the party you went to", he said. You smiled. "what did ya here?". "That my little sis was the life of the party", he giggled. "But also that you beat your boyfriend unconscious", his smile faded and he stared at you with disappointed eyes. "That jerk was cheating on me, I couldn't have given a shit whether he was conscious or not", you stated. Red ruffled you hair and left your room. Something seemed strange about him, but what? He obviously knew something that I didn't, he usually would've yell at me for beating (bf/n) up but he didn't seem to care... Strange.

Time skip

I spent the rest of Saturday at home with my cat. He nuzzled my face and licked my cheek. Neko was such a sweet cat, but sometimes he thinks hes a dog, strange animal. I awoke on Sunday morning to my phone going off.

Y- Hello?
T- Hiya (y/n) its Tobi
Y- Oh hey Tobi
T- Tobi wants to know if you want to hang out with him today
Y- Yeah sure
T- Yay! I mean Tobi will come to your house in 20 minutes
Y- OK see ya
T- Bii

Tobi was so excited that (Y/n) had said yes to him. He had won his bet with Deidara.

Your phone rang again.

Y- Hello?
D- Hey (y/n) its Deidara
Y- Morning Barbie *Giggle*
D- *Nervous laughter* I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?
Y- I'm sorry Dei I've already said I was gonna hang out with Tobi, maybe some other time
D- Oh yeah of course, well I gotta go see ya
Y- Bii Dei

Deidara sighed. That idiot Tobi had gotten there first, now he owed him twenty bucks. Deidara blushed as (Y/n) started calling him Dei, his face was all red now. He left his phone and started sculpting with his clay.

Tobi showed up in his usual clothes and the mask he always wears. I was wearing a short black dress, my (h/c) hair in a long plait down my back. You walked with Tobi to his car and got in the passenger seat. He had a really nice car, his spiky black hair sat messily on his head. I giggled and smiled at him. Tobi blushed through his mask.

No ones POV

Tobi took (Y/n) to the park and they sat on the swings eating ice cream. "(Y/n) looks very pretty today", Tobi complimented. (Y/n) giggled and turned away to hide her blush. Little did they know that the akatski were hiding in the bushes watching them. "I ship them", whispered Konan. The others glared at her, except Pein. "We don't", they said in unison. Konan giggled. "You realize that she can only pick one of you and it might not even be any of you, I saw Sasuke and Naruto flirting with her". The boys all glared at each other, Itachi was in his own world looking through photos of the Blue Dragon on his phone. They all watched as (Y/n) stood up.

"Ok Tobi I will get us a free ice cream, watch this". Tobi nodded and watched as (Y/n) walked over to the rubbish bin to put her rubbish in. She then purposefully tripped over a rock and fell forward, a boy ran over to her. "Oh my gosh are you OK?", he asked. (Y/n) burst out in fake tears and shook her head. "M-my boyfriend just broke up with me", she sobbed. The boy helped her up and gave her twenty dollars to buy herself an ice cream. (Y/n) hugged the boy around the neck and thanked him, he walked away with a bright red face. (Y/n) walked back to Tobi with twenty bucks in her hand. "Wow how did you do that?", he asked. You smirked and you both walked over to buy yourselves more ice cream.

"Holy shit, did you just see that?", said Deidara, his mouth hung open. "She is fucken awesome", replied Kisame. The boys eyes filled with love hearts, Konan and Pein were hooking up and Itachi was still on his phone. Kakuzu had been watching, he smirked, this girl was good. He had never met a girl like that before, she was awesome and she was the Blue Dragon. Kakuzu never really dated, he tried a couple of times but the girls were just so easy, they just wanted sex. Kakuzu may have looked like a guy who only wanted that but what he really wanted was some one like her. (Y/n), she was so much fun, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

Your POV

You had had such a great time with Tobi, you knew that the other akatski were following you. But you didn't care, they were slowly growing on you. Tobi seemed really impressed by the way you manipulated the boy into giving you money. Tobi then took you out for lunch, he paid of course. Then he dropped you off home, he walked you up to your door. "Thank you Tobi", you said smiling at him. "Tobi was ver-". You gave him a big hug and then stepped inside. "See ya tomorrow Tobi", you said before closing the door. He blushed behind his mask and then he got in his car, driving away.

No ones POV

Tobi pulled up to his house with the rest of the akatski behind him. "Oh my gosh Tobi-kun you and (Y/n) are so cute", Konan screamed pulling him into a hug. The others didn't say anything to him, they just gave him nasty glares. "What did Tobi do wrong?", he asked. The others sighed, Deidara grabbed him by the collar. "She's mine, so back off Tobi". "Tobi doesn't want to, Tobi likes (Y/n)". "Oi all of you listen, no one can claim her got it, she will chose for herself and I personally hope its none of you idiots", yelled Pein. Everyone was standing outside Tobi's house in silence. "Do you guys wanna come in?", Tobi asked breaking the silence. They all sighed and nodded. All of them filed through the front door into Tobi's living room. His adoptive father, Madara, sat in the lounge reading a newspaper. "After noon boys and girl", he chuckled. They all forced smiles and waved making their way to Tobi's backyard. Kakuzu sat beside the pool dipping his feet in, he just couldn't get (y/n) out of his mind. She was stuck like the glue that held the mask to Yellow's face. Kakuzu let out a small chuckle remembering Friday night, the others gave him a strange look but he ignored it. Something was up with him, but what?

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