Snow Storm

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3 days later

You wrapped yourself as best as you could into your thick coat. You didn't bring a scarf or even an umbrella to work. The forecast called for snow but not this heavily. Either way you would've been lazy to bring an umbrella since it was snowing lightly this morning.

You quietly groaned to yourself as you stood a foot inside your workplace, wondering how you'd make it home through this blizzard. You couldn't even see five feet ahead of you. Your coworker had just clocked out too.

"Tera-" you began asking shyly as she fixed her scarf. "Uh- do- I mean-  can you please give me a ride home?" You pressed your lips together in hopes for a good response. Your house wasn't that far walking distance, but with this storm? Hell no you wouldn't make it alive. "Sorry I'm not going your way. I'm going to my boyfriends house. You cuddle the storm out," She said with a cute smile. Of course she would.

You nodded and bowed at her, "thanks anyway," you said as you turned back to look at the storm outside. As you closed your eyes in annoyance, your phone began ringing loudly. Your hands scattered through your pockets and you answered, "hi-" you said to your boyfriend across the line. There was a smile on your lips, but you knew there shouldn't be.

"Hey. So uh, I'm not gonna waste my time or yours. I'll be straight with you. I think I figured out what I want. I'm breaking up with you because- I'm tired Yeah. Our relationship has been going downhill. It's uninteresting and well fuck, I don't think you're helping when you laugh and smile. It annoys me. I'm just being honest so..goodbye? I don't fucking know," he said as he sighed, clearly forcing himself to do this.

You felt strange. Not sad or confused, just numb. You knew this could happen, but this fucked up? He said it like it's nothing. Like you have no feelings. You shivered in your gloves. There was silence in your lips. What could you say?

You slowly pulled your phone down and looked at it as the seconds on the call continued, "hello?" You heard his annoyed tone. You looked down at the red button and pressed it.

Call Ended

Without a second thought, you slipped your phone into your pocket and walked out as the snow roughly hit your face and the wind forcefully pushed you to walk. You shut your eyes every second to avoid the harsh weather from blurring your vision.

Your whimpers were the only thing heard through the loud wind. As you made your way home as best as you could, you stopped at the bus stop you recognized. You needed to breathe. The tears rolling down your eyes felt like ice crystals that pierced your cheeks. You wiped them one after the other.

Home was close and your lips felt numb as you shivered violently.

"What a fucking asshole," you thought as you angrily stood up and continued walking against the wind, crossing your arms and facing down. Your teeth rattled but you didn't care. You felt anger, disappointment and sadness at how he was able to make your relationship sound like it was a burden.

"FUCK YOU!" You said loudly- to no one. Everyone was in their homes, avoiding a situation like yours. You arrived home feeling like you were almost frozen to death. You stood outside your apartment complex with red cheeks and cold visible breaths. You didn't want to go inside.

You wanted to beat his ass. You wished you could go back and break up with him first, but you couldn't. There was a feeling of hopelessness drowning you as you stood under the complex building.

Jimin's POV

"Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot," he said as he ran against the blizzards wind. "I shouldn't have come out to get snacks," he thought as he looked down at his full grocery bag of snacks. "Fuck it," he thought as he shrugged and continued walking.

As he approached the apartment complex he noticed a figure standing under the apartments roof. "The hell?" He thought as he walked up. He noticed your quiet appearance.

"Excuse me.." he said to you, looking kind of curious. You glanced at him, hoping he wouldn't question your obvious broken heart.

"You're blocking the mailbox," he said as he pointed at the mailboxes behind you. You were surprised at first, but somewhat glad he minded his business. "Oh-" you said as you moved aside.


Fuck everyone. You left, stepping back into the blizzard without a care as Jimin glanced over at you wondering why you were stepping out into the storm that won't end for a while. "Damn that's crazy..she's not even wearing a scarf," he thought as he grabbed his mail and watched you before inside.

You walked to a doughnut shop but stayed standing outside, between the doughnut shop and a bar. Your eyes swayed back and forth to each one, trying hard to make a decision. You took the less innocent side and stepped into an empty bar.

"Hi welcome!"


"Fuck- piecejdkdks of sh- it-" you said as you stumbled back home. The blizzard had worn down into soft falling snow and hills of white wherever you turned. Thankfully if you fell, it wouldnt be a hard landing. Somehow you stumbled yourself home and looked up at the tall building. "Floor 10? Fuck you too," you slurred as you flipped the building off. There's no way you'd make it up without passing out.
You stood there, feeling slightly sick but not cold at all. You pulled your apartment key out and stared at it.

Then, out of nowhere, you fell forward and felt the fresh feeling snow freeze your face and your body as you laid in a hill full of snow, but you didn't move a muscle. "This is fine," you thought to yourself as a light layer of snow began forming over your body.


Jimin jogged out the building as his keys jingled in his hand. He fixed the hood of his coat and then glanced over at the pile of snow that was now covering you entirely. "Damn. It snowed a lot there," he said to himself until he saw something glisten in the snow. He squinted his eyes and took a step into the deep snow.

His hand reached over to the key and he pulled it out of the snow followed by a groan from inside the snow. Jimin gasped and screamed to the top of his lungs before standing there terrified and confused, his muscles stiff as hell. "What the hell," he whimpered to himself. He looked into the hole the key had left from pulling it out and saw a hand.

"Oh what the- oh shi-!" He began digging as fast as he could until he uncovered you, sleeping in the snow as if it was a heated blanket. "HEY!" He screamed at you, hoping you wouldn't be dead. He poked you and then shook you before looking around frantically.

His expression changed from surprised to worried to wondering if you were drunk. "Hey!......I can't believe you didn't even make it to the door. How are you gonna get drunk during a blizzard you looked like snow how was I supposed to find you. You could've died," he scolded you as you laid there, sleeping soundly. He began dragging you out of the snow from your wrists as your head took all the snow he was dragging you into. He groaned, not because you were heavy because you weren't, but because he was worried that you were frostbitten. You now laid on the outer roof of the building entrance where the mailboxes were.

Jimin squatted in front of you and looked down at your key. "Room 50?" He asked himself. "That's in floor 10," he said to himself. He placed your key in his pocket and picked you up, holding you in front of him as he carried you from your back and legs. He made his way into the building.

You snuggled into his chest and he looked down at you, "I didn't imagine my day to turn out this way," he thought as he sighed and pressed the elevator button and stepped inside.

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