Baby's Breath

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A few months later
" was weird...oh..OH," you thought as you tapped Jimin quietly, making sure not to make a scene. "Jimin-" you called quietly, attempting to remain calm. All your friends were laughing at Yoongis story he spoke at the dinner table. You had begun feeling slight pain since you were showering to come here but you didnt feel it was urgent enough to mention yet. You knew it was time, but you knew Jimin would freak out if you told him you were even the slightest bit in pain.

Jimin looked over and saw your hand resting on your tummy with a quickened pace of breath. He looked all over at you, guessing correctly, "jagi- jagiya- is it time? Is it-" he said as you nodded quickly, feeling a sharp pain come through. You felt warm liquid flow between your legs, wetting the chair you were on. "OH SHIT," Yoongi squealed when he saw your jeans darkens. They all looked over and realized what was going on. "...oh shoot. Oh my gosh is it really time already?!" Jin asked as he got up from the dinner table. Jimin held your hand in panic of what to do as Jin pulled the chair out for you and placed a hand on your back to support you. "DO WE CALL AN AMBULANCE?!" Taehyung screamed with his hands on his head, making everyone instantly nervous and panicky.

"NO!" Namjoon screamed back at him, "wait do we?!" Jimin immediately shook his head no, "no no! I'll take her!" They all went to aid you in different ways as you felt the pain grow too quickly. It was bearable, but you knew it'd increase at a rapid rate. Jimin tossed his keys to Hoseok. Hobi cleared the path and went to open the front door and ran to the car, unlocking it and coming back to check if anything else was needed. "Im fine. It just- yes its time," you said.

"Where's the diaper bag?" Yoongi asked. "We left it at he house in the hallway closet!" Jimin said. "You left- oh my god. Give me your key I'll go get it!" Jimin agreed and Yoongi was gone before you even knew it. You made your way to the car, breathing steadily as Jimin guided you. "Breathe in...and You've got this baby. Stay calm," he said in a very soothing voice as you followed his instruction. Jin rubbed your back and Namjoon placed a towel on the back seat for you to sit on. You got in the car and Jungkook was already in there, ready to drive off.

Jimin ran around the car and got in through the other side, grabbing your hand again and observing you closely to see if you were always okay. The pain increased just a bit and you straightened your back as best as you could. "Go Jungkook," Namjoon waved. Jungkook drove off, being very careful not to make any rough turns. Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung all went inside to quickly clean up before they went to the hospital too. Taehyung kept giggling at how excited he was to see the baby.

"We'll finally know the gender!" Taehyung said, adding to the excitement as Jin drove to the hospital. "You'd be the type of person to say you can't wait to be an aunt or an uncle," Namjoon said, laughing at Taehyung. Taehyung laughed and groaned at how Namjoon teased him.

Your body could still bear the pain but you couldn't help let out uncomfortable groans. Jimin did everything he could to make things for comfortable for you. He moved closer to the door and sat facing you but had you lay down across the back seats, between his legs and resting your back on his chest as he held your hand that you were holding tightly. It was definitely more comfortable. His other hand caressed your hair and he gave you kisses on your head, hating how painful this was for you, but incredibly excited to see the baby. He couldn't wait to know the gender.

You both had chosen not to know the gender only because it was much more exciting.

Yoongi called Jimin. His phone rand and he tried letting go of your hand to grab his phone but you held his hand tighter, "no don't let go," you begged as you breathing became heavier. You were sweating a little bit but wanted to get out of this moving car already. Jungkook answered the phone from Jimins car. "Are you guys at the hospital yet?!" Yoongi asked. "Yeah we're a minute away!" Jungkook said.

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