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2 weeks later: Christmas Eve

Jimin sat criss-cross in his living room coffee table surrounded by piles of colorful construction paper. He hummed a song as he measured the papers and cut them into different shapes. It was only 9 am and he was already awake, working on something special. He wiggled his toes in his warm socks as he folded and glued his masterpiece together.

You laid upside down on your couch as your hair flowed, gently grazing the carpet. It's Christmas Eve and you wanted to do something fun, but you hadn't talked to Jimin since the dinner two weeks ago. He was busy with work and you understood, but not even a hi was said. You wanted to take initiative some day, so you decided on doing that today.

You tapped the screen on your phone as it rested on your tummy wondering if he was awake, but it didn't matter. You were still gonna text him.

You stared at the blinking cursor on your illuminated phone, wondering what your broke ass would say anyway. You felt like he'd reply with "shouldn't you be looking for a job?" Your face became an "oh shit" expression when you thought about that.

You kind of missed him even though he was a few feet away, so you started with a small greeting.

"Good morning Jimin 😊" you sent it and sat up, sinking in anxiety and almost drowning in it as you walked into the kitchen. You wheezed in regret and ran back to the phone you left on the couch and wanted to type "NEVERMIND BITCH" but you slammed your phone down on the couch and sighed as it rested face down in your hand. Your phone vibrated and you quickly looked at the message that illuminated your phone. You quickly swiped it up, wide eyed and hoping for a lovely message back.

"Please pay 40$ by Dec. 26th to continue your monthly service plan."

"Fuck....You," you thought as you covered your face with the couch pillow and groaned into it. Your phone service is gonna be cut off the day after tomorrow, how exciting. You got up, annoyed at how everything in the world required money. "Might as well fucking pay someone to make you happy these days- oh wait that's a fucking relationship and that shit is expensive," you said loudly in your empty apartment. You slammed your hands down on the side of your thighs, angrily opened the fridge and swiped up one of the billion milk puddings Jimin bought you. They are a great comfort food honestly.

"Good morning little moon. Why are you so angry? (ㅠㅡㅠ)" he replied. You heard your message tone and walked over, threatening your phone, "it better be Jimin motherfucker." You snatched your phone and read the message. Instead of being annoyed, his little nickname for you softened your expression. Just him knowing he heard you angry made you smile.

"I'm angry because you haven't talked to me," you replied kiddingly and he replied quite cleverly, "I was busy working hard for us baby girl."

Your jaw dropped with a smile when you read that and was about to reply but another message popped up, "jk that was cringe af lmao but I was working overtime so I apologize 😅..hey, come over."

You liked how he demanded for you to come over. "Alright," you simply replied and went to his apartment. You were already dressed pretty nicely so you lightly fixed your hair and went to his front door, "Open the door mochi boy," you sang in a light tone. He, who was behind the door, smiled at your nickname for him and opened the door wide open, "sorry you can't come in."

You scrunched your face with a pouty lip, "but you said to come over." He nodded and said, "this is restricted access, government officials only. Sorry peasant," he said, holding in a laugh at his own joke. He made your jaw drop for the second time today and you turned around to storm off but he reached over and grabbed your hood, stopping you and almost making you choke. "Jimin!!" You said, rubbing your neck from the force of pulling yourself forward but his smile lessened, "I thought I was mochi boy." You stared at him and let out an airy laugh, "are you gonna let me in or not?"

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