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"(Y/n) beat the managers ass?! Oh my gosh she's so amazing," Ryujin giggled to herself. "He honestly deserved it though. I should've beat him when he tried to get me to sleep with him too," she said out loud. Everyone turned to look at her.

"He tried what?!" Jungkook asked angrily. "He did. Yesterday I overheard (y/n). She was so angry with him," she said with a more serious tone. "Whoa hold up. Can we go talk somewhere less....nosy?" Jungkook asked her as he looked at the employees who were listening in to the conversation. "Yeah I agree...lemme get my CHECK THOUGH," Ryujin said to the cashier in a very annoyed tone.


"Okay so..what happened between (y/n) and the boss yesterday?" Jungkook asked. Jimin stared at Ryujin with such a careful look. He wanted to know everything. She sat between them at an ice cream shop. "Okay so I think she took her break and they went to get lunch somewhere. I don't know about all that but I did see (y/n) was upset about something since she clocked into work," she pointed out. Jimin knew that was because of the argument you both had that morning.

"So they went to go get lunch and I know she wasn't happy. They passed right in front of me and she looked like...bummed out. Not even ten minutes later she came in through the back of the restaurant. I was gonna take my break so that's when I saw her. She was really angry. She just threw her apron and grabbed her stuff like she was ready to quit and she did! Our boss came in after her, apologizing about something and she said something around the lines of I have a boyfriend how could you not see me kiss him every morning right in front of the restaurant. So I knew he tried something with her. She was gonna leave and he grabbed her but she pulled away and told him so many things I don't even remember. I quit right after she did because our boss had told me he wanted to be with me too. What the hell? He's so dumb...anyway, she ran out and I had to follow her cause she's pregnant and it was raining really hard. She got on the bus after we spoke a while and that's it. I know damn well he probably tried kissing her or tried touching her or something. I don't know, but it was clear to me that it was him who did it and not her," Ryujin said.

Jimin kept looking at Ryujin, but now piecing together everything. "I wish I could've seen her beat his ass. I would've joined honestly," Ryujin said as she ate her ice cream cutely. Jungkooks eyes were wide in shock at how everything went down. "So.......-so that's when you saw her Jimin? When he kissed her? But you left right after so you didn't see everything," Jungkook said.

"Ew he actually kissed her? Oh hell no. I mean, I did kinda think he was cute, but that's just- ugh. He's sick," she said with a disgusted expression. "Jimin oppa, I think you should really go talk to her. Whatever you guys went through, it wasn't her fault and she must be hurting really bad. She's pregnant. Not that that justifies anything, but remember she and the baby need your love and support, not any bringing down and anger," Ryujin said as she looked over at Jungkook who nodded, agreeing with her.

Jimin sighed and rubbed his eyes, wondering how the hell he would apologize to you for being so dramatic and taking things too far. He checked his phone and saw all your messages. He looked at Jungkook and Ryujin, "how can I get her back?"


Two days went by and you went through them horribly. You waited for contact from him but there was nothing. There wasn't any insisting from your part because you knew he needed time but you were desperate to beg him again. You couldnt just loose him. But somehow it felt wrong to beg for him when you didn't make a mistake.

You got up from the couch, stressing over not knowing where Jimin was or what he was up to. You went outside and grabbed the mail you had missed from yesterday and also grabbed the one for today. In them was a white envelope dated yesterday. You went inside and opened it up to recognize Jimins writing.

I'm sorry for having doubted you. I admit to being selfish. I didn't see the truth or more like I just didn't want to listen. When I saw you that evening, I felt so much anger and jealousy over something that wasn't even the way I saw it. I see that now and I feel so stupid. Please forgive me for having treated you in a way no woman should ever be treated. I was pathetic and rude to you and our baby. I want to be honest and say I did feel angry. I hated everything. I hated your actions, but not you. Of course, now I know your actions were ones I should've known you'd take. You did push him back, you did tell him to back off and I'm sorry for not having allowed you to tell me so. It broke my heart to leave you and I almost wanted to forgive you and ignore what you did, assuming you did do what I believed. I was willing to give myself a few days and go back to you even if you did kiss him with intentions. I love you and I'm so glad you didn't allow him do anything more. I know its not easy to have done all this mess and just give you a letter and it'll all be okay because it won't. I wrote this in pen so you could always point it out to me when I make a mistake again. I know I hurt you too. I saw it in the way you cried. Jagiya, I love you. I will give you time to decide if you want to forgive me and I will do whatever it takes for you to be convinced of it so. I made a mistake. I will be at the park by the lake tomorrow at 3 pm. Hopefully you see this letter by then. Please please think about this and come to the park. I want to talk to you. I love you.


You heart raged with emotions. You both had made mistakes here so it wasn't completely his fault nor yours. You put the letter back in the envelope and sighed a heavy breath as you looked over at the clock, wondering what your heart wanted. 2:52 p.m. yet you didn't move a muscle.


"You sure you don't want one? They have mango flavor too," Jungkook teased Jimin in hopes to calm him down as he ate an ice cream he bought from an ice cream truck.

"Ew," Jimin said calmly as they both sat on the fresh grass of a beautiful sunny day. The breeze felt soothing and the grass was soft, but Jimin couldn't feel anything but worry. It was already 4:18 and you weren't here. "You think she'll come?" Jungkook asked. Jimin let his head fall with a shrug. He felt you wouldn't come and it felt like he played himself into this.

"Well don't be too disappointed. It's barely 4:19. You said four right?"

"Three," Jimin said in a barely audible tone. "Oh-...shit," Jungkook said, feeling so bad for Jimin. Just seeing him sitting, waiting for you even knowing you wouldn't come, hurt his heart to have to see. "Jimin, maybe it's time to go," Jungkook said as he finished his ice cream and stuck the stick on the grass. "I'll stay here. I don't want to be closed up anywhere," Jimin said, gently playing with the grass. The tone in his voice felt defeated and disappointed.

Jungkook sighed, "we can go to the movies. Or...go to a dog park? Or go to that café where there's a bunch of cats. You like cats!," Jungkook said, but Jimin didn't make the slightest sound of interest. He continued playing with the grass and kept his head low. "Okay uh...we can...."

"It's fine. I'll stay here," Jimin said, refusing to move, "thanks for your help." Jungkook felt terrible to not be able to help him. Maybe leaving him alone would be positive. He got up and pat Jimins shoulder. "I'll be home."

Jimin waited a moment until Jungkook left before laying back on the grass and looking up at the sky. Clouds in forms of unidentifiable figures slowly floated across the sky. The breeze gently grazed Jimins skin and comforted him in feelings he couldn't even explain for himself. His fingers curled up as the grass ran through them—his other hand rested on his tummy. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. All he wanted was you....And you didn't come.

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