Chapter 1

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It was a cold, dark night. A figure stood dressed in black with a sniper rifle to his side. The alleyway was silent not even the wind dared to break the deafening silences. The Soldier was waiting, watching the door until his target would step out into the darkness and to his death. The door opened and the target stepped out, two girls accompany him, one in each arm. The soldier got into position behind his rifle and took the shot. The girls let out a high pitched girly scream as the corpse was propelled backwards, blood and brain were splattered across the wall.

A group of armed men came running out the club and started searching for their bosses killer but the soldier was long gone. The soldier walked through the masses of people wearing a simple outfit to prevent him from sticking out whilst he was heading towards the extraction point. The streets were bustling with noise. It was a weekend and many were planning on a good night out, the excitement was going to their heads that they did not notice the dark aura which surrounded the man.

"Good Work, S.3.O" his handler said once he approached the other man. S.3.O said nothing but allowed himself to be dragged by his handler to the waiting car. The drive was agonisingly slow and the atmosphere was tense. No one wanted to be the present in S.3.O company for long. The headquarters looked like an ordinary building with its one-way windows and balconies but inside the building, it was littered with high tech computers and weapons which would help plan and aid S.3.O in his missions.

Once S.3.O stepped inside the building the medical staff pulled the soldier for a full check over whilst his handler went to inform the higher ups of the mission success. The handler scurried back to S.3.O after being informed of the new mission. The medical check was done, S.3.O was waiting for either orders or instructions.

"S.3.O, the new mission. Mr YeJun Moon has betrayed us, our organisation gave him a loan to build his precious school and he now has stopped playing it back, we would normally send you to threaten him or kill him but since he is aware of you existence he will be expecting that so we had to change our tactics. Since he does not know what you look like your mission is to go undercover at his school act like a normal student when his guard has been let down kill him" his handler said.

"We have already sent an application to the school and set up an apartment nearby the school, we will not be able to keep in touch with your regularly so your cover will not be blown" S.3.O nodded at the instructions before climbing off the examination table and headed towards the entrance where the car was waiting.

The school and apartment were on the other side of Seoul but this time the drive was quicker thanks to the little traffic this late at night. The apartment was small with one bedroom, a bathroom with a joint kitchen/dining room/ lounge combined into one. There were ordinary clothes in the wardrobe and chest of draws. Food in the fridge and cupboards plus the essentials that any college student would need - notepad, pens, a laptop and phone. There was a note on the small coffee table.

Dear S.3.O

All these essentials will help you with blending in as a normal student. There is an allowance to buy food and clothes since we do not know how long this mission will take. There are weapons hidden around the apartment to complete your mission with, you should be able to find them with ease with the training that you have. In the folder is all about the identity you will be taking on. LEARN IT OFF BY HEART!

Good luck, even though we all know you do not need it.

Your Handler

S.3.O grabbed the folder and headed towards his bedroom, he quickly skimmed through the folder for the important pieces of information. His name was Kim Seokjin and he was 19 years old, his parent died last year in a car crash and apparently he loves food.

S.3.O placed the folder on his bedside table before changing into his Pyjamas and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

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