Chapter 16

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Namjoon watched as his parents left his penthouse, all they did was complain about his life choices and that he should be grateful for them because they have continued to pay from his expensive lifestyle when they could have stopped ages ago.

"You should properly think about taking over the company Namjoon, it is in your blood, not this rapping nonsense" his father said.

"If I wanted to work for a pathetic company then I would already be, if you cannot accept my decision then at least stop pestering me about it when you know that I will not be following your dream anytime soon" Namjoon snapped.

"You should drop this attitude Namjoon, it does not look good on someone who is a future CEO" his mother said. 

"Yeah because CEOs who are delusional is so much better" Namjoon replied glaring at his parents, they both stared at their son, they has so much more that was need to be said but they knew with Namjoon with this attitude then they were never going to get through to him, with one finally looked at their son, they left. Namjoon grabbed his phone and connected it to the printer then he printed off all the photos he had taken earlier, it was time to find out what Jin was hiding. Namjoon jogged over to his printer before collecting the paper then scattered them over his coffee table then he took the first sheet and read it.

Dear S.3.O

All these essentials will help you with blending in as a normal student. There is an allowance to buy food and clothes since we do not know how long this mission will take. There are weapons hidden around the apartment to complete your mission with, you should be able to find them with ease with the training that you have. In the folder is all about the identity you will be taking on. LEARN IT OFF BY HEART!

Good luck, even though we all know you do not need it.

Your Handler

Name: Kim Seokjin

Age: 19

Date of birth: 4 December 1992

Place of Birth: Gwacheon

Parents: Kim Joowon (Mother), Kim Hyeon (Father), Deceased.

Cause of Death: Car Crash (1 year ago)

Important information: You have a large appetite for food, the colours blue and pink are your favourites. Do not reveal too much about yourself to people it will only cause problems.

Mission: Assassinate Principal Moon.

Time: Unknown but try completing it as soon as possible without drawing too much suspicion to yourself. 

Namjoon put the photos down and took a deep breath, he had no idea what to think about all he had just read, there were so many questions that only Jin could answer but from what he read. Jin was an assassin, sent to take out their principal. Namjoon thought back to all the times he spent with Jin, those touches, the kisses, the date, hanging out, the party and the sex they had, was it all real or was Jin only going along with it so he would be able to blend in easier, so the principal would not suspect that an assassin had been sent to kill him. 

Namjoon was not sure whether he should message his friends and inform them about the information he had discovered then they would be able to make a group decision after all this would affect them as well or if he should confront Jin himself and find out. Namjoon knew he was leaning more towards confronting Jin himself after all his boyfriend might feel more willing to give him the information that he needed if it was just the two of them then, if the others were here with them plus Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, they all might take this negatively and if they went after Jin then Namjoon would not forgive himself. His mind was made up, he would confront Jin on his own.

Namjoon grabbed his phone from the coffee table and pulled up Jin's contact, his finger hovered over the call button. Namjoon could feel his body shaking, if he confronts Jin about this S.3.O.K.J.1.N thing then he could lose him but if he does not ask him about it, he could lose him still, Namjoon was positive that he did not want to lose Jin, no matter what. Finally, after summoning enough confidence he pressed the call button then put the phone to his ear. It rang.

"Hey Joonie, miss me already" Jin teased when he picked up.

"Yeah" Namjoon replied, he was not entirely sure how he was going to bring up this subject.

"How was the meeting with your parents?" Jin asked.

"Alright, I suppose they just questioned everything I was doing then left" Namjoon answered.

"Is there something wrong Joonie, you just seem nervous I suppose, you have never been nervous when you spoke with me?" Jin questioned a little worried about his boyfriend.

"I need you to come over, there is something I want to talk with you about" Namjoon told Jin.

"What, right now?" Jin asked.

"Yes" Namjoon replied.

"Okay, I will be over in the next 10 minutes, I love you" Jin said.

"I love you too" Namjoon replied before hanging up and dumping his phone back onto the coffee table.

Jin slid his phone back into his pocket, he was currently at the warehouse with Principal Moon, they were planning what they were going to reveal straight away to the detective on Tuesday.

"That was Namjoon, he wants to meet with me" Jin said turning to face Principal Moon.

"Go, it might be important, I can continue with the preparations for Tuesday on my own" Principal Moon replied.

"I will be as quick as I can" Jin told him before exiting the warehouse and heading in the direction of Namjoon's penthouse.

Namjoon paced around the living room waiting for Jin to turn up, his heart was in his mouth, he was about to confront the man he loves about being an assassin. Jin, his beautiful Jin. He heard the elevators doors open and footsteps. 

"Namjoon" Jin said taking his shoes off at the entrance before walking into Namjoon's penthouse. His boyfriend had his back to him, Jin was nervous, he had no idea why Namjoon would suddenly want to speak with him, he hoped that Namjoon was not planning on breaking up with him then everything he was doing would be for nothing.

Namjoon turned to face him, Jin could tell that the younger boy was trying to keep his face void of any emotions just seeing this made Jin's heart sink.

"What did you want to talk about? You seemed very nervous on the phone, are you breaking up with me?" Jin asked tears slowly filled his eyes at the thought.

"What? No, never" Namjoon suddenly said as he stepped towards Jin and wrapped his arms around Jin's waist pulling Jin close before he pressed a light kiss to Jin's forehead.

"Then what is wrong Joonie?" Jin whispered into his boyfriend's chest.

"I want you to be honest with me Jin, what is S.3.O.K.J.1.N?" Namjoon asked as he did Namjoon could feel Jin tense against his body.

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