Chapter 5

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Seokjin entered his ICT classroom, the room was practically empty with the exception of the teacher and a few students who were playing games waiting for the lesson to start. Seokjin felt strong arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips press against his neck, he tilted his neck slightly allowing the younger boy more access, Jin knew instantly that it was Namjoon since he was the only one in the school who would attempt to approach the elder boy in such manner.

"Morning Princess, I had a dream about you last night" Namjoon whispered into the elder's ear before carrying on his assault on Jin's neck.

"Was it a good one?" Jin said moaning slightly as Namjoon kissed a sensitive part of his neck.

"Definitely" Namjoon answered pulling away from Jin as the others entered the classroom.

"You haven't even known each other for a day and you are already acting like a horny couple" Yoongi complained as he wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist.

"I cannot help it when my future wife looks so gorgeous" Namjoon replied whilst grabbing a hold of Jin's arm and pulling him towards two empty computer desks.

"I regret changing their names" Jimin muttered before following the pair, Jin and Namjoon sat at the back of the classroom on the end of one of the computer rows with Hoseok beside them. Jimin flopped down in the chair in-between Taehyung and Yoongi. Jimin glanced over at Namjoon his face was in a constant grin as he talked about something that Jimin was unable to make out, but the elder boy looked very passionate about what he was saying as he stared at Jin, this brought a smile to Jimin's face as he watched the pair interact with one another.

"What has made you so happy?" Yoongi asked as he laid his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"It's just I have never seen Namjoon-hyung so happy as he is when he is with Jin-hyung" Jimin answered leaning his head against Yoongi's.

"He does look really happy, Namjoon has never had a boyfriend or even a girlfriend before so this is a completely new experience for him, but I hope he doesn't fuck it up and end up hurting himself" Yoongi muttered loud enough for only Jimin to hear him.

"Do you think that Jin-hyung has dated before?" Jimin questioned.

"Probably" Yoongi answered kissing his boyfriend's neck.

"You complain about me kissing Jin-hyung's neck but, yet you do it to your own boyfriend" Namjoon shouted attracting the attention of everyone in their classroom, Jimin blushed furiously and hid his face in his arms.

Namjoon turned his attention back to the boy in front of him and smiled once more when his eyes noticed the small mark that he had made on Jin's neck earlier.

"What are you looking at?" Jin asked as he turned to face Namjoon.

"My parents told me angels aren't real... I used to believe them but then I saw you" Namjoon said staring at Jin.

"That was terrible" Jin muttered as Namjoon reached over and pulled the elder boy onto his lap.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes and I cannot figure out what is it... I just cannot take them off you" Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear, Jin felt his cheeks warm up and his heart started to pound against his ribcage.

"I was looking out the window and I realised that something just got hotter than the sun... you" Namjoon said as he pressed a hand against Jin's face and turned it to face him, Namjoon stroked the side of the elder boy's face before he closed his eyes and moved closer to the other's face, Jin instinctually closed his eyes.

He felt the breath of the other boys on his lips as they were about to press their lips together the teacher spoke up.

"Since everyone is now present let's begin the lesson" the teacher said, Jin and Namjoon opened their eyes before the elder boy moved off Namjoon's lap and into the chair, he sat in whilst both were shooting glares at the teacher for interrupting their moment. 

When the ICT lesson ended Namjoon and Jin said goodbye to the others before heading to their catering lesson to which the pair (well mainly Jin) made bread and butter pudding to share with their friends. They finished it just in time for the lesson to end and for  the break to start, they all agreed during their ICT lesson that they would meet up in the canteen. Jin and Namjoon were the first to arrive they walked over to an empty table and waited for the others to arrive who all piled in at once and headed straight over to them.

"Food" Taehyung shouted before flopping down on the chair and reached over to the bread and butter pudding, Jin laughed at the younger boy's actions as he pulled the clingfilm off. Jin grabbed a part of the bread with his fingers before pulling it out and directed it towards Namjoon's lips.

"Joonie please try it" Jin said which the younger boy complied, he opened his mouth and took both the food and Jin's fingers in at once, Jin let out a small moan as he felt Namjoon suck on his fingers. Jin pulled his fingers out other the boy's mouth and wiped them on Namjoon's face, Jin giggled but soon was distracted by an unfamiliar face entering the canteen. His body language screamed anxiously and on guard, he was flinching at the slightest movement and quickly shutting down any conversation which was being directed at him – this must be the principal and S.3.O.K.J.1.N's target for his mission.

"Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung is eating all the food" Jungkook cried out, Jin quickly turned his head to face the others, half of the pudding was gone.

"Joonie" Jin said as Namjoon shoved another piece of the pudding into his mouth.

"I can't help it, you are such a good cook, the perfect future wife for me" Namjoon muttered but Jin was once again distracted as the principal's eyes bore into his skull. 

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