Chapter 19

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"Please ignore them, they are still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship, it is nice to finally meet you, Detective Lee, I do apologise for all the distractions that you have been experiencing but with the information that we have to give you, we have to be extremally careful to make sure that no one finds out about it. I am the man who called you here. Principal Yejun Moon" Principal Moon spoke as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Mr Moon, you informed me that you had information that could take down an assassin organisation, what is the information you wanted to tell me?" Detective Lee asked Principal Moon.

"You must make a deal first, the information is extremally sensitive and we need to know that we can trust you, the information you will receive came from an inside source, who was forced to be a part of this assassin organisation from a very young age, we want to protect him from going to prison, agree that you will keep his name away from all documents about the organisation and then we will tell you the information" Namjoon said walking over to Detective Lee and Principal Moon, his arm was wrapped tightly around Jin's waist.

"If that is what it takes to take down this assassin organisation you spoke about then fine, I agree to keep whoever's name from all documents" Detective Lee agreed rather reluctantly, Principal Moon nodded before turning his body to face Jin.

"Thank you for agreeing now we can get down to the reason you are here for, the information about the assassin organisation. At the age of 7, my parents willingly gave me to the organisation to clear the debt they owed to them, the organisation at the time were planning to see whether training a child at a young age would make efficient assassins in the future, due to my age I remember quite a bit of my life before but slowly I forgot because everything I knew was being stripped away from me, my own name Seokjin was turned into letters and numbers to be known by, it was either S.3.O.K.J.1.N or S.3.O for short" Jin started, he sunk into Namjoon's body for support as he was forced to retell his story once again, Namjoon pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's temple before taking over the story.

"Jin was sent here to kill Principal Moon but instead of going through with that, he met me and my friends and this gave him a reason for living. Instead of killing Principal Moon they have been working together to take down the organisation, now we have involved you because you have the means to contact all the polices agencies and work together to take down the dirty cops in the police forces and the organisation" Namjoon added.

"We should go after the dirty cops first" Detective Lee said.

"No, if you think about it when the organisation falls their identities will be revealed, to stop themselves from being sent to jail they will turn on the organisation and testify against the members this means the more who testifies will mean the more members we get behind bars" Jin replied.

"Okay, the information you want to show me, what was that?" Detective Lee asked.

"It is all on the table" Namjoon answered before pointing behind the detective. Detective Lee turned around and headed over, he carefully looked over every piece of papers, they contained a list of dirty cops in his precinct, where the main and mini bases for the organisation were located, a list of every member who works for the organisation including photographs, all the assassins, cases of all missions that they went on.

"This is very damaging, Seokjin, you know the organisation the best, how would you take them down?" Detective Lee questioned.

"I would not go to them, the main headquarters is heavily guarded, it has motion detectors which are in tune with the individuals' who work there, cameras, uncrackable security locks. You would never get inside before an army of assassins come after you, you have to bring them to you" Jin explained.

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