Chapter 22

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Jin saw his phone vibrating, it was his handler. Jin watched it ring for a few moments before finally picking it up.

"S.3.O, we are expecting an update on your mission, it has been a few months now, is the target dead yet" the handler asked.

"No, I still need more time sir" Jin answered emotionless as ever when he was speaking with one of the men who had ruined his life.

"We have waited long enough S.3.O" his handler snapped, anger filled his voice before the line went dead. Step 1 complete. Jin was fully aware what the organisation next move would be as he had watched them performing it on other assassins who had disobeyed them, Jin quickly sent a message to Detective Lee about the conversation before he flopped down onto his sofa and looked through photos of him and Namjoon. Jin wished he could be in the younger boy's arms once more but he had to get through the mission first.

The day went slowly as Jin waited for the organisation to come after him, it was not until it was night time, when two men burst into the apartment to collect him. Jin stood in the shadows watching them, he had quickly sent a message to Detective Lee warning him that the organisation was here and to activate the GPS tracker they had put on him.

"S.3.O, come out, your boss wish to see you" one of the men shouted, Jin watched as the other man opened doors looking for him, it seems that they have forgotten that Jin was trained to blend in with all his surroundings. Jin eventually stepped out of the shadows, his face was emotionless as they grabbed his arms tightly and handcuffed his hands behind his back before all most dragging him to the car they had arrived in.

The men shoved Jin into the back then they climbed into the passenger and driver seats before starting the car and drove off, Jin was fully aware of where they were going - the warehouse. It was where Jin was trained and it was where anyone who betrayed the organisation was executed. The drive was a short one and they were soon at the warehouse.

"Let's go" one of the men said as they pulled Jin out of the car and dragged him into the warehouse. There were already people there, other assassins, the bosses, the handler. The man pushed Jin to his knees when they reached the bosses and handler. Jin did not fight back at any point, he did not need to even though he fully well knew that he could kill everyone in this room without breaking a sweat, he was not the worlds greatest assassin for no reason.

"You have tested our patience S.3.O, you have had plenty of time to take out your target, I was expecting more from you. It was a simple undercover and execution mission and yet that bastard is still alive" the boss spoke to Jin before he kicked Jin in the stomach, wanting a reaction but Jin did not even wince.

"You were built to kill S.3.O!" he shouted before grabbing a fist full of Jin's hair and lifted him up but Jin still did not react.

"I'm your boss so obey me!" he screamed as saliva splashes on Jin's face.

"I only obey Joonie" Jin said smirking, it was the same look it gave people before he killed them.

"I will only obey Joonie, I do not have to follow any of your orders, you have no power over me anymore" Jin added. Anger flared in the boss's eyes but before he could do anything, Jin broke out of the handcuffs shot up to his feet and quickly wrapped his arms around the boss' neck squeezing tightly.

"I have to thank you though, you allowed me to meet the man I love" Jin whispered into his ex-boss' ear as the warehouse doors slammed open and agents from the FBI along with individuals from the police stormed in.

"Put your hands up" the FBI shouted as they moved around arresting the assassins who had yet to react to the sudden intrusion. Detective Lee walked over to Jin who still had his arm around the organisation boss' neck.

"Come on Jin hand him over" Detective Lee said pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

"He will not, he craves to kill me, after all, that is what I made him into" the boss choked out.

"The only thing I crave is my boyfriend's hands all over my body" Jin whispered before removing his hand from the boss' neck and pushed him over to Detective Lee.

Finally, he was free.

Jin broke out into a run as he neared the safe house, his stomach ached but that did not stop him from moving as fast as he could, so he would be able to reach his boyfriend and friends. The doctors had looked him over and deemed that he had not broken any bones, the second he had received the all clear, then he was on his feet so he could be reunited with the man he loved as fast as he could, with that thought in mind he pushed forward faster.

Namjoon was pacing, he hated being away from Jin for so long without being able to talk with him. He had no idea whether the man he loved was free from the organisation, whether he was hurt too is it was all over and he was on his way to him right this second.

The others were tired of Namjoon's pacing but none of them had decided to stop him as they knew what he was going through, they were all going through it. They all wanted to know whether their hyung was alright but they all knew that Namjoon was going through it ten times worse than them, so they let him pace.

They had tried to get information from the agents who were looking after them but they kept their lips sealed so the wait continued.

The door to the safehouse slammed open, the agents grabbed their guns but they were too slow as a figure came running in and crashed straight into Namjoon's body which made the pair topple onto the nearest sofa.

Jin straddled Namjoon's waist before crashing his lips together with his boyfriends who responded instantly.

"Hyung" the others cried out, Jin gave them a sideways wave as he continued to kiss the man he loved.

"Jinnie, baby, are you alright?" Namjoon asked as he pulled away to breathe.

"A few bruises but no broken bones" Jin muttered as he pressed their lips together. Finally, he was free from the organisation and he was now able to be in the arms of the man he loves along with being with the friends who he treasures dearly. 

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