Chapter 13

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"Let me guess you are going to kill me now like you have been ordered to just like the good pet you are" The principal said.

"Actually, Principal Yejun Moon, the reason why we are here has nothing to do with the organisation's mission to kill you" Jin answered.

"Then why am I here?" Principal Moon asked.

"I need your help" Jin replied.

"Help, why on earth would an assassin like you need my help" Principal Moon said laughing.

"Because I cannot take down the organisation who has held me prisoner for so many years by myself, you were collecting information on the organisation which could destroy it but would only put the lower-level members in prison whilst those who were actually involved in everything would be granted bail and they would be back on the streets before anyone could protest, I have plenty of information that I can give you about the organisation which would put everyone away for a lifetime" Jin explained.

"Okay, but why would you come to me, if you have all this information then why do you not take it to the police yourself and have them take the organisation down for you?" Principal Moon questioned. 

"Because the organisation has people working for them implanted in the police force, if I suddenly turn up and handed over information about an assassin organisation that no one has ever heard about, they would report it back to the organisation and I would be dead before the day ended. I need to seem to be completing my mission to stop the organisation from becoming suspicious" Jin replied.

"I see, when I was thinking about taking my information to the police I did not think about police officers that the organisation has paid off, I understand why you have not gone already. I am guessing as a member of the organisation you are fully aware of who works for the organisation and who does not?" Principal Moon asked.

"Correct" Jin answered.

"I will help you but if we are going after the organisation then we are still going to need a connection to the police, I will locate the names of the members of the police force today, we will meet back here tomorrow at 10 am to discuss who would be the best person to approach" Principal Moon said.

"Fine, I will see you tomorrow" Jin replied. 

"Seokjin, you have had multiple opportunities to bring down this organisation when you were inside the main headquarters or when you were on other missions it is not like you have been watched so why all of a sudden do you want to take them down?" Principal Moon asked.

"Because of Joonie, I am doing this for Joonie" Jin replied before leaving the warehouse.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist as he, Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin walked inside the cinema, Jimin and Taehyung had been talking on the phone earlier and had wished to go on a double date, Yoongi and Jungkook being the boyfriends they are, they just could not say no. Jungkook and Yoongi headed over to the reception desk to pay for the film when Taehyung and Jimin went over to order food from the food counter for all of them.

Taehyung and Jimin headed over to their boyfriends with two large popcorns and four large drinks, Jungkook and Yoongi grabbed the popcorns to carry for their boyfriends before walking towards the room that the film was playing in. The couples sat at the back the film had been out for a couple of weeks now so there were only a few people in the cinema, most of them sat at the front.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder pulling him close whilst Taehyung climbed onto his boyfriend's lap and cuddled up to his chest. The lights in the cinema dimmed and soon went off when the movie started, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were instantly absorbed by the movie yet Yoongi's eyes were trained on his boyfriend's face, the way his eyes would light up at certain parts of the movie. Two hours had soon past and Yoongi had not watched any of the film, he was too immersed in Jimin's reactions to care.

"I think we should get some lunch" Jimin said entangling his fingers with Yoongi's as Taehyung and Jungkook stood up.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea" Taehyung replied grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulled him from the cinema room. Not far from the cinema was a restaurant which the couples had yet to try, it sold western cuisine.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who was looking over the menu.

"There are so many choices but I will go with a burger" Taehyung replied.

"What about a drink?" Jungkook questioned.

"Umm... a strawberry milkshake" Taehyung answered.

"Okay" Jungkook said as he stood up.

"What about you" Yoongi asked looking at Jimin.

"Yoongi, you bought the movie tickets let us pay for this" Jimin begged but Yoongi shook his head.

"Nope, I am spoiling you because you deserve it" Yoongi replied.

"But" Jimin started but was soon interrupted.

"I am not taking no for an answer" Yoongi said.

"Then, I will have to keep my answer a secret" Jimin replied.

"A burger with a chocolate milkshake" Yoongi said raising his eyebrow.

"How did you know?" Jimin said looking at his boyfriend in shock.

"You forget that I know you" Yoongi replied before leaning down and pressing a quick kiss against Jimin's lips, he then pulled away and walked over to the counter to order lunch with Jungkook. Yoongi and Jungkook soon returned with their drinks, they talked about the movie and filled Yoongi in on what he ignored before their food arrived.

"I really enjoyed today, we definitely have to do it again maybe with Jin and Namjoon next time" Jimin stated.

"Yes, that would be awesome, a triple date" Taehyung agreed.

"We probably should let Jin and Namjoon get used to being in a relationship before dumping them into dates with you two" Yoongi said.

"This is something completely random but do you ever get the feeling that Jin is hiding something" Jungkook suddenly said.

"No" the others replied.

"Oh, just me then anyway we better get home" Jungkook said taking Taehyung's hand in his before pulling him away.

"Goodbye, Yoongi, Chimmy" Taehyung shouted over his shoulder.

"Bye, TaeTae, Kookie" Jimin shouted back.

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