Chapter 9

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Jin sighed, he was currently sitting in the canteen eating his food, he had not really thought about what he was going to do with the principal since he was too distracted by Namjoon but to be honest he was not going to complain. Jin could feel his cheeks heat up at the mere thought of the man he loved. 

"Jinnie" Namjoon said causing the older boy to look up. 

"Hey Joonie" Jin replied smiling, his heart picked up its pace by just being in the other boy's presence. 

"So, I wanted to make sure that you were still coming around later" Namjoon asked which made Jin raise his brow, he could instantly tell that Namjoon was hiding something. 

"Of course, I still am" Jin answered.

"Good" Namjoon replied before quickly ducking down and pressed their lips together into a quick kiss, Namjoon pulled away just as the bell rang and he headed towards his class leaving Jin a blushing mess behind him. As Namjoon had promised, he was standing outside of Jin's class waiting for the older boy to exit. 

When Jin exited the classroom, Namjoon took Jin's bag before throwing it over his shoulder then he gently grabbed Jin's hand and pressed a kiss to it before entangling their fingers together. 

"Ready to go, baby?" Namjoon asked which made Jin blushed and nodded. Hand in hand, they walked to the nearest coffee shop where Namjoon bought Jin's favourite coffee along with some cake, the pair ate and drank in silence, it was one of those moments that there was no need to exchange words. Namjoon had his arm wrapped around Seokjin's waist whilst Jin's head was resting against Namjoon's shoulder.

"Come on, we better go" Namjoon said suddenly before he stood up.

"Why we are not in a rush?" Jin questioned.

"Yeah but I want to go somewhere we will be alone" Namjoon replied.

"We are alone" Seokjin stated.

"Where we will be more alone" Namjoon said pulling Jin even closer to him before capturing the older boy's lips with his.

Jin stepped into the elevator and he watched Namjoon press the button for the penthouse. 

"You live in a penthouse" Seokjin said in shock. 

"Yeah" Namjoon replied pulling Jin into his arms, the elevator door's opened and the penthouse was pitch black.

"Namjoon, why is it so dark?" Jin muttered as he stepped inside, thanks to his training he was able to tell Namjoon was not next to him that and the lack of arms around his waist. 

"Hello" Jin shouted walking further into the penthouse to what he assumed was a living room, he could sense that there were people here but they were hiding. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" six voices shouted at the same time, the lights came on and all his friends stood there, the penthouse was covered in birthday decorations. The tables were full of food and there were two types of birthday cake. Jin's eyes widened, he felt tears stream down his face. Jin turned to see Namjoon walk up beside him.

"Thank you" Jin muttered pulling Namjoon into a kiss. 

"Hey, we helped as well" Jin heard Jungkook complain in the background but he did not pay any attention to him. 

"Let's sing happy birthday guys!" Jimin said.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Seokjinnie, happy birthday to you" everyone sang whilst Taehyung brought one of the cakes over. 

"Blow the candles hyung!" Jungkook urged him and he did, Jin smiled before curling back into Namjoon's arms. A mischievous look appeared in Taehyung's eyes as he reached for the nearest pillow before yelling.

"BIRTHDAY PILLOW FIGHT!!!!" then he proceeded to hit Jimin. 

"Oh, it's on Tae!" Jimin tried to hit Tae but hit Yoongi instead.

"Ooohh your gonna pay for that!" Yoongi shouted before chasing Jimin around the room with a pillow in his hand soon after everyone else joined in. Jin did not know what this was but quickly began to analyze what the others were doing and joined in. He grabbed a pillow and hit Namjoon. All of them were hitting each other with pillows. Feathers flying around and it filled the whole room. The laughter of 7 boys was heard as they hit each other, Jin tripped and dragged Namjoon down with him, the older boy crashed onto the younger boy's chest, the pair looked at one another before they started to laugh. Once they were done, all of them were lying on the feather-covered floor panting and laughing. 

"Hahahaha thanks, guys. This is the best birthday ever" Jin said still lying on Namjoon's chest. 

"Jin-hyung! Its time to open the presents!" Hobi told him, Jin's eyes widened at the word presents, Hoseok grabbed his wrist pulling him off Namjoon then dragged him towards the table with everyone following expect for Namjoon who had disappeared. 

"This one is mine! I hope you'll like it hyung!" Hobi said as he handed his gift to Jin, Jin accepted it and opened it before letting out a gasp, inside was an apron with the words 'Kiss the chef' on it with a hoodie which had 'Namjoon's Future Wife' on it. 

"Hobi thank you!" Jin exclaimed before he put the hoodie on and it was a perfect fit, Namjoon then reappeared with a matching hoodie but his had 'Jin's future husband' on it, a proud look appeared on his face as he sat down beside Jin. 

"Thank you Hobi" Jin said hugging Hoseok before turning towards Namjoon and kissed him. When the pair broke away, the others piled other presents on him. Taehyung and Jungkook had given him Mario games and plushies, Yoongi gave him, his and Joonie's mixtape which Jin promised to listen to it. Jimin made his way over to Jin with his present, he handed it over to Jin shyly as he did not think that Jin would like his gift as much as the others. Jin opened the present and looked at the clothes, they were definitely his style, he turned to Jimin and hugged the younger boy.  

"Thank you..." Jin muttered tears were threating to fall. 

"Let us have birthday cake" Taehyung shouted before running over to the table littered with food and started cutting up the cake, the others followed. 

"Jin-hyung what do you want chocolate cake or Victora spounge" Taehyung asked but he got no reply when he turned around both Namjoon and Jin were gone, everyone let out a small laugh and continued to help themselves to the food. 

Namjoon carried Jin to his bedroom where his present was, he had not wanted to give it to Jin in front of everyone else since it was special. Namjoon gently placed Seokjin on his bed then he grabbed the small bag containing his present which was on his bedside table and gave it to Jin. The older boy took the sellotape which sealed the bag off and pulled out a black square box which had a famous jewellery brand J. Estina written on it. 

Jin looked over at Namjoon in shock before opening the box inside was a silver eternity necklace with diamonds on one side, on the other side engraved was a date - 4/12/18. 

"It's beautiful" Jin said to Namjoon before leaning forward and pressing their lips together in a short kiss. 

"Would you" Jin said gesturing to the necklace. 

"Sure" Namjoon replied taking the necklace off Seokjin and carefully put it around his neck and clasped it up at the back before he lay his head on Jin's shoulder. 

"For the first time in my life, I do not have any words to describe how I am feeling. Now I know what it means to have a crush on a boy who is really dazzling. I may or may not be a prince, but you are nothing less than a princess, will you go out with me Jinnie and become my boyfriend" Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear, Jin's eyes widened as he turned his head to face Namjoon. 

"Yes, yes I will go out with you" Seokjin replied then he lent forward claiming his boyfriend's lips with his own once more.

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