Chapter 12

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Jin pushed open the window to the hallway, it was completely empty. With his sedative gun in hand he crept down the corridor looking for his target, he knew that he would not be able to properly carry out with his plan if there was a chance they were going to be interrupted by one of those bodyguards. Luckily Jin had already prepared another location that he would be able to take the principal too but first, he would have to succeed in locating the principal and capturing him without alerting one of the bodyguards. 

Jin had brought plenty of sedatives for all the bodyguards he had seen when he first surveyed the house and the principal, the sedative should knock them out for about 2 hours until they would come around unless they were administered with a chemical which could counteract the sedative but Jin did not feel that someone who came across the unconscious men would have or know what chemical to use after all it was quite rare.

"I will contact the police when I am sure this assassin is not coming after me" Jin heard the principal's voice when he passed one of the rooms.

"Sure, would it not be safer to take down who is trying to kill you as soon as possible" one of the bodyguards said.

"This is my decision and when I know I am safe and the assassin is not here then I will move onto the next stage of my plan now shut up, I am the one paying you after all" the principal snapped. No one dared to reply.

"Good, now I have other things to do, come on" the principal ordered before stepping towards the door, Jin watched as the bodyguards and the principal exit the room leaving the briefcase unattended and headed down the stairs, Jin then carefully came out of his hiding place and crept into the room before pushing the door closed but he slightly kept it open so he would be able to hear when the principal or bodyguard came back to the room, it would be unlikely that Principal Moon would leave the briefcase unattended for too long without someone checking on it. 

Jin walked towards the briefcase which contained the mystery file that the principal had gone to great lengths to hide from any student, teacher, or assassin from finding it. Jin had a suspicion that the file had to contain some criminating evidence about the organisation. The briefcase had a fingerprint scanner which did not surprise Jin after all he knew that the principal must be extremely paranoid about the organisation or S.3.O.K.J.1.N coming after him. 

The fingerprint scanner did not put Jin off finding out what was inside the file, using the equipment he had to hand and, in the room, Jin lifted a fingerprint from the door handle and pressed it on the scanner. He heard the briefcase unlocking before the scanner went green confirming that it was open, Jin quickly opened the briefcase as he was getting more conscious of the time that had passed since the principal had left, he was fully aware that the principal or any of the bodyguards could return at any moment for the briefcase. 

The file was thin, to say the least, but the information it contained was enough to destroy everything the organisation had built over the last 30 years they had been active, there was a brief mention about Jin but nothing concrete to prove who he was or if he existed. Jin took quick photographs on his phone of the information before putting the file back into the briefcase and closing it. Someone was coming. 

Jin quietly darted over a door leading to a small cupboard just in time for the principal and a few bodyguards to return. Jin pulled out his gun filled with the sedative, he knew that he could not wait any longer, he needs to make a move now or else he would have to re-plan all of this over again. He waited for them to grab the briefcase and turn to leave the room before he came out the cupboard, he shot the bodyguards first then the principal. It all happened too quickly for the others to react. After all, Jin was not the organisation's best assassin for nothing, Jin grabbed the briefcase and placed it in the bag he had brought with him, he then grabbed the principal and pulled him out the room.

1. Capture principal, completed.

It was time to put the rest of his plan into action. 

Jin pulled the sedated principal into an abandoned warehouse that he had located when he had been planning everything out, everything was in place, no one would be able to locate them not even the organisation or those bodyguards who had not been able to protect their client. Jin placed the principal into the chair and tied him up, he had to take all precaution to make sure everything went to plan. 

Jin pulled the duct tape and blindfold off the sedated principal before injecting him with a chemical which would counteract the sedative. After at least five minutes of waiting, a groan escaped the principal's mouth and he opened his eyes. He went to rub his eyes but his hands would not move, his eyes instantly went to the restraints and then to Jin. 

"You must be the assassin that was sent to kill me by the organisation, to be honest with you I had started to think that they were not going to come after me but I should have guessed that you would be amazing undercover as well, you really did fool me, I actually thought that you really did care about those students that you were hanging around with, especially the man you were practically sucking off each other's faces but the truth is you were using him to make yourself look human and not the assassin you really are but lets face it, you are a murderer and you would never care about anyone like Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook, you are just cold-hearted and have no feelings, so let me guess you are going to kill me now like you have been ordered to just like the good pet you are" The principal said. 

"Actually, Principal Yejun Moon, the reason why we are here has nothing to do with the organisation's mission to kill you" Jin answered.

"Then why am I here?" Principal Moon asked.

"I need your help" Jin replied.

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