Chapter 2

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S.3.O opened the door to his new school and headed straight towards the reception for students, he was wearing a simple outfit which consisted of a white t-shirt with pink skinny jeans and pink converse.

"Um... I am Kim Seokjin and I am meant to see someone for an induction" S.3.O said. The woman behind the student reception looked at the soldier before picking up the phone beside her and dialled the number for the deputy principal.

"Our deputy principal will be right out to see you" the woman told S.3.O. The wait was not long until an elderly man come through the double doors which were located to the left of the building.

"You must be Kim Seokjin, welcome to our school, I am Jaebeam Hong the deputy principal at this school I will be doing you induction it would normally be done by the principal but he is not here at the moment" Deputy Principal Hong said, the soldier could clearly tell that the man was lying about the principal not currently being here but did not say anything which would blow his cover after all the soldier was not aware whether the principal had informed any of the staff about the possible assassin which might come after him.

The man beckoned for Seokjin to follow him through the doors he previously entered through and towards his office which was at the end of the corridor. Mr Hong held the door opened for Jin then grabbed a seat from the other desk in the room and dumped it in front of his own desk then gestured to the boy to sit, which Jin did.

"This is your timetable for the year" Me Hong said before thrusting a piece of paper into Jin's hands. Jin took a quick look over the timetable practically memorising it then shoved it into his pocket of his skinny Jeans and turned Jin's attention to the man in front of him.

"We do not have many rules at our school because we believe that our students should not be forced to be a certain way by the rules but still we do have some. No gum on the premises, no phones out in lessons without the teachers permission and we have a zero-tolerances bullying policy" Mr Hong told Jin who just nodded.

"Good, I will show you to your first class" Mr Hong said standing up suddenly and headed towards the door, Jin grabbed his bag from the floor and scrambled after him it was luckily that Jin was trained to move quickly or he would have lost the elderly man.

"This is Mr Myo Namli, he will be teaching you chemistry" Mr Hong said before opening the classroom door and walking in followed by Jin.

"Mr Myo this is Kim Seokjin he will be attending you class from today" Mr Hong introduced them, Jin was about to reply but was interrupted by a boy shouting.

"Shit" Jin turn to see a round bottom flask fall from someone hands straight towards the floor, Jin recognised the chemicals to be servilely reactive when exposed to air. Thanks to Jin quick reflexes reached forward and just before it hit the ground.

"Mr Kim what have I told you about dropping the equipment with dangerous chemicals in" the teacher shouted when Jin put the round bottom flask back onto the tripod it originally was balancing on.

"Good catch" one of the boys who were standing next to the boy who dropped the flask.

"Hey teach, can we have the new kid in our group to prevent Namjoon from dropping anything else" the same boy said.

"That might be a good idea Yoongi" the teacher answered before walking up to Jin.

"Well I am Mr Myo and I will be teaching you chemistry, first before we allow you to work with Mr Min and Mr Kim's group I need you to sigh a safety sheet which goes over the do's and don'ts in the lab" Mr Myo said.

"Of course" Jin replied smiling.

Namjoon watched the boy walk off with the teacher his eyes were a little lower than he would originally like to admit, his heart was hammering against his rib cage from both the terrifying experience which had just played out and from the beautiful boy who had just saved his ass from a serious suspension.

"Guys, I think I am in love" Namjoon said his eyes never leaving the boy in pink.

"Oh our Joonie's in love" Jimin teased.

"I pity the new boy" Hobi joked.

"Hey what's wrong with me?" Namjoon shouted at his friends which made them all erupt into laughter which included even Yoongi.

"Mr Kim" the teacher voice came from behind, Namjoon turned around to face the teacher beside him was his saviour dressed in pink.

"Mr Kim I want you to meet your new lab partner for the rest of the year and the next Kim Seokjin" the teacher introduced him before walking off to another group.

"Nice to meet you I am Kim Seokjin" Jin introduced himself whilst smiling at the boy in front of him.

"I am Kim Namjoon but my friends call me the God of Destruction" Namjoon said.

"I cannot think why" Jin teased whilst laughing,Namjoon swore his heart died right there and then. ffffffk���5rF

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