Chapter 10

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Once the party had ended Namjoon offered to take Jin home. Jin opened his apartment door to find it was still a mess with all the documents he had scattered on the floor, he quickly grabbed the documents and threw them into the closest draw which prevents Namjoon from seeing them.

Jin felt strong arms wrap around his waist and his boyfriend's lips attached to his neck, lightly sucking on it, Jin let out a small moan before turning in Namjoon's arms and connected their lips together in a passionate kiss. Jin felt Namjoon's tongue run across his bottom lip asking for entrance which he granted the younger boy, their tongues danced together whilst Namjoon's hands wandered around his boyfriend's body. Jin pushed his body closer to Namjoon's, making sure that there was as littlest space between them as possible.

The couple finally pulled away from each other, Jin's cheeks were flushed and his lips were bruised whilst Namjoon was not in a better condition. Namjoon rested his forehead on Jin's, he was looking into his boyfriend's beautiful eyes which were slowly filling with tears.

"Joonie, thank you for everything, no one has ever done this for me" Jin said before muttering "I was alone for so long". Namjoon pulled Jin even closer to him trying to comfort the crying boy, Jin's body shook as tears fell from his eyes, this was the first time he had ever felt human and properly alive, he did not feel like a weapon but a proper living human being. Namjoon stroke Jin's cheek and pressed a kiss against Jin's forehead before he wiped the tears away.

"Jinnie, don't cry baby, you will never be alone ever again, you have me and our friends" Namjoon told him as Jin lent into his touch. Namjoon pulled away just enough to pick Jin up in a bridal style and carried Jin to his bedroom, the older boy pointed it out to Namjoon as he lay his head on the younger boy's chest.

Namjoon stripped to his boxers whilst Jin changed into his pyjamas which covered all his scars and S.3.O.K.J.1.N which was burnt into his skin. Jin curled up to Namjoon's side with his head resting on his boyfriend's chest.

Namjoon was woken by the smell of cooking, a smile appeared on his face at the thought of Jin cooking for him. The younger boy pushed himself out of the bed and headed towards the kitchen where Jin stood in his pyjamas, Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jin's waist and pressed a kiss to his temple. 

"Morning" Jin said laying his head on Namjoon's shoulder. 

"Morning beautiful" Namjoon answered before capturing Jin's lips in a quick but sweet kiss. 

"What are you planning on doing today?" Namjoon asked when he pulled away from the kiss. 

"I was not really planning on doing anything" Jin replied as he turned his attention back to the pancakes he was making. 

"Good because I am taking you out on a date" Namjoon said kissing Jin's neck as he watched his boyfriend plate up the last pancake. 

"Already" Jin said as he turned off the hob he was using and took the plates to the table. 

"Well, if you do not want to I guess I can just leave" Namjoon answered. 

"What if I do not let you leave?" Jin teased. 

"Well, I guess that I will have to just kidnap you then" Namjoon replied. 

"It would not be much of a kidnapping if I was willing would it" Jin said, he received a smile from his boyfriend. The couple ate in silence occasionally brushing their hands together when they reached for the same sauce for their pancakes. 

Namjoon offered to wash up whilst Jin got ready which Jin instantly complained about it but Namjoon carried his boyfriend to Jin's bedroom, depositing him on the bed before striding out to wash up. Jin reluctantly got change before laying out some clothes which were too big for him though they would be alright for Namjoon to wear. 

The couple walked hand in hand when they finally left the house and Namjoon pulled him in the direction of the nearest cinema, there was a new horror film out which he wanted to watch but none of his friends would go with him. Jin agreed to see it though he was not a big fan of horror films and spent most of the time hiding his face in Namjoon's chest, Jin did not know why he was unable to watch a horror film without becoming scared after all his whole life had revolved around killing people which had never affected him but for some reason he just could not watch a horror film. 

After the film had ended, Namjoon pulled Jin into the nearest Ice Cream parlour and treated his boyfriend to an ice cream much to Jin's dismay after Namjoon had paid for the movie and now this. They sat down in a booth side by side whilst they ate their ice cream, Namjoon leant down and stole some of Jin's ice cream whilst the older boy's attention was somewhere else, Jin was about to complain when something caught his attention. 

One of the leaders of the organisation he worked for walked in with his son in-toe, panic flooded Jin's system at the through of been seen like this. He turned to Namjoon who had finished his ice cream and grabbed a hold of his boyfriend's collar before pulling him closer and smashing their lips together, Jin moved to straddle Namjoon's lap to completely shield himself from sight whilst wrapping his arms around Namjoon's neck entangling his fingers in his boyfriend's short hair.

Namjoon was taken back a little before quickly recovering and started to kiss Jin back taking complete control of the kiss. Namjoon's arms slid around Jin's waist as he pulled his boyfriend closer to his body, they could feel the eyes of others on them but neither boy cared and continued to make out furiously. 

Jin watched from the corner of his eye as the man leaves with his son completely unaware of the weapon's presence. Jin then pulled away from Namjoon's lips before burying his head in Namjoon's neck to hide the blush which stained his cheeks. Namjoon smiled at his boyfriend's cuteness, the younger boy turned his head slightly so he was able to press a kiss to the top of his boyfriend's head.

"I love you" Namjoon whispered into Jin's ear before placing another kiss on Jin's head. 

"I love you too" Jin replied refusing to remove his head from Namjoon's neck, though a large smile was present on Jin's face. 

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