Chapter 18

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Namjoon lent against a tree, he had a perfect view of the bench that Detective Lee is meant to sit on when he is going to meet with the Principal. He had an earpiece in so he would be able to communicate with Jin and Principal Moon when he arrived. It did not take long until a man similar to the description of Detective Lee turned up and sat down on the bench, Namjoon waited a few minutes to make sure that he was the correct man and he was not someone from the organisation but no other man appeared fitting the same description.

"Detective Lee is here" Namjoon said into the earpiece.

"Good, go over and give him the envelope" Principal Moon voice crackled over the coms.

"Then get out of there Joonie" Jin told his boyfriend.

"I will babe, do not worry" Namjoon replied before pushing off from the tree he was lent against and walked over to the unsuspecting detective.

"Oi mate, I was asked to give you this, do not know why the guy who gave it me was perfectly able to" Namjoon said to the detective before giving him the envelope. 

"What did this man look like?" Detective Lee questioned.

"Could not really tell you, I was a little distracted" Namjoon replied.

"How could you be distracted when some stranger gave you an envelope" Detective Lee snapped.

"Well let's just say he had a very nice ass" Namjoon winked before walking away.

"Kim Namjoon, I am going to kill you when you get back here" Jin shouted.

"Well baby, I did not lie, you have a nice ass that I do get distracted by" Namjoon confessed.

"Please text each other if you have to flirt" Principal Moon said irritated.

"Sorry" Namjoon muttered not really apologetic.

"Sorry" Jin said.

Detective Lee watched as the boy who gave him the envelope retreated, he did not turn his attention to the object he had been given until the boy was completely gone. The envelope was a normal store bought white one, there was a large object inside it which felt like a phone. Detective Lee carefully opened the envelope to make sure there were no traps inside, when he was confident that he was not in danger he grabbed the phone inside, as he did, it began to ring.

"Hello" Detective Lee said putting it to his ear.

"Good afternoon, Detective Lee, I apologise for missing our meeting but I am afraid that now it is too much of a risk for us to meet in public, I have arranged for a car to pick you up from the top of the car park nearby, the car is already there so please hurry just do not draw to much attention to yourself whos know who is watching" the computer modified voice said.

"I will be there" Detective Lee replied before hanging up and dumped the phone in his pocket then placed the envelope in his bag. Once he was ready he started walking in the direction of the car park the voice said about whilst trying to keep a low profile as possible. 

Jinnie (His Wife): Why is this man taking so long?

Joonie (My Husband): Apparently, he thinks that to not draw attention to yourself and get here quickly means stopping at most shop windows and debating whether he should go in or not.

Jinnie (His Wife): Can he just hurry up, we still have other things to be doing today than waiting around.

Joonie (My Husband): Calm down baby, just think of me

Jinnie (His Wife): Doing what?

Joonie (My Husband): Well

Joonie (My Husband): I could be pushing you down onto my bed.

Joonie (My Husband): Then removing all our clothes

Joonie (My Husband): I then kiss every inch of your body from head to toe

Joonie (My Husband): then turn my attention to your hard nipple

Jinnie (His Wife): I hate you

Joonie (My Husband): Aww is my princess hard, just think of me wrapping my mouth around your gorgeous cock

Jinnie (His Wife): I can't he just got in the car, I hate you!

Joonie (My Husband): I love you too princess, I will help you out when you get here. I love you!! <3

Jinnie (His Wife): I love you too.

The detective strapped himself in as the driver dumped his phone that he was texting on onto the seat beside him then started the car.

"Who were you messaging?" The detective asked.

"No one you need to concern yourself with" the driver replied.

"Where are you taking me?" the detective questioned.

"You will see" the driver answered as they pulled out of the car park.

"What is your name?" Detective Lee asked.

"My name is not relevant at this moment in time" the driver said.

"Who wants to see me?" Detective Lee questioned.

"That you will see when we arrive" the driver spoke.

"Are you going to give me any helpful information?" Detective Lee asked.

"Yes" the driver replied.

"Which is?" Detective Lee asked.

"We are nearly there so shut up" the driver snapped.

Jin pulled the car up to the warehouse before climbing out with the detective behind him, he still ignored Detective Lee as he continued to question where they were and who he was meeting. Jin opened the warehouse door then indicated to the Detective to enter the building with Jin behind him. Detective Lee watched as the boy who drove him here walked past and straight towards another figure who was lent against the wall, the detective's eyes widened when he saw the boy from earlier.

"What are you doing here?" Detective Lee said but the couple ignored him, Jin lent up and pressed his lips against his boyfriend's.

"Please ignore them, they are still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship, it is nice to finally meet you, Detective Lee, I do apologise for all the distractions that you have been experiencing but with the information that we have to give you, we have to be extremally careful to make sure that no one finds out about it. I am the man who called you here. Principal Yejun Moon" Principal Moon spoke as he stepped out of the shadows. 

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