Chapter 15 [M]

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Namjoon pushed Jin onto his bed before climbing on top of him then connecting their lips together in a passionate kiss, his hands trailed down Jin's body then slipping underneath Jin's shirt. Namjoon broke the kiss so he was able to pull Jin shirt up and over his head then throwing it somewhere in the room.

Namjoon pressed kisses up Jin's chest before he started littering Jin's neck in bite marks then he took Jin's left nipple into his mouth and started swirling his tongue around the bud, Jin whimpered at the pleasure he was feeling. Namjoon soon pulled from Jin's left nipple and started giving the right one the same treatment.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Namjoon asked looking up at his boyfriend.

"I am sure, Namjoon, Joonie please take my virginity" Jin replied, Namjoon nodded at his boyfriend before pulling away and started to remove his and Jin's clothes until they were completely naked, Namjoon then put Jin's legs over his shoulders giving access to Jin's hole, he lent down and gently pushed his tongue into Jin's hole and started thrusting it in and out. Jin let out a loud moan as his boyfriend added one of his fingers into his ass, Jin was overcome with pleasure as Namjoon removed his tongue and added a second finger before he started to stretch his boyfriend. When Namjoon thought Jin was ready he added a third finger and started to thrust his three fingers in and out of Jin's hole looking for Jin's prostate which did not take long.

Namjoon pulled his fingers out of Jin before he lined his member up with Jin's hole and gently pushed in, Jin grabbed the bedsheets tightly by the pain he was feeling by being stretched.

Namjoon pressed kisses along Jin's legs to distract him from the pain he was feeling as Namjoon continued to enter him. Once Namjoon was fully inside of Jin he instantly stopped moving and waited for Jin to adjust to his size whilst he pressed kisses all over Jin's body.

Namjoon's pace was slow when he finally was given permission to move after all this was his boyfriend's first time and he wanted to make it as painless as he could, their lips were pressed together as Namjoon moved in and out of Jin's body. Jin broke their long kiss so he could breathe before burring his head in Namjoon's neck, his arms were loosely hung around Namjoon's neck whilst Jin's legs were tightly wrapped around Namjoon's waist.

"Faster Joonie" Jin moaned as his boyfriend hid his prostate. Namjoon could feel his orgasm starting to build up as he quickened his pace, his member pressed against Jin's prostate, each time Jin's walls became tighter around him, Namjoon quickly pressing his lips against Jin's, Namjoon came hard into his lover's body around the same time as Jin shot his load onto their chests. 

"Are you alright, I did not hurt you, did I?" Namjoon asked worriedly as he pulled out of his boyfriend's body before collapsing beside him. Jin rolled over resting his head on Namjoon's chest. 

"No, you did not hurt me at all" Jin answered as Namjoon started running a hand gently through his hair.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon questioned.

"I am positive Joonie, I loved every second of it and not once did you hurt me" Jin replied snuggling closer to Namjoon before adding "I love you".

"I love you too" Namjoon whispered as the couple drifted off to sleep. 

Namjoon opened his eyes before pushing himself into a sitting position to see his boyfriend walking around his bedroom collecting some clothes.

"Morning" Namjoon said drawing his boyfriend's attention to him.

"Morning, I am going to have a shower, you can always have one after me" Jin replied smiling at his boyfriend's bed hair.

"No, I should probably get home, my parents are coming over" Namjoon told him.

"Okay, well your clothes should be somewhere" Jin answered.

"Can I borrow some clean underwear?" Namjoon asked as his boyfriend headed towards the bathroom.

"Sure, they are in that draw" Jin answered pointing over to the drawer containing his underwear before entering the bathroom. Namjoon pushed himself out of Jin's bed and walked over to the draw and started rummaging through it looking for some boxers that would fit him when his hand came into contact with something metal.

Looking over at the bathroom door, he could hear the shower running. Confident he was not going to get caught, he grabbed the metal object he touched and pulled it out, his eyes widened when he saw a gun.

"Why would Jin have a gun?" Namjoon muttered to himself, he placed the gun on the bed before searching the draw again for anything else that might be hidden. Right at the bottom he felt his fingers brush against a folder when he pulled it out it was similar to a case file, Namjoon heard the shower being switched off, so he grabbed his phone took photographs of all the information on all the pages then hiding them once more.

Namjoon then grabbed a random pair of underwear which luckily fits him before putting the rest of his clothes on then headed towards the bathroom. Jin stood with his back to Namjoon, he had a towel wrapped around his waist. Namjoon's eyes widened at the scars which littered Jin's back, he had been too caught up in the moment yesterday to have realised, he walked over to Jin and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

"I better go" Namjoon muttered into Jin's shoulder, his eyes were trailing over Jin's body looking for anything else he might have missed, his eyes were instantly drawn to the S.3.O.K.J.1.N which was burnt into Jin's left arm.

"If you have to but I would rather you stay" Jin replied pouting, Namjoon chuckled at his boyfriend before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I know I would love to stay too but I would rather not anger my parents any more than I already have, I love you" Namjoon muttered against Jin's lips before pulling away.

"I love you too" Jin replied as Namjoon pulled away.

"Bye" Namjoon said.

"Bye, have fun with your parents" Jin answered, Namjoon saw a brief flicker of pain appear in Jin's eyes but it soon disappeared. Namjoon blew a kiss to Jin before heading towards the front door and leaving, there was only one thing on his mind – what was Jin hiding from him?

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