4. Mr Conway

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The picture is of Mr Conway, played by Matt Damon! ;) Thank you to ScreamingChuckNorris for reading so many of the chapters!

Iyden straightened up a little as Haydrian stopped outside the room, and he heard his brother swallow stiffly.

"Iyden," Haydrian began, once his throat was moist, "Listen to me."

"I'm listening."

"You must behave in this class. It's maths, okay? You can actually do maths well, considering you didn't catch up that much...remember that, okay?" Haydrian felt a little ill at the thought of his brother alone. "Whatever this teacher says, you'll do fine. I've been told he's a little...harsh. His name's Conway."

Iyden's eyes flashed with fear.

"Harsh? How harsh?"

"Just...a bit mean, Iyden, don't worry." Haydrian said, breathing a little bit more when he saw his brother's face relax. "Just pay attention, or at least look like you are, and do the work, okay?"


"Good, now go in."

"Bye, Haydrian."

"Bye Buddy."


"You're late!"

The voice was rough and loud, making Iyden jump and collide with one of the desks near the door. Who puts a desk near the door?

"I-I'm sorry." he managed to mumble, not willing to show pain in front of his peers. He gritted his teeth, and exhaled sharply, looking up through his hair at the man who was now standing in front of him. "My brother and I walked here, and we didn't know it was going to take so long."

"No excuse!" the teacher barked, glaring at Iyden, who now felt ridiculous. He raised his head and drew himself to stand tall, and had to look up at the man, whose glaring  eyes were a pale, stormy blue.

"I'm sorry, sir." was all Iyden could think of to say.


Iyden lowered himself to the floor, and the students laughed. Iyden frowned a little: why were they laughing? He'd been told to sit.

Conway also laughed, a harsh, angry sound that threatened to remind Iyden of someone. It reminded Iyden of him.

"Get off the floor, boy!"

'Boy', another reminder.

Iyden swallowed and sniffed, pulling himself up. He felt his cheeks burn red. He'd already failed Haydrian- everyone was laughing at him and the teacher seemed to hate him already. "Go sit in the seat at the back. What's your name?"

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