Chapter 10

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"Honey, you texted me last week and said that it was like a dream come true in California! What's wrong?" She asked sweetly yet quite firm.

"I was dating Ricky... but I made a mistake and broke up with him." I said turning more annoyed and aggravated than sad.

"It's okay, stay there. You have so much more life to live. Just live your life!" She said happily. This clicked a switch in my brain. She was so right!

"Okay mom bye, love you!" I said reorganizing everything how it was before I went on a rampage to stuff everything in my bags.

"Okay Ala, love you t-" I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. There was a knock at the door. I jumped up and saw Ricky standing there.

"Hi. What do you want?" I asked about to shut the door on him.

"I broke up with Shelby." He said leaning against the door frame.

"Really?!" I asked excitedly knowing he was now single.

"Yeah and I wanna know if you wanna get back together?" He asked with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Um. Hell yes!" I said kissing him. I missed the feeling.

"Yay!" He said into the kiss. We broke and I took a step outside.

"Well, Connor and I are having a bro sis day... so..." I said hinting.

"Oh, I know, he told me. I gotta film some stuff for my music video. Wanna be in one of the clips?" He asked smirking.

"Yes!" I said.

He held up the camera an arms length away and kissed me.

"That's it." He said showing me the clip.

"Aww adorable!" I said walking into the hallway.

"I'm going snorkeling with Trevor anyway." He said meeting Trevor in the hallway who I didn't even notice was there.

"Hey flop." I said walking past him and ruffling past him.

"Slay." He said as he fixed his hair.

"Done with your tantrum?" Connor asked as I joined him and grabbed his bicep pulling him down the hall.

"Shut up! You've never been in love like me! You don't know the pain!" I snapped at him.

"Sorry." He said quietly.

I gave him a sassy look as my stomach growled like a angry dog.

"I'M HUNGRY!" I yelled pulling him down the road to a Panera in the distance.

"Yeah, I can tell." He said laughing and going in front of me so he could drag me. I jumped onto his back.

We arrived and I hopped off.

We both ordered and as we were waiting leaning against the wall near the pick-up counter, a really pretty girl with wavy light brown hair, a gray South Carolina University baggy sweatshirt and a pair of track shorts stood next to us. I caught Connor staring and didn't want him to freak her out so I nudged him in the side. He shook his head and looked straight ahead glancing at her every couple seconds.

She looked up, made eye contact for a half second with him. They both looked away when she looked over and bit her lip.

"A-are you Connor Franta?!" She asked sounding like she was having trouble breathing and her breaths were just deep and sounded like dull screams. I didn't blame her though. My brother was queen.

Connor looked at her and grinned. "Yup. Hey, instead of a selfie, want my number?" He asked pulling out his phone. I snorted at his corny pick up line.

"Are you serious?" She asked taking out her phone.

"Yup!" They exchanged numbers, made small talk and our food got here just as they finished.

"Her name's Lizzie!" He said grinning and in a unusual high pitched voice, not one of the usual voices. I just laughed again as we sat down.

"You gotta crush?" I asked taking a bite of my macaroni and cheese.

"I don't know, she's cute, she lives in Los Angeles, she's hilarious-" his mouth was open to say more but I cut him off.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said.

We texeted all through our time, I was texting Ricky and he was texting Lizzie.

"Ricky wants to know if we wanna go cliff jumping later?" I said as I finished the last of my strawberry banana smoothie.

"Yeah, okay, can Lizzie come?" He asked grabbing the trash off the table.

"I don't see why not." I said shrugging and standing up with him.

"Okay, he said to meet him at the hotel at 5, that means we have four hours to burn." I said glancing at the clock.

"Okay, I kinda wanna tan, I'm looking a little pale." He said looking at his arms.

"You think you're looking pale!" I said referring to 'Yeah, look how pale I am!'

We went down to the beach and I layed down on my stomach in the hot sand.

"Fill me in!" He said copying me.

"Well, I'm dating Ricky again!" I said excitedly.

"Boring. I already knew that! Tell me something new!" He whined.

"I don't have anything new!" I said propping my chin up on my elbows and staring into the magnificent cyan ocean.

"Fine. If you care, Sam had a one-night stand with a girl last night, that's new."

"Why am I not surprised?" I asked giggling and rolling onto my back, leaving my front covered in sand. I ripped off my tank top and used it as a pillow. (She's wearing a bathing suit if you recall, she's not a slut. Hehe.)

"Yup." He said.

"I didn't sleep very well last night, wake me up in an hour." I said folding my hands, putting my tank top over them in a scrunched up ball, resting my head on them and falling asleep.


We were heading back up to the hotel with Lizzie. Connor and Lizzie were deep in conversation and I was just skipping happily up the beach.

I got into the elevator, rode up and immediately knocked on Ricky's door.

He answered and pulled me in for a kiss which I happily accepted.

When we broke, Connor and Lizzie who were chatting mindlessly, had gotten out of the elevator.

"This is Lizzie, Lizzie, this is Ricky." He said introducing them.

"I know! I never thought I'd be talking to Ricky Dillon! But I'll respect him, he has a girlfriend now, lucky Alana!" She gushed. We both just smiled.

"Hey Lizzie!" Ricky said smiling.

"Ready to go?" I asked looking at everyone.

"Yup!" They all said in unison.

Ricky and I climbed to the top of the rock and waited for the other two.

They jumped holding hands and Ricky got a pic with his phone. He went onto Twitter.

'@Rickypdillon: Ooh @ConnorFranta gotta crushy wushy! Not gonna name any names.' And tweeted it. I sniggered and replied.


I hope it works out with Conn and Liz, they look adorable together.

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