Chapter 7

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I woke up and Ricky wasn't there. Oh well, he's probably just getting ready to preform. I sat up and walked to my suitcase getting out a pair of high waisted shorts with fringe, rhinestones and ombre from white to blue and a white crop top that's tied at the stomach and has the Twitter logo on it, put on my black hightops, straightened my hair and did my makeup lightly. I grabbed my phone on the way out and slid it into my pocket.

I knocked on Ricky's door and Connor answered.

"Hey, so, you and Ricky?" He said poking my stomach.

"No, he slept in the other bed." I said giggling and rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, follow me, everyone's down at the buffet." He said dragging me behind him.

"Okay, I guess I have no choice." I said laughing and stumbling over my own feet.

When we got there, o2l and everyone else was being greeted by some fans.

I took an open seat and sat down waiting for everyone else. The girls approached me.

"Oh my God! Alana!" They said smiling.

I returned the smile and stood up.

"Hi!" I didn't know people knew me other than the fact that I've been in the background of some videos.

"Aren't you Ricky's girlfriend?" They asked excitedly.

"No..." I said quickly glancing at Ricky.

"Well, you're still Connor's sister! Can we get a picture?" The tallest one asked.

"Sure!" I took a picture with them and they skipped off happily.

I got a text from Ricky. 'They probably just assumed, our secret is safe.' I smiled and looked at him before everyone came and sat back down.

We ate and Jc looked at his phone.

"I just got a text from the theater, they said be there asap." He said getting up.

Everyone did the same and walked to the theater.

There was a couch so I sat down, me being my lazy self, I don't wanna stand, bitch!

I tweeted '@AlanaFranta: @Our2ndlife IS ABOUT TO PREFORM, SO PROUD OF DA BAES!'

I watched from the little TV thing but started to blank out.

I heard my name and sat up.

"Alana, come out on stage!" Ricky yelled.

I giggled and walked out. I waved and everyone clapped.

He moved the microphone from his mouth. "Can I tell them now?"

I nodded excitedly.

"Okay, I have a super huge, super amazing thing to announce..." Ricky said looking around at everyone.

I smiled wide as Ricky put his arm around my waist.

"Alana is my girlfriend!" He said pecking my cheek. Oh well, that just happened.

"I knew it!" Connor said. I laughed. Everyone was cheering and stuff. It felt amazing!

"I hope you guys are supportive and stuff, because I truly love her." Ricky said blushing.

Everyone clapped. I have never felt so appreciated! I walked off stage and when I got back I was swallowed up in a group hug by Lia, Tyler, Troye, Andrea and Shelby.

"We had no idea!" Andrea said.

"Girl, congratulations!" Tyler said smiling.

"I love you all so much!" I yelled smiling ear to ear and hugging the closest two people.

The hug broke then Lia went on, then Tyler then Troye and Tyler, then Andrea and all of a sudden, the show was over.

They were mobbed by fans and it was quite overwhelming to be honest. They were taking pictures and stuff. I couldn't take it and I was about to have a panic attack. I turned to Connor because he was the only one who knew that large groups of people make me overwhelmed. If I'm in front of them like on stage, I'm all good, but if I'm in the crowd... I start to feel sick. I tugged at his arm.

"I feel queasy." I said looking around.

"Okay, when we get out of this crowd, you can relax then we'll go swimming with dolphins. Just wait, there's no way to get through this any faster." He said.

"Okay." I said quietly.

We finally got through and I was feeling much better.

I ran up to my hotel room, Ricky grabbing my hand when he caught up.

"Oh hello!" I said smiling.

"Hey, girl, hay!" He said snapping his free hand.

I giggled and opened my door.

"I gotta get ready, I'll catch up with you guys in like five minutes, okay?" I said shutting the door.

I put on my black bikini that said FRANTA on the hip. Giving myself that promo if you were to ask me.

I put on a crop top with a Sun on it over my bikini, side braided my hair, removed my makeup and slid into my black flip flops that matched the bikini, one flip flop said 'Fra' and the other one said 'nta'. I was looking on District Lines and I saw this and I was like 'NEED' so yeah, now I own it. I threw my phone onto my bed and walked into the hall. Ricky, Shelby, Kian and Andrea were already outside. Trevor walked out of his and Jc's room and looked at my shoes.

"You are what you wear." He said.

"I am not a flop. I slay." I said snapping.

"Why did the two sassiest people on earth need to date?" Andrea said laughing.

"Great question." Kian said doing the crab face.

"I can't wait to swim with dem dolphins!" I said shimmying down the hall.

"Neither can I!" Shelby said.

"Girl, dolphins are cute." Ricky said slipping his hand into mine.

"Not as cute as you!" I said smiling.

There was a round of 'awws' from behind us then Trevor says; "Quiet down, we're in public!" God I love that kid.

Everyone came out as if Trevor saying that was a 'Lets go!' Call.

We arrived at the place and the dolphins were actually quite terrifying up close, they were so big and floppy.

"They are flops." Trevor said.

God, that kid is a flop.

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