Magcon Girls/ Chapter 2

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Jovana's POV*

"RIIINGGGG" my alarm goes off.

Today is the first day of a school for me. Ugh. I quickly get out of my warm bed and get ready. I head to the shower and use my favorite cucumber shampoo&condionter. I get out and dry my hair and go to my closet and choose what to wear.

I go for a simple look, black skinny jeans, red adida sweater, and red & white converse. I add some accessories , my red and white watch and red pokadot bag. As you can see my favorite color is red.

I get my IPhone 5s from it's charger and send a quick text to my best friend Aralyz

To: Aralyz

Ready for school ? I hope there's some cute boys, lol.


I put my phone down and go downstairs for breakfast. "Hey honey, ready for your first day?" My mother asks me. "Don't remind me mom." I say a quick bye, love you and leave to walk to school.

I should tell you about myself, I'm Jovana Woods, 16 years old, I go to Rabinsons HighSchool 10th grade. I have long dark brown almost black hair with burgendy ends. I have an olive skin tone, darker than my other sibiling, I have electric green eyes that shine really bright. My body isn't chubby nor fat I'm not also skinny like a stick, i have some curves. I have 3 younger sibilings. 13 year old brother named Xavier , 6 year old sister named Giovanna , 11 year old brother names Isaiah, and then theres me. I have a few best friends, Aralyz, Alaa, Vanessa and Emilijia. All of them are younger than me by months and years. Emilija is only 14.

From: Aralyz

Yep ! I'll see you at school. See ya.

I turn my phone off as i see my school in view. I run up to Alaa and see what's going on. "Jovana did you hear! Some cute boys are transfering here." I knew there would be cute boys! Rest of my friends come and we talk until the bell rings. Were all in homeroom when a bunch of cute boys wal-barged into the room. Let me tell you , they were hot ! They must've noticed us becuase next thing you know they started walking over to us.


My first book , Don't judge ! - Jovana



Me and all of the girls are stting down watching the newbies jog to our desks. They all sit next to us and started whispering to each other. So we all ignored them, few minutes later someone taps my shoulder.

"Hi I'm Nash"

"Hayes here"

"Hey I'm Shawn"

"I'm Cameron"

"I'm Matthew"

They told us , I have to admit , Nash was pretty cute. He had dark brown short hair , bright bright blue eyes that you can fall inlove in. He looks really tall , like 6'3. Cameron went straight to talking to Vanessa , completley obvious that he hs feelings for her. Shawn was talking to Aralyz , again obvious he likes her. Then Hayes went to Emilija, and Matthew to Alaa. I guess Nash is with me.

we kept talking untill the bell seperated us. My first class was with Cameron and Vanessa. Math is the most boring class on the planet. Luckily the teacher didn't caught me and Vanessa through class.

Soon we were all in lunch , we sat at the same table we sat last year in 8th. Nex i feel a presence on the right of me. I look up from my phone to see Nash sitting there. "Hi" I say.

"What's up" He asks.

"Oh you know nothing , just school" I reply.

Then he takes my phone ! "Hey give it back!" I yell. "First let me put my number in." Damn hes smooth. He gives it back few moments later. We sit and talk with each other, yes all the boys came to our table.

The bell rings for lunch and the day goes smoothly, except. All the boys are in my last class.Gym.

Gym is the worst class ever for girls. They give you assigned clothes to wear. And those clothes makes you look like sluts to be honest. Its black short shorts and a black shirt that's like a half shirt. All the boys stare when the girls leave the gym locker room. Since school started on Friday , we played dodgeball.

We set up team and the coach blows its whistle , I starte running to get other team playes out but a ball hits my led and i see Nash smiling evily. The rest of class was fun untill we all fell over each other and made a doggy pile. That was fun.

I also gotten to know Nash. He has 3 brothers and sisters like me , Will, Hayes, and Skylynn. Hes 17 but few months older than me. Were really good friends , where has he been all my life !

School ends and i go to my locker , i put my stuff inand close it when i came face to face with Nash.


"Text me after school" He replied with a kiss on the cheek. Wait what ?

I brush it off and go home , I walk in and theres a note on the fridge that my mom is coming home late and everyone else is at a friends house. Finally home alone.


All the girls come over since its Friday, also all the boys asked all of us on dates ! Were all getting ready , i have a black skin-tight dress with long sleaves that are lace. I have black high heels. My hair is curled with my bangs clipped back. My makeup isn't a lot but some foundation eyeliner mascara and some lipgloss , to be honest i look hot ! Aralyz was asked to go on a date with Shawn , two love birds shes wearing a black peplum shirt with a green skirt , she has black flats and a green and black beanie with straight hair , her makeup is absolutly gorgeous, foundation and mascara and lipgloss , natural.

Vanessa and Cameron are going on a date also, she has on a dark blue dress , its tight up top and flowy on the bottom , it has no sleves but look perfect on her , she has on heels that really aren't high , there black, she has on a gold cross necklace , her hair is in a sock bun. She look stunning. Alaa has on a strapless black and cheetah print dress , its short in the front and long in the back and she has black leather heels on , and her hair is messily curled , almost looks like bedhead but neater. She barely has makeup on. Just mascara. Emilija has ona red dress that look great with her skin color. It's long sleved and goes midway thigh. her hair is wavy with few curled parts , she only has mascara and eyeliner on , with black heels . Looks gorgeous.

The boys said they will pick us up around 8 , it's 7:45 , were all very nervous ! I hope this date goes well..

We were all talking together when we herd knocking on the door.

"Someone get it" Alaa

"You get it" We all said to Alaa, 4 to1 aha

Alaa went up to the door and opened it to find Matthew loooing Alaa up and down. After there little romantic moment we all headed to the car , all the boys were staring at us. When we got into the car Nash put his hands around my waist and made me sit next to him with my legs on his lap, then he went back to talking to Cameron! What just happened.

When we got to a resturant Nash put us in Magcon Family. Awww. The resturant is really nice, its like Olive Garden and Red Lobster combined. Were all seated in a big booth. Me next to Nash. Vanessa next to Cameron. Alaa next to Matthew. Emilija next to Hayes. We order a simple appitizer that we all shared. Then came main meal which Nash kept taking my shrip -.- Then came desert , i ordered chocolate fudge ice cream! Hey a girl gotta eat!

After we paid the boys took us home , gave us a kiss on the cheek. I have to admit but i after knowing him for a day , you can grow feelings towards him..

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