They meet(a lesbian story)

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This is my first story so please be easy on the criticism. Thanks:)

It was about 8 pm Julia Lennon had just gotten home from work. She walked in to her beach home, feeling the ocean breeze from the windows she had always left open. She walked into her bathroom, starting a bath for herself. As she sank her achy body into the hot water, she watched the sun set and went into a trance.

Julia woke up 15 minutes later, she wanted to go out. It was Friday and she was ready for some time away from the busy life she lived. She got dressed in a sex black dress. Put on her black red bottoms with gold spots and gold lip tint. She grabbed her purse and headed to Indigo.

Twenty miles away Sara Jones was off and spent the day getting chores together. That night she wanted a little time out on the town. She put on her sexiest ass hugging jeans, a nice button up blouse and added some heels for extra height. She grabbed her purse and left to Indigo.

Indigo was packed, Julia pulled up and felt the summer air as she opened her door. She walked up to the door by passing, as the guard was her best friend. She headed to the bar and ordered a mojito. It felt good to be out and feeling free. Out of the corner of her eye she saw this stunning woman.

the woman made her way to the bar. She ordered a scotch on the rocks. "That's a man's drink." Julia said to the woman.

"well I learned from my daddy." the woman replied in a sweet voice.

"my name is Julia, Julia Lennon and you are?"

"Sara Jones."

They shook hands and Julia pointed to a table. Sara nodded and they headed to the table. "Where are you from Sara?"

"Virginia Beach. What about you?"

Julia replied, "Savannah."

they continued their conversation. Getting to know each other more and more. The night began to come to a close. Julia asked Sara if she wanted to continue the conversation at her home. Sara agreed. They headed to Julia's car and drove the 30 minutes to her villa. When they arrived Sara was in awe, she had never seen a beach so beautiful, even though she grew up 10 minutes away from one. Julia told Sara to come in and make herself at home, then she went and got to glasses of wine to ease the tension.

They talk all night. Somewhere in between they fell asleep on Julia's couch.

(((if you would like for me to continue the story let me know))) if you have any comments please let me know what you would like to see or what you would want to happen. Vote if you feel like it. I hope you enjoyed it all. Thanks again for reading.

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