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"Ch-chilled... is-is that Max?" GaLm asks me, shocked.

Max's body lay cold and dead in the middle of town, the sole corpse. I was wrong about multiple people being dead, but maybe I prevented some deaths by making Smarty and GaLm stay home.

"Yeah... but he wasn't killed by Ze."

Why did I say that? Ze ordered Tom to kill Max, so technically it was him.

"So Ze is Mayor? Your target?"

"No... he is Godfather. But he doesn't attack anyone. He lets the mafioso do their thing."

"We could've lost you last night, Chilled," Smarty says to me, and it is only then that I realise that at any moment one of them could die too.

"Sometimes, I wish I could leave Salem. But then I remember that I can't," GaLm mutters, and I sympathise. We have all searched the perimeter of Salem, and there are no exits. We are trapped in this town, for good.

Ze waves me over, so I promise my return to GaLm and Smarty, and see what Ze wants.

"Did you read my note?" Ze asks, and I nod. "Okay, then I would like for you to come back to my house tonight, okay? I promise what happened last night won't repeat itself."

"Okay, I have faith in you here Ze."

"See you tonight, Chilled."


"Welcome!" Ze smiled, instantly causing me to smile back.

"How are you, Ze?" I ask, smiling.

"I'm great, thanks Chilled. You?"

I nod in agreement, and follow him inside. I am greeted once again by the haphazard notes and pictures of both new and old town members on the world.

Leader among men.

I now noticed that there were different coloured lines according to who murdered them. Blue for Serial Killer, green for town, and red... red for mafia.

Ze certainly was one organised godfather, that's for sure.

"Want a coffee, Chilled? Or are you more of an alcohol type?" I laugh.

"Fuck coffee."

Ze snickers, and hands me a tall, frothy glass of beer. I smile and sip, feeling some of my uneasiness fly away.

"Sooooooo, what brings me here?" I ask, taking a swig of my drink.

Ze chuckles.

"I wanted to get to know you better?"

"I read in the note," I say with a laugh, downing the rest of my drink. "What is it you wish to know?"

Ze topped up my glass with another beer, and I grinned.

"Well... what's your name? Like, your real name, not the code?" I contemplate this.

"I'll tell you if you promise to tell me yours?"

"Of course," Ze says, with a kind of determination.

"Well, my name is..." I breathe in. "Anthony."

Ze's eyes look surprised for a spilt second, but he quickly goes back to his original glance. "I'm Steven."

I smile.

"Call me Ant," I slur, extending my hand.

"Call me Steve," Steve says, shaking it.

I down the rest of my drink, and eventually the earth is spinning. I see a beautiful face sitting beside me, and then I fall, my head in their lap; and pass out.

When I awake, I am completely unaware of my surroundings, and I have a massive headache.

What happened last night?

"You're finally awake."

I turn, and notice Ze standing in the kitchen, most likely preparing some sort of meal. My hypothesis is correct when he brings me a large plate full of bacon and eggs.

"Thankyou, Ze," I mutter gratefully, and Ze guffaws.

"You really don't remember much from last night, do you, Ant?"



Steve chuckles and nods his head. "It's nearly time for town to gather, it might be best for you to head out now before me to get to your side of the square."

I quickly finish my plate of food and agree.

"See you soon, Ant!"

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