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The town square is empty when I arrive. I am here early, I am ever so prepared for what is about to happen. The cold air bites into my skin, but my warm jacket helps.

Minx and Krism are the first ones to walk in after me. Krism is helping Minx walk in. Minx has been in this town for as long as anyone can remember; I believe Krism is one of Minx's relatives, though I don't know what kind of relation. Maybe daughter? I've even heard rumours that they're lovers.

Nanners walks in next, and he does his usual flirtatious wink, causing me to shake my head and laugh.

Two people I rarely see talk also enter the circle. Two people called Wildcat and Mini. No one ever sees them apart, and they don't live in town either. If they were women, people would think they were witches for sure. I have no idea what their roles are, and I've never bothered to question them on it either. I do t want no voodoo shit done on me.

Others gather in the circle, and eventually GaLm and Smarty enter. GaLm doesn't look at me, though Smarty makes a beeline straight for me. I wonder how things went last night.

"I have bad news-"

Before I can fully listen to what Smarty has to say, Steve walks in the square, and gives me a sad, sorry look. He mouths 'goodbye.'

What the fuck does that mean?

Before I can head over, Smarty holds me back.

"You need to fucking hear this, Chilled. Trust me, before you go to Ze. It's vital."

Never in my whole life have I heard Smarty be this serious and upfront with me. Something must be seriously wrong.

"What is it?"

"Okay, so GaLm jailed Ze last night," I nod. "Well, GaLm questioned him, threatened him with execution." I shoot GaLm a glare.

"No, but get this Chilled!" I look back to Smarty. "Ze confessed that he's mayor!" I stand, puzzled.

"He- he what...?" No, he's Godfather. He has to fucking be.

Steve never even said his role to me. He never said his fucking role.

Steve, the man that I secretly have a fucking thing for,

the boy that was so kind,


m a y o r.

That fucking prick.

Instantly, I put a vote in for him. Nanners follows suit. GaLm waits a while, but eventually casts a vote for him. Smarty follows suit.

However, no one else does.

Steve- no. ZE.

Ze looks sad, but quite frankly I don't give a fuck.

When the bell goes, I call Tom over.

"I know you're the mafioso, and I know that Ze is mayor. It's an easy kill for you," I growl.

Tom looks devious.

"What do I get out of this?"

I think. What can I give him?

"You may vote me up and lynch me. I will admit treason against the town. I will allow myself to be slaughtered."

Tom smirks. "Deal, Mr. Chaos. I call that a deal."

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