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Tonight, Steve was coming to my house. That is why I was up at 5:00am cleaning up the place. I had to get everything ready and actually okay for him to stay in, I'd have no time during the day.

I had done surprisingly well. My clothes were neatly stacked, my food was in a neat order, the carpet was clean, the bathroom had been completely wiped, the kitchen was like new again and the dog hair that used to be on every surface was mostly gone. Hopefully, it was good enough for Steve.

The town bell chimed, signalling that everyone should gather to share news and accusations.

There was wild theories; apparently GaLm was the serial killer. After both myself, Smarty, Steve and Nanners vouched that he wasn't, people backed off.

No other accusations were sent that day, so I had a free day to do whatever I wanted. Once again, I left my friends and went to Steve.

"That was close for your friend there Ant. He got lucky," Steve said under his breath.

"It was, but since he really isn't Serial Killer and there were a lot of people behind him, he stayed alive. I'm grateful for having people that have my back, too."

Steve nodded in agreement.

"Without allies, where would anyone be in Salem? Yep. In the ground, dead."

I nodded sadly, for it was true.

"See you at my house tonight anyway, Steve. Be there at... seven."

Steve smiled, and hugged me. I tensed but relaxed.
This is what friends did.



Making my way over to Ze's house, I grinned. Boy, would I have fun with him tonight. He had no idea what he was in for.

Sneaking into his house, I saw him sitting on his couch reading the Salem newspaper. Swiftly, I hugged him from behind, causing him to jump.

"I- Nanners?" He spluttered.

"That's right," I said flirtatiously, moving my hands up and down his abdomen and giving him light kisses along the jawline.

"Nanners- I don't-"

"You have no choice in this Ze, my choice is to keep you occupied for tonight. Don't worry, it'll all be over soon," I cooed, grasping his hair in my fist and entering his mouth with my tongue.

Ze showed no happiness in anything I was doing, but I continued nonetheless. Dragging him over to his bed, I crawled on top of him, pulling at his clothes.

"S-stop Nanners!"

I just grinned, grinding my hips with his, and smirking. I heard of a hint of a involuntary moan which caused my member to twinge. Usually, I don't get turned on. I do it simply to keep them occupied.


Finally, Ze's pants were off and I dry humped his bulge, causing him to try and shake me off. No such luck for him, as it caused his boxers to slip down.

Just as I prepared to completely take them off completely, I heard the front door open, and a gasp.

There stood the one and only Chilled Chaos.

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