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Chilled, otherwise known as Ant, was out to get me. However, he didn't realise that I was his target.

For I am no way the Godfather he believes me to be. I am in fact, the mayor. The son of the man that killed his father. Our fathers were best friends.

What I don't understand though, is why would my father do such a thing to his best friend? The man he trusted? He just instantly voted him up and the town followed.

I went to my wall of theories and connections, trying to find some sort of clue. Surely it wasn't my father that did it, right?

It couldn't have been.

Connections, connections, connections.


My finger traced an old faded line, one that I could barely see. It made sense.

My father was not guilty.

How was I going to make Ant aware of this?


Town square eventually filled up with people, Steve being one of the last. He looked like he'd discovered something important. GaLm and Smarty once again greeted me like they usually do, and I grinned.

It's good to have people you can trust in Salem.

GaLm still wasn't the same, though. Max's death had really affected his wellbeing. Eventually, the trial began to see who would be lynched next.

Someone called Delirious got sent up, and everyone voted guilty, and for good reason too, he was mafioso. This was unfortunate for Steve, but he still had at least one other mafioso left.

I looked across the square to Steve, who held up seven fingers.

Seven o'clock.

I did a thumbs up, and Smarty noticed the exchange.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to become friends with Salem's Godfather?"

"He won't kill me, Smarty."

Smarty still had a face of apprehension, but he stayed quiet. GaLm said nothing, he didn't even acknowledge the conversation. I hope he gets better soon, we need our Jailor at his best.

No one else claimed anything about other inhabitants of Salem, so we were all free to go. GaLm went off by himself, while Smarty went over to Nanners. Steve waved me over, so I left my side and went to his.

"Want to go for a walk?" He winked, and I grinned.

"Why not?"

During the stroll, we got to know each other better. Steve honestly seems like a really down to earth person, which is just what I look for in a guy. Hah, if only Steve was gay.

"Do you ever miss innocent childhood, where we didn't have responsibilities? Where we could be free? Where murder wasn't something that was feared?" Steve glanced at me and nodded.

"I do miss my childhood. There are things I wish I could go back and do, but I was only a kid back then. There's nothing I can change."

I nodded in sympathy.

"If I wasn't so naive back then, I'm sure I could've saved at least one life."


The rest of the walk was in silence. We listened to the peaceful chirping of the birds, and the bubbling of a nearby stream.

Eventually, we made it to one of Salem's end walls.

Time to turn back.

"It was nice talking to you."

"See you at seven, Ant. Be there or be square," Steve said, poking his tongue out.

Smiling, we walked our seperate ways.

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