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I heard bloodcurdling screams last night, and I know exactly who they were from.

The town's mayor.

That morning, everyone walks out, terrified. The screams that were heard last night... that was the stuff of absolute fucking nightmares. Quite obviously someone died.

That someone was Ze.

Satisfaction, pure utter satisfaction came in waves. The target, that I have wanted to kill for almost all of my life was dead.

Everyone crowded around the body, and eventually it was revealed.

Ze was mayor, slain by a member of the mafia.

He had a will, which was passed around. I almost didn't give any care to read it, but then I figured he might've mentioned me in there, so just in case I read it for myself.

"Dear _______, I won't say your name because people will fear your treachery. I just want to say one thing; what you believe is wrong. It's called a witch. See you in the afterlife. -Ze

Wait... wh- wha- what...?

His will was a message, solely for me. But...
my whole life... is a lie.

A fucking witch.

A witch did this.

A witch controlled Ze- Steve's dad and voted my own father up.

That was when everyone turned to me.

"That guy tried voting Ze up yesterday!"

"Chilled is mafia!"


I was overwhelmed.

Before I knew it, I was being led to the noose in the centre of town.

The rope hung loosely around my neck.

There was no point fighting, I already wanted this.

I let death overtake me with open arms.

I would see Steve again, or he might hate me. So maybe not.

"Any last words?"

"I'm sorry, GaLm. I'm sorry Smarty. But most of all, I'm sorry Ze. I'm coming for you. Last of all, fuck you witch."

The noose tightened, my vision faded to black.

The last thing I saw


smarty and galm


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