Chapter 1: She Stole My Harry

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[AN: This is my first One Direction fan fic so be gentle. For the sake of this story any of the boy's current girlfriends do not exist. They're all single for this story! (Let the daydreams begin!) As I stated earlier many of the characters you will meet are the creations of my fans! Please don't be mad if I make your character behave oddly or anything. It's called fiction for a reason. ;) I still need a character for Zayn so message me if you have an idea for one!]

“Louis keep your eyes on the road!” Liam shouted as they carelessly swerved around another corner. “Remind me again why we let you drive?”

“I was the first to grab the keys,” Louis said triumphantly as he made another fast turn.

“Relax,” Harry said. “We’re almost there. Lou, love, turn right here. My dad’s place is just up the road.”

“So what do you know about your dad’s new wife?” Niall asked Harry.

“Well,” Harry said. “Her name is Dawn, and she has a daughter. I guess they met and fell for one another pretty quick.”

“I would be pretty gobsmacked if my dad told me he got married over text message,” Zayn said from the far back seat of the car. [AN: My dad told me he got married in an online chat. He can be kind of an ass sometimes.] Zayn immediately regretted bringing it up when he saw Harry shift uncomfortably. They all knew that Harry was doing his best to reconnect with his father, and the guys agreed to come as emotional support. “Is that the place?” Zayn asked pointing towards a small flat at the end of the street.

“Yeah,” Harry said as Louis parked and they all got out.

“Uh, Hazza?” Liam asked peeking his head back into the car. “You have to get out of the car first.” Harry laughed nervously as he got out. He was determined to make things with his dad work. He was extremely close with his mother and sister Gemma, and he wanted the same kind of relationship with his dad. When his dad had called inviting him to dinner Harry had jumped at the chance to spend time with him.

“Let us go forth and meet daddy!” Louis said linking arms with Harry and pulling him along to the front door.  The others followed along behind them. “Don’t worry my darling, the new family will love us!” Harry laughed at his good friend. Lou was always able to relax him in any situation. “Papa of my dear Hazza, we are here!” Louis called out as he pounded on the door. Harry gulped as the door opened.

“Welcome! Aren’t all of you just adorable!,” cried the woman who answered the door. She was tall and willowy with dark black hair. “I’m Dawn. Which one of you is Harry?” Harry meekly raised his hand. “You look just like your father. Absolutely precious.” She then proceeded to pull Harry into a strong hug. Her grip was tight preventing Harry from breathing properly.

“She stole my Harry,” Louis pouted.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Liam said. “I don’t think he can breathe.”

“Sorry,” Dawn said freeing him from her grasp. “Come in all of you. And don’t call me ma’am. I’m not that old. Your dad is just in the kitchen.”

“Okay,” Harry said softly. “I hope it’s okay that I brought the boys along.”

“I’m thrilled you did,” Dawn replied as she led them all into the living room. “I’ve read up on you boys ever since your father mentioned that Harry was in One Direction. I even bought your album!”

“Thanks?” Niall said. This woman was a little more than enthusiastic.

“Oh Niall, you’re brogue is even cuter in person!” Dawn squealed. Niall hid behind Zayn when Dawn reached out towards him.

Waited For A Girl Like You: A One Direction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now