Chapter 15: It Just Seems Like Everything Is Going Wrong Now

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Who Created My Awesome Characters!

[AN: This chapter goes back and forth a lot so take your time reading it. I hope you enjoy it! This chapter is dedicated to all the great fans who gave me these characters to work with. It has been so much fun to write so far!]

“How much stuff do you own?” Liam asked as he eyed the garbage bags Louis dragged into the flat. “And who packed this for you?”

“I packed it myself,” Louis said morosely. “Autumn’s not answering my phone calls.”

“Really?” Alexa asked from where she watched them on the couch. “Maybe I can go talk to her for you!”

“No,” Liam said. “You need to stay right here. I don’t want you wandering off.”

“Geez Dad,” Alexa whined. “I don’t get to go anywhere on my own anymore. I am so bored!”

“I don’t want to risk you getting hurt by your father,” Liam said. “I love you too much to give into your demands.” Liam leaned over the couch to kiss Alexa softly.

“I suddenly feel nauseous,” Louis grumbled hefting one of the garbage bags and heading towards the open bedroom.

“I’m worried about him,” Alexa said softly. “He’s not the same without Autumn to spar with.”

“I know,” Liam said. “It’s like Louis has been replaced with a ghost.”


“Is she drunk?” Zayn asked eyeing the several empty bottles of liquor spread throughout the kitchen.

“No,” Hope said. “That would be normal. Instead she’s getting rid of everything that reminds her of Louis. She keeps calling it the ‘Purging of Tomlinson.’”

“Alcohol reminds her of Louis?”

“You’ve seen Louis at a party. Earlier today I caught her burning every striped shirt she owned.”

“Let me guess. Because Louis wears a striped shirt when he performs onstage?” Hope nodded as she watched her sister proceed to throw carrot after carrot down the garbage disposal. “Do you know if they actually broke up?”

“No idea,” Hope replied. “After that meeting Autumn just snapped. She refuses to talk to him, to see him, or to answer his calls. She says it’s better for him if she keeps her distance.”

“Dragon lady?” Zayn tried. “Why don’t you put down the carrots and talk to us?” Autumn turned and looked at them with a crazy glint in her eyes.

“Hope, did you know that Zayn used to have a crush on me?” Autumn asked darkly.

“Actually?” Hope asked. “Yeah…It’s kind of a long story.”

“Then you also know the real reason that he has any interest in you is because we could be twins. He couldn’t have me so he’s been going after you."

“Zayn and I are just friends,” Hope said shakily.

“But you want it to be more right?” Autumn moved swiftly draping herself on Zayn before matching her lips to his. When she pulled away Hope had run from the room. Zayn pushed her away.

“What is wrong with you Autumn?” Zayn shouted. “That’s your sister!”

“That guy at the record company was right,” Autumn said sadly. “It’s better if you all just keep your distance from me. Hope included.” Zayn marched off in search of Hope.


“So tell me again why you moved into the extra bedroom of the flat instead of in Harry’s bedroom with him?” Jordan asked Jericho who was currently folding her shirts into the dresser drawer. “It’s not like you can get pregnant again.”

Waited For A Girl Like You: A One Direction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now