Chapter 12: What Do You Remember About My Father?

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[AN: This chapter is just so dang heavy. Eh.]


“Somebody just asked me for my autograph,” Autumn said as she walked into the dressing room in a daze. Louis walked over and took her hand in his. “It’s just all so surreal.”

“You’re so cute when you’re in shock,” Louis said kissing her cheek.

“And then some fan yelled at me for breaking you and Harry up,” Autumn continued. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”

“That’s complete nonsense!” Louis said in mock outrage.

“Yeah,” Hope said from the other side of the dressing room. “You’ll get used to all of this.”

“No, I was talking about Harry and me,” Louis joked. “We would never break up.”

“Of course not dear,” Harry said walking over still only partially dressed for their concert. “I would never let Autumn come between us.”

“Harry, would you please put on a shirt?” Autumn asked with a groan. At minimum the boy was always shirtless around them. She really wished her stepbrother wasn’t so damn comfortable naked.

“Relax dragon lady,” Zayn said. “We’re all fine with shirtless Harry. He does this all the time.”

“Yeah,” Hope said blatantly ogling Harry’s naked chest. “It’s perfectly fine with all of us.”

“Put on a shirt Hazza,” Zayn said suddenly angry.

“I think Zayn is upset that his girlfriend was checking out Harry,” Jericho said with a chuckle.

“We’re not dating!” Hope and Zayn shouted out in unison making everyone laugh.

“God, they’re even more fun to mess with than Liam and Alexa,” Jordan said still laughing.

“I’m going to go check the stage,” Zayn said marching off.

“Me too,” Hope said trailing after him.

“I still can’t believe that Zayn hasn’t asked her out yet,” Niall said watching them.

“He’d better not ask her out,” Louis said his mood suddenly sour. “Baby sis is not allowed to date. Ever.” Autumn rolled her eyes. Ever since she had reconnected with Hope, Louis had taken it upon himself to stand in as a protective big brother for her. He once even tried to mandate a curfew for Hope, which she had easily ignored.

“We have to be on stage in ten minutes,” Harry said finally putting his shirt back on. “Where’s Liam?”

“He’s supposed to be meeting Alexa at the back entrance,” Autumn said. She grabbed Louis’ wrist and looked at his watch. “But that was almost half an hour ago. Do you think we should go look for them?”

“No need,” Niall said pointing at the doorway. “There they are.” Liam and Alexa appeared in the doorway. Anyone with eyes could see that Alexa was nervous and anxious. Liam kept grabbing her hand and she kept shaking it free. “Better get ready Liam. We have a concert to perform!”

“Lex, are you going to be okay?” Liam asked softly.

“I-I’m fine,” Alexa said shakily. “Just go get ready for your concert.” Liam nodded and left to go get changed, but he didn’t look happy about it.

“I should get ready too,” Louis said kissing Autumn and standing up. “See you in the front row?”

“Actually, I think I’ll hang out on the side of the stage with Alexa,” Autumn said. Because she didn’t want her face shown, Alexa watched all the concerts from the side of the stage. If she was out in the front row then she was sure to be pictured with the other girls.

Waited For A Girl Like You: A One Direction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now