Chapter 13: I Told Her That Her Garbage Is Her Problem

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[AN: I had the most awful morning at work today. I was woken up at 4:30AM from my standby shift to deal with an angry guest who made some poor decisions that led to security and police intervention. And then I spent the entire rest of the morning dealing with the fallout from it. Even if you don't, tell me that you like this chapter to make me feel better. Please?]

“I cannot believe her!” Hope shouted as she marched into Jericho’s room. “How could she even think that? If this is what having a sister means then I don’t know why I ever got one!” Jericho smiled to herself as she put away her laundry. She ignored Hope’s ranting. They had all learned that if you just gave her enough time Hope calmed down on her own. “Are you even listening to me?”

“Not really,” Jericho sighed as she folded another shirt. “Why did you come into my room anyway?”

“I needed to rant.”

“And I have to be here why?”

“What’s the point of ranting if no one is here to listen to me?” Jericho rolled her eyes.

“Can’t you talk to Zayn about this? He is your b—“

“If one more person calls him my boyfriend I’m going to scream!” Hope shouted.

“I was going to say best friend.”

“Oh,” Hope said sitting on Jericho’s bed. “Sorry.”

“No problem,” Jericho said sitting down next to her. “I suppose I’m going to regret asking this, but what’s wrong?” Jericho winced at Hope’s happy smile. This was going to be painful.

“So I was sitting downstairs with Zayn just minding my own business. We were watching television, and Autumn just marches downstairs holding the bathroom trash can in her hand. And she waltzes over to me and practically shouts ‘Hope Summer Harper, what is this?’ So naturally I answered that it was a trash can.” Jericho laughed.

“I take it that wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear?”

“Yeah. She just got angrier and shoved the garbage can into my lap. Which by the way is super gross. Who wants a bathroom trash can shoved into their lap? So I shoved it back into her arms. I mean, I was trying to watch TV, and she was freaking out over trash? She got even madder, and asked me how I could let something like this happen. I assumed she was asking me why no one had taken the garbage out, but that’s hardly my problem. I have my own place. I was just visiting for the day trying to bond with my sister. It’s not my job to take her guest bathroom garbage out.”

“You were here to bond with Autumn?” Jericho asked skeptically.

“Of course.”

“Then why were you downstairs watching television with Zayn?”

“Would you stop interrupting my story?” Hope replied back angrily. Jericho motioned for her to continue.  “Anyway Zayn decides to try and help. He told her that she was getting angry over nothing. So then Autumn starts screaming at him.”

“She’s always yelling at Zayn.”

“Not like this. She was telling him that it was a big deal. Then she started blaming him for getting me into this mess, which made absolutely no sense. I told her that her garbage is her problem. Then she says that it’s not the garbage, but what was in it. So she reached in the can and pulls out this white stick. Seriously gross by the way.” Jericho felt her throat begin to dry up. She felt nauseous and her face paled. Hope mistook her reaction as agreement on the gross out factor of reaching into a garbage can for something. “So then she’s waving around this stick telling me that we have to talk about it.”

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