Chapter 9: It's LIke You Don't Know Me At All

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[AN: This chapter has so much drama it totally drained me just to write it. Oh and Thunder_head, I adore you. Please remember that as you read this chapter. Kisses!]

“Have either of you seen Niall?” Jericho asked Liam and Alexa. Alexa had returned to Autumn’s place after work and found Liam, Jericho, and Niall waiting for her. She and Liam were watching a movie snuggled up on the couch while Jericho and Niall had wandered off to separate sides of the house. Something was definitely going on between them, but Alexa didn’t want to get into the middle of it.

“I think he’s in the kitchen,” Liam offered. Jericho stalked off towards the kitchen clearly angry.

“Good job, Li,” Alexa said. “She looked ready to kill him.”

“I don’t care. It’s not my job to take care of their problems.”

“You’re still mad that they didn’t tell you about their plan for the live chat?” Liam had shown her the chat and explained everything that had happened the minute she had come home. She could tell he was still upset that they had kept something from him. She knew he was mostly upset because he always wanted to be the one to help. Liam thrived on caring for everyone else.

“No I’m not,” he said sulking.

“Li, sometimes you don’t get to save everyone.”

“I’m just tired of people keeping things from me. You especially.” Alexa’s throat became instantly dry. This was the first time Liam had verbally told her that he knew she was keeping something from him.

“I’ve told you everything you need to know.”

“If that were true then you wouldn’t keep up these ridiculous restrictions on me. You refuse to be photographed. I have to sneak you in everywhere. I can’t even mention your name to the press. What is going on Lex?”

“I value my privacy.”

“Value your privacy my ass! Do you know how frustrating it is to have to pretend the girl you like doesn’t even exist? I’m going mad having to spend every chat or interview telling the world that I’m single when I don’t want to be. But you won’t trust me!” Liam stopped from his rant to look down and realize that Alexa had frozen completely. She sat there blinking her eyes as the shock set in. He replayed his words and cursed inwardly. Good going Liam. You decide to tell the girl of your dreams that you like her by yelling at her?

“You like me?” Alexa asked still blinking up at him in shock. He simply nodded. “Like like me?” He nodded again. “As in you want to date me?” He nodded again. “Stop nodding and say something!”

“I’ve always liked you Lex. Ever since we were kids.”

“I’m not that girl from your childhood.”

“I know that, but it doesn’t change things. I still want you.” He wouldn’t want her if he knew the truth about her past. “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?”

“If I told you,” Alexa sighed, “everything would change. I just want to leave my past in the past okay?”

“My opinion of you could never change,” Liam said pulling her close. She looked up at him as he clutched her in his arms. He had grown up into such a handsome man. He began to lean towards her until his lips were inches from hers. “If you don’t want this tell me now.” She answered by reaching up the last few inches to meet her lips to his. The kiss was sensational, and Liam began to wonder how he had survived without her by his side. She pulled away several minutes later. 

“So what does this make us?” Alexa asked playing with the hem of her shirt.

“It doesn’t have to change anything. We can stay friends if that’s what you want. It’s up to you.”

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