Chapter 8: What Does Your Mum Have To Do With This?

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[AN: Oh, WolfGirlDream, you are going to read this and feel happy and guilty all at the same time. Thank you to all my fans and readers! The more you vote and comment the more excited I get to update! I love you all like a penguin loves fish!]

“How about Tum-Tum?” Louis asked with a chuckle.

“No,” Autumn said with a smile. “You may not call me Tum-Tum.”

“What about Otto?”

“You call me Otto and I’ll start calling you Little Lulu.” Harry rolled his eyes as he watched his best friend and his stepsister continue to flirt with each other. They had spent the last ten minutes of this double date trying to come up with a nickname for Autumn. “Just face it. There are no good nicknames for Autumn.”

“But Zayn has a special nickname for you. I want to have one of my own.”

“Dragon lady is not a nickname,” Autumn pointed out. “A nickname is usually shorter than the original name.”

“It’s more of a pet name,” Jordan suggested from her seat next to Harry. Harry groaned as she joined into the conversation. He really wanted to move on from this conversation. He wanted to talk about anything else.

“I think it’s only fair that as your boyfriend I get to be the one who creates pet names for you,” Louis declared.

“Fine,” Autumn sighed. “Just not Otto. Or Tum-Tum.”

“How about Fall?”


“Well your name is Autumn so I can call you Fall. It’s the same season. Get it?”

“Try again Little Lulu.” Louis closed his eyes and tapped his head as he thought hard. They all sat there in silence as he thought about it. “Lou, maybe we should just move on.”

“I’ve got it!” Louis declared triumphantly. “Mrs. Tomlinson!”

“What?” Harry asked. “What does your mum have to do with this?”

“Not my mum,” Louis said happily. “My nickname for Autumn can be Mrs. Tomlinson. Or Mrs. T.”

“We’re not married Lou,” Autumn said.

“Not yet,” Louis said leaning in and kissing her softly. Harry felt a little nauseous as he watched her giggle against his kiss.

“Hey guys!” Harry said breaking them apart. “We’re out in public. Could you relax your hormones a bit?”

“Yeah,” Jordan said. “People are starting to stare.”

“Sorry,” Autumn said leaning her head on Louis’ shoulder.  She looked around the restaurant noting that many of the restaurant patrons were indeed watching them. “We’ll cool it for a little while. So Jordan, how are things with Harry?”

“Good, I guess,” Jordan said nervously glancing over at Harry. Things had been awkward between them ever since the live chat. Harry reached across her for the salt, and she flinched. Autumn elbowed Louis in the side to get him to watch Jordan and Harry’s interactions.

“I’m going to go use the bathroom,” Autumn said standing up. “Jordan, would you care to join me?”

“I don’t know,” Jordan said as Autumn circled the table and grabbed her arm pulling her from the chair. “Okay, I guess.” Louis waited until the girls had entered the restroom before getting Harry’s attention.

“Okay Hazza,” Louis said sitting down in Jordan’s empty seat. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I’m fine Louis,” Harry grumbled.

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