Chapter 1: New day

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***Meliodas P.O.V***


I was in my new school, and as i walked in the gates, everyone formed a ring around me. I tried to move, but couldn't. The students started chanting 'Go away demon, begone! We do not like demons, so die!' Over and over. I was engulfed in hellblaze and I screamed in agony, while they just laughed. I was then consumed by the darkness.

I woke up to my alarm ringing. It read 7:00am. Damn, i might be late! I jumped out of bed and tiptoed down stairs. Then I realised i was still in my PJ shorts. Embarrassed, I ran upstairs and got dressed in to the school uniform.

It was black trousers, white shirt and a green, purple, pink, orange, red, yellow or blue tie, your pick. I picked green, my favourite colour.

I ran downstairs and made breakfast. It was a huge fry up. Bacon, eggs, black pudding, sausage, square sausage, the whole lot. But none for me. Luckily, I'm a bad cook, so I don't need to eat it. I just had an apple. I had just finished putting it on the table, when Estarossa and Zeldris walked in.

'OI! Brat!' Zeldris yelled at me, trying to hit me but luckily, I managed to dodge, only to be hit in the face by Estarossa.
'Wheres our apple juice?' He asked quietly, sorta like the calm before the storm. I knew i had to run.

'In the fridge!' I yelled and ran for it. I grabbed my schoolbag and bolted out the bar. As I walked out onto the streets, i let out a sigh of relief. I managed to avoid another fight again today. I think.

As I walked past some streets, I realised I didn't know where the school was. This was because my new school was kind of like a boarding school, where all the houses in a certain area belong to the school kids. On the Holidays, they either go back home or stay at the school houses. I didn't panic because I could always ditch, i mean, I did it all the time at my old school, not that anyone cared.

As i was walking past some fancy houses, a girl exited the big, lilac house. She had long silver hair and was wearing my uniform, except a skirt and a pink tie.

'Hiya!' I ran up to her.

'Oh, ummm... hi.' She said. She looked nervous and a bit startled.

'Oh yeah,' I continued, ' I'm new at Melburn high and I don't know how to get there, so can I walk with you? Please?' I asked, saying the last part sweetly.

'Oh, sure!' She said. 'I thought you were another ill person or something.' I looked thoroughly confused.
'My power is healing,' she explained. I nodded.

We started walking down the road and I asked her 'I'm Meliodas by the way, what's yours?' I asked her curiously.

'Oh I completely forgot! How rude of me! I'm Elizabeth!' She laughed. A tinkly little laugh. How adorable! She's so hot! Wait! I only just met her! I shouldn't think things like that! But me, being the pervert i am, mostly ignored my thoughts. We started talking, and I got to know her a little.

'There's lots of little groups in our school, the holy knight, the royalty, the fairies, the giants, the goddesses, the demons.' She shuddered.

'I'm in a small group. We call ourselves the Seven Deadly Sins. We all have something that we did to get called that. You know, because of our past?' Elizabeth chatted happily. I liked this school already.

'We each have a tattoo on part of our body. Mine's on my left hand. It has an animal that represents our sin on it. Mine's a hummingbird. Oh, you probably want to know my friends names, right?' She inquired. I nodded.

'Ok. So there's my bestie, Diane with the orange tie, Merlin with purple, King with blue, Ban with red and Gowther with yellow. Escanor used to have a yellow tie, too, but he moved to Africa.' Elizabeth then began to describe her friends. She suddenly stopped and looked at me thoughtfully.

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