Chapter 17: It was all for her

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****3rd P.O.V****

The room shook with the aura being emitted by the blonde boy. It even made Zeldris lay off Elizabeth.

'W-what?' Diane stuttered, wriggling in the ropes. 'What is that?!?!?!?'

Meliodas, surrounded in markings, lunged at Zeldris. Zeldris dodged the attack and ran outside, instructing Bob to protect him.

Meliodas stopped at Elizabeth, regarding her with something akin to protectiveness. He sniffed her, and crawled over to her with wide, black eyes.

'Elizabeth watch out-' King yelled, reaching his hand towards her but was cut short when Meliodas's head whipped round in his direction with a fierce gaze.

Meliodas's expression was a mixture of hate towards Zeldris and anger at him for hurting her, jealousy that he got to kiss Elizabeth before him, and- basically Zeldris was in for a very bad time.

He did, after all, kiss another demon's mate.

Meliodas tapped her leg and Elizabeth seemed to snap out of her daze. She looked at him and despite her injuries, she reached up and touched his face.

He leaned in towards her hand like an animal and ran outside.

'Elizabeth!' Diane cried. 'What happened?!?'

'What do you think?' Elizabeth replied sarcastically.

Everyone laughed uneasily.

'So, uh, what do you think is going on up there....' King trailed off, his eyes wide as a random arm, that looked like Bob's, fell down the stairs in a trail of blood.

'You know, I was starting to think you wouldn't come, but you did...' Elizabeth was drowsy and her vision swayed dangerously as she threatened to pass out. Just then, she sat up and threw up. Not food, no, just stomach acid and lots of blood.

Diane looked in horror at her best friend. She was there, dying, and Diane couldn't do much as even hold her hair back while she threw up. Diane felt... Helpless.

At that moment, Aunt Daisy and some other demons ran in with stretchers and medical kits. 'I can't believe my nephew! He did all this to gain power! I should slap him!' Aunt Daisy said.

She hurriedly untied everyone and they walked out the entrance to the school, Elizabeth on a stretcher. Diane, who's leg was twisted, was leaning on King who was trying not to get crushed by her, it would have been funny if not for the current situation they were in.

Ban and Elaine were walking hand in hand, ignoring the fact Elaine's usually snow white dress was stained red with blood and ban had literally no shirt.

At the school, some demon's were taking a very badly beaten up Zeldris into a car, or more specifically, a demonic police car. Other police officers were swarming the area, Medics too as they gathered the bodies of the formerly deceased.

One stretcher, however, carried a small blonde boy. Diane, King, Elaine and Ban rushed over to it. Meliodas had cuts and bruises all over him, thanks to the abuse, but it was ten times worse because of his fight, presumably with Zeldris. His right arm looked severely damaged.

They didn't have time to say anything to the unconscious boy as he was whisked away. Just then Medical workers asked them all to come in an ambulance to take them to hospital, to get them checked out.

They all got in the ambulances; Elizabeth and Meliodas in their own ambulances each because they were in critical condition, and King, Ban, Diane and Elaine in another.

It was one week later, just after visiting time, when Elizabeth woke up. Rubbing her eyes, she allowed them to get used to the light before looking around. She saw she was completely wrapped in bandages. Her first thought was; Meliodas.

Trailing around the hospital, she eventually found his room. Inside, Aunt Daisy sat there beside his bed, he seemed to be still asleep. 'You know, your lucky to have him.' Aunt Daisy said to Elizabeth without looking up.

'E-Excuse me?' Elizabeth stuttered and walked/limped in, and sat in a chair.

'Not many people get demon mates that will actually fight for them. Much less the demon Kings son.' Aunt Daisy replied.

'It's also very rare for a demon's mate to be a goddess, as well.'

'How did you know???' Elizabeth panicked.

'I can tell. Now I'll leave you alone with him for a while, have fun, your friends have just left.' Aunt Daisy said and swept out of the room with her jacket billowing so much Snape would be proud.

'And just so you know, the only reason he is like this is for you.' Elizabeth was left by herself staring at Meliodas's unconscious body.

'Wake up soon.' Elizabeth stated, tears dripping down her face. It's all my fault. 'I-I need you.' She planted a kiss on his lips. A golden aura surrounded them both and when it left, sapphire eyes met emerald.

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