Chapter 2: The Fight. And Bans sin revealed.

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***Elizabeth P.O.V***

I woke up with an aching back. Then I realised I was sitting at my desk. Oh no! I must of fell asleep while studying!!!! I get up and get dressed, brushing my hair out. I look at myself in the mirror, satisfied at my appearance.

I run down the stairs to see my Older sisters, Margaret and Veronica, sitting at the table eating a piece of toast.

'Why hello Elizabeth,' Veronica said sneakily. I frowned at her.

'Whats going on?' I asked, confused.

'Well, there's a 10yr old boy in the living room,' Margaret says funnily.

I narrow my eyes.

'He says he knows you, got blonde hair, green eyes, small person?' Veronica said. Realisation dawned on my face.

'MMEELLIIOODDAASS!' I yell as I bolt through the kitchen to the living room.

***Meliodas P.O.V***

I heard Elizabeth call my name, and I straightened, ignoring the fact my back was screaming in protest. She runs in and i stand up, ignoring the pain.

'What are you doing here!??!?' Elizabeth yells.

'Waiting for you, dummy. Lets go, ok?' I said, giving her a fake smile and walking to the kitchen. She follows.

Walking through the kitchen towards the hall, Veronica yells 'Is that your boyfriend? Isn't he a bit short?' While Margaret starts giggling.

'I am NOT her boyfriend, and i'm NOT short!!!' I shrieked as We exited the house. Elizabeth giggled at my cherry-red face. She looks adorable! Uggh whats wrong with me?!?

'So, Are you ready to fight Diane? I fought her and I lost, but she let me in anyway!' Elizabeth told me on the way there. I was in a lot of pain so I couldn't really focus.

She noticed I wasn't in a very good mood so we didn't talk anymore. We got to school very early, with 15 mins to spare. We went to the table where the sins were sitting and they greeted us.

They were all talking and I was talking and smiling and they believed me, but Elizabeth kept sneaking glances at me. Everytime she looked at me, I would flash her a smile.

I must of let my guard down though, because Elizabeth suddenly spun me round to face her. Damn she is strong. Her face was frowning, and her eyes had concern written all over it.

Elizabeth looked me up and down.
'Turn around,' she commanded. I shook my head. 'Turn AROUND!' Elizabeth commanded me.

'No!' I shook my head defiantly, causing me to wince.

Ban forcefully picked me up and turned me round so my back was facing Elizabeth. Shit. ' This is against my human rights!' I yelled but to no avail.

King used his chastifol and sliced through my shirt. Every body gasped. My back was covered in lots of large scars spreading in every direction across it. Some were quite old and there were 6 new ones, obviously done recently. Today, actually.

'W-who did t-this?' Elizabeth said in a horrified whisper. It broke my heart to hear it.

I stayed silent.

'Did, did you do, do it to yours-self?' Diane asked, obviously shocked. I shook my head. Ban dropped me and I fell to the floor.

'Who ever did this,' Ban said in a dreadfully quiet voice, 'Is going to feel 10x the pain you've felt.' Ban finished.
The others agreed. Gowther however, tilted his head, confused.

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