Chapter 8: Lucky Amnesia

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***Meliodas P.O.V****

I looked down into Elizabeth's eyes as I searched desperately for any sign that she might be lying, that she remembered. But she didn't. Thank the goddesses, fate is on my side today! 

'So you don't remember, none of you?' I asked, they shook their heads groggily. 'Well, after Diane chased me here, I hid behind the tree and I heard a large branch crack. I yelled for you to get out the way but it was too late and it ht you guys. I'm sorry.'  I hung my head guiltily. i felt bad for lying to them, but it was for their own good. And maybe mine. Okay, mostly mine, but still.

I stood up. 'Can you stand?' They all nodded and stood up, staggering a bit. Elizabeth, however, completely failed at this. She struggled to sit up by herself and tried to stand, but couldn't manage to stay sitting up for long. 

'Woah, Elizabeth, you really got hit, didn't you?' I muttered and picked her up. 'It's fine, I'll carry you to Diane's then I'll take you home. I think you all should go back home to be safe.'

'Fine by me.' King moaned, rubbing his head.

We all got ready to leave, but Merlin's voice rang in my ears. 'No need, I've got everyone's things here. '

I turned around to see Merlin and Gowther standing behind me, everyone's stuff on the ground. 'When did you get here?' I asked.

'After the branch fell and everyone started waking up.' I could tell she knew, but i wasn't going to say anything yet.

I picked up Elizabeth and I's belongings and said 'Well, bye everyone. See you at school on Monday if you're still alive!?' And ran. I ran until I reached her house which was about six blocks away. I opened the door and walked in.

Margaret and Veronica were sitting in the lounge on the way up to Elizabeth's room. Veronica vaguely saw me and waved. 'Oh, hey Meliodas. What happened to Elizabeth- ELIZABETH!!!" Veronica yelled and caused Margaret to jump up. They ran towards me.

'Elizabeth, what happened!' Margaret worried, taking her out of my grip. She carried Elizabeth upstairs and Veronica looked at me angrily. She began to beat me round the head with a book. (A/N - Does anyone find this funny or just me?)

'Hey! Hey! Stop that! What is wrong with you!' I objected, protecting my head. Why is she hitting me?

Veronica ignored me and continued to hit me with a book. 'You were supposed to take care of Ellie, you little moron! Whats wrong with me? What's wrong with you!' she yelled. 'What happened to her anyway?'

'If you stop hitting me I'll tell you!' I bargained. Veronica stopped. 'A tree fell on her and the other sins and now they don't remember anything that happened an hour ago.'

'WWWHHHHHAAAAAATTTT?!???!!!?!?' Veronica shrieked and began hitting me again but harder.

'Ow, ow ow ow!'

*** Elizabeth's P.O.V***

Margaret had carried me upstairs and laid me in my bed. Downstairs I could hear Meliodas and Veronica arguing. From what I could hear, she is most likely attacking him with a book. They were arguing like an old married couple. That thought struck a twinge of jealousy inside me. 

I felt the heat in my cheeks rise. Why am I jealous about that? He doesn't even like me. Though, he did put his head in- Aaaah Elizabeth! Stop thinking about that! I blushed harder. Could I possibly -

My thoughts were cut off by Meliodas running into the room and bolting the door shut. He started panting heavily. 'Thank goddesses, she almost killed me. Who knew hardback dictionaries hurt so much?'

'Yeah,' I laughed. 'd-do you want to watch a movie?' i asked nervously.

Meliodas smiled. 'Sure, I'm not in a rush to go home anyway. How about suicide squad?'

I nodded and he put it in the DVD player. He sat on the chair in my room and we began to watch the movie. About fifteen minutes in, I noticed he looked cold, still had his Pj's on. I blushed really hard and nervously said 'Uh, Meliodas? You look cold, you can come in my bed if you want, its warmer.'

Meliodas' smiled and hopped in bed. He slid under the covers beside me and we continued with the movie. It was really good so far.

I got a private text from Diane.

GiantDiane : Hey Elizabeth, you alright?

PrincessEli : Yeah, you?

GiantDiane : Same. So, what u doing right now?

PrincessEli : Meliodas and I are watching suicide squad at my house.

GiantDiane : Aww! You and your crush are in the same room and probably bed! ;)

PrincessEli : How did you know!

GiantDiane : Best friends instinct ;)

GiantDiane : Meli and Eli, Meli and Eli, Meli and Eli, Meli and Eli!

PrincessEli : Shut up.

I put my phone back down and silently screamed. Why is she so annoying, ugh!

I looked beside me and Meliodas was watching the film, still. He looked like he was concentrating on something. His eyes narrowed, a sign he was thinking about something not very positive. I nudged him and he looked at me. He just shrugged it off and went back to watching the movie.

I started to watch the rest of the movie when about three quarters of the way in, something flopped onto my stomach. I looked down. It was Meliodas, curled up in a ball on my stomach, sleeping like a baby. OMGOMGOMGOMG THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING I MUST LOOK LIKE A TOMATO RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.

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