Chapter 13: Lock

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***Meliodas' P.O.V***

As we walked into the building I could sense my brother's magic, in the torture room, as expected. I began to run when I said 'Ban, Estarossa's power is that he can reflect any physical attacks, like mine reflects magical, so be careful.'

'Sure thing Cap'n,' he said, smiling and grinning. 

'C'mon, it's this way, just down the hall.' I said while heading down the large hall to a couple of double doors. We burst through them and way more than the amount of demons at the school were crammed in the hall, turned to look at us.

'This is definitely better than doing maths.' Ban smiled. Then I realised something. Their eyes. They were pure black, not just the black irises like normal demons. 

'Ban, hold it.'

'Aw, why?'

'Keep your voice down. They're dead.'

'Da fuq?' Ban whispered.

'Yeah.' I confirmed. 'They're the old students of Danafor Academy. A school exclusively for demons. And demons don't give up. When they're dead, they don't get killed as easily.'

Ban whistled quietly. 'Okay, so how to kill them. Got a weak spot?'

I thought for a bit. 'Their eyes. If you hit their eyes you should be able to return them to their previously dead state.'

'Okay this makes it interesting.' Ban rubbed his hands together. 'So all I have to do is grab it's eyes without making noises.'

We began to stalk towards the crowd of demons when I spotted a girl with bright pink hair. Liz. But it wasn't. It was Alison. And the girl with purple hair was Milly. 'This will be harder than we thought.' I told Ban. He looked at me.

I said 'The girl with the purple hair is Milly, she can make force fields and barriers but they are only small as she was only a first year. The one with the pink hair is Alison, and she can heal people but only demons. Take them out quickly and make them your first priority.'

'Okay cap'n-' Ban said and then stopped. 'Wait, you said YOUR top priority. That means you won't be fighting them. whatcha gonna do, huh?' Ban could read me like a book, but only when I wanted him to. 

'Going to go get Elizabeth, duh,' I said, a little too loudly. The demons looked at us and one made an inhuman sound on which they all charged at us. I ran round the outside and the look I gave Ban was 'Good luck, you're gonna need it.'

The look I got in return said 'Yeah, thanks, you're so going to die when I'm done. But good luck to you too.'

I felt really bad about leaving him with the demons, but Elizabeth was more important. I can't lose her again, not this time... and besides, he's IMMORTAL. What's the worst that could happen? Except get kidnapped, frozen, put in an illusion...

I was so busy thinking about what could happen to Ban and the others I ran straight into a demon. Named Bob.

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