Chapter 12: The Siege

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***Meliodas' P.O.V***

I turned around to look at my friend's faces. I straightened and looked them in the eye as I said 'I'm going to get Elizabeth back. I know where she is and who's got her. It's dangerous and you will probably die. So I'm going alone.' It was worth a try.

The other's exploded. 'No way! Elizabeth's our best friend and if your going we're coming.' Diane yelled and the others nodded.

We were just about to leave when a loud crash and some screaming were heard. Merlin and Gowther teleported in front of us. 'Captain, you didn't happen to know anything about the dozen's of demon's in Danafor Academy uniforms attacking the school and it's students?' Merlin asked smugly.

'Shit,' I swore. 'I didn't think they'd attack so quickly. And don't ever mention Danafor again.'

'Meliodas, what do we do?'  Gowther asked.

'Diane, King, Ban, come with me, Gowther, Merlin, help the other students to evacuate and get the ones with enough strength and ability to help fight them off. Keep your phones on you at all times so we can communicate.' I ordered. Merlin nodded and teleported away with Gowther.

'Before we get to Elizabeth's, we need to stop off at the Boar Hat.' I told them. They raised their eyebrows, but didn't question it. 'The quickest way is through the front gates.'

'But what about all the demons?' King protested.

'they're not that strong, I can tell. Just run through ,and if the get in the way, Kill them.' I eyes hardened and they realised I was serious. 

We ran outside and into the courtyard. They were full of lower class demons. Though that was only a little of the ranks in the school right now, it looked quite impressive. They looked at us and charge.

I ran head first into the sea of demons, kicking and punching my way through the crowd. I looked around and noticed the others doing the same as me. I reached the gates and motioned for the others to follow me.

I began to run in the direction of the Tavern, the others right behind me. When I arrived at my house I saw my Aunt Daisy run outside in her gardening shorts, without Hawk. 'Aunt Daisy!' I call, and she hurries over.

'Hello, children,' She says to the others then turns to me. 'What's going on? Hawk's at Daycare and Demero is at school when I heard a lot of screaming and crying, so I came out to see what was going on, Meli, tell me, is Demero alright?' She says in a rush.

I tried to calm her down. 'I'm sure he's fine. The school's being attacked by demons in Danafor Uniforms and the worst part is, Elizabeth's been kidnapped.' I told her.

She looked at me funny and gave me a quick cuddle, startling the others. 'You poor poppet, I know how much you feel about these events.' I smiled at the others who looked confused. 'It happened, they found out, didn't they?'

'Yeah.' I nodded. 'They've got Elizabeth held in the ruins of, well, you could've guessed where by now.'

'Well what are you waiting for? You get the box, I'll get the car.' She scurried off to the garage and I ran to the door and grabbed the box.

I sat the box in front of the Sins and yelled 'Well, pick one!'

Ban picked some nun chucks, King didn't take anything as he already had his Chastiefol and Diane took a giant's hammer. 'Yo, Cap'n, don't mean to be rude but why's there blood on these weapons?' Ban asked.

'It's his,' Aunt Daisy called from the car. I nodded. 'That's the torture or "Punishment" box for our family runts.' She called. 'Now get in the car!'

'Yes, Hawk's Mama!' Diane called, saluting her and ran in the car. They got in the back while I sat in the front. As we drove to the location, I explained our plan.

'So, I'll go in the front gate with Ban,and Diane and King go in the back. She's in the torture room under the gym floor, you have to pull up the red floorboards. It'll be heavily guarded and you might die, so, you know, stay alive and take Elizabeth back to the car, we'll be able to get her away by then.' i told them.

'Looks like we're here.' Aunt Daisy said. We had stopped in the car park of Danafor Academy.

'Where's this ruined heap of junk?' Ban asked as the Sins got out, kicking the dirt and stones everywhere.

'This is Danafor Academy, the place which Someone destroyed a few years Aunt Daisy said, casting a sideways glance at me.

'Well, lets go get Elizabeth, but be careful, it's probably a trap, and remember, they want to kill Me, not you.'

'Wait, Meliodas, you forgot you present!' Aunt Daisy said, waving a sword at me. I took it gratefully. 'It was supposed to be for your 16th birthday, a present from Maria, but I thought you'd need it now.' I thanked her but she cleared her throat to tell us something. 'You should know that all your weapon's are now sacred treasures, and will help you draw out almost all of your magic. Anyway, good luck.'

Then Aunt Daisy looked at me. 'Meliodas, if it's too late for her, don't do it, don't lose control, no matter what, because you'll just kill everyone and then I'll have to kill you, and I hate killing innocent kids.'

Okay, the sins looked a little confused and shocked at her statement, especially when they realised she was serious.

'I'll try, but if I do, and it's too late, you know what to do. But It won't come to that, because we won't be too late.'

I turned and grinned at the sins. 'Lets go kick some demon ass and rescue Elizabeth!' A i started running I yelled 'And try not to get killed!'

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