Chapter 11: Revenge

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***Normal P.O.V***

Zeldris read this entry and an anger unlike anything he had ever felt before welled up inside his gut. How DARE Meliodas take the throne! He was just a wimp. A nothing. A runt. It was all planned, Estarossa would take the throne and Zeldris would help him rule as twin kings.

Zeldris had to show Estarossa. 'Estarossa, get in the runt's room!' He called.

Estarossa swaggered in, annoyed he was interrupted from his video games or whatever he was doing. 'What?'

'Read this.'

As Estarossa read, his face went pale, then red, then pale, then red again. He had the same feeling of anger that Zeldris had felt.

Unfortunately for Zeldris and Estarossa, on Maria's deathbed, she arranged that Anderson was to write in his will that when Meliodas turned 21, he would ascend the throne. Of course, this was to be kept a secret from the brothers and Meliodas, to avoid any "Accidents".

'Keep reading.' Estarossa told Zeldris, and they continued to read their brothers diary.

I don't know what Zeldris and Estarossa would do if they found out, raise an army against me I suppose.

But I thought I was a runt, maybe I'm not. No way, that's ridiculous! If I wasn't I wouldn't be treated the way I am. I have to go now anyway, I finally got the courage to ask out Elizabeth! She's so beautiful. I have to leave now or I'll be late.

- Meliodas

After reading this, Zeldris carefully put it away. 'Now what do we do?' He asked.

They thought for a while then Estarossa spoke. 'I've got an Idea, this is what we will do...' He whispered to Zeldris.

***Meliodas' P.O.V***

I quietly tiptoed up to my room but before I could close the door I was yanked backwards by my hair. Estarossa. 'Why have you got another one of those god damn teddies and why are you dressed like that?' He spat.

'That's because he was doing deliveries to all the big fancy houses in town and I said afterwards he could get one. Now let him go, dear, or I'll knock you into next week.' Aunt Daisy said. I mentally thanked her.

He dropped me. 'Oh yeah, I'd like to see you try, you little weak female demon,' he said threateningly.

Aunt Daisy simply shrugged and punched him so hard he landed in the garden, after flying through a wall. 'You're cleaning that hole up!' She yelled. 'Now go to bed, love. But first, get Hawk to sleep.'

***Elizabeth's P.O.V***

After I Meliodas had to go and he'd walked me to my house, I crept inside and up the stairs to my room. I decided to get changed out of my fancy clothes. I quickly threw on some cupcake PJ's. I decided to skype Diane so i could have a total meltdown.

Diane picked up straight away.

'Hey what happened tell me everything!' She said.

'Well, we ended up getting matching Build-a-Bears. Look at mine! Did you know he has over 300 of these?' i showed her the one I got and she squealed.

'It's so cute!!!!! Now you know what to get him for Valentines day!' She teased, pleased I'd went red.

'Shut up. We took a walk and he told me a bit about his past and his mum. And I might've kissed him. For a while. And he might've kissed me when he walked me back to my house. For a while.' I said, blushing.

'OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Diane fangirled and squealed. Her mum told her to quiet down or else and Diane just said 'Yeah Yeah.'

'A-Anyway, how's your relationship with King, hmm?' I teased her.

Diane looked away. 'Well, I don't know. He doesn't act like he likes me properly anymore, it's been like that for a while now. I don't know what to say to him.'

I frowned. This wasn't what King was usually like. I admit that I had noticed he had been acting strangely. 'Here's an Idea.' I said. 'Ask him why he's acting funny and then ask him if actually wants to still be your boyfriend.'

'And what if he doesn't answer or if he says no?' She panicked.

'Then I'll get my boyfriend to kick his tiny butt and-' I covered my mouth when I realised what I said.

'OMG! Meliodas asked you to be his girlfriend, didn't he?' Diane squealed.

I nodded mutely.

Diane and I chatted for a while and then I heard Margaret yelling that I had to go to sleep now and that she was staying at Gil's. 'Bye Diane, got to go, see you tomorrow at school?'

'Yup! See ya!' Then she hung up.

I turned off my phone and the light. I lay in the dark on my bed and went through the events of this weekend in my head. The sleepover, the branch that knocked us out, and my date with Meliodas. This weekend has been crazy, but also fun.

As I roll over to sleep a rag covers my nose and mouth, the smell of chloroform fills my lungs and though I wriggle and try to scream the darkness swallowed me.

***Meliodas P.O.V***

I walked to get Elizabeth from her house like I usually did. Though something didn't feel right, like something was off. It was an extended weekend so it was Wednesday today and I hadn't seen or talked to her in several days. I knocked on Elizabeth's door but instead of her answering it, Margaret did.

'Sorry, but Elizabeth isn't in the house. There was a note on the kitchen table that said she had left extra early to do an errand for the teacher or something.' Margaret said.

I nodded and left. Something was definitely off. As I walked in the school gates I ran up to King, Diane and Ban. 'Yo Diane, Ban, King. Where's Merlin and Gowther?'

'They left to Merlin's Lab at her Dad's old place. They won't be at school for a while.' King yawned.

Diane frowned at me. 'Wait, doesn't Elizabeth normally walk with you? Where is she?'

'Margaret said that she had to do something for the teacher and left before they woke up. She left a note.' I told them.

'I don't like the sound of this. Let's ask Miss Marilyn where she could be.' Ban suggested and we walked to the classroom. Right now all I was thinking is Where is she where is she where is she?

I looked for the teacher but she wasn't in. Suddenly I noticed something on Elizabeth's desk. 'What's this?' I said.

I picked it up. There was a note attached to an envelope. It read:

Dear Meliodas

We've got the one you care for most.

We will take your life.

And when we do, the throne will be ours.

Don't worry, the wench is alive... for now. In the envelope is proof.

Come find us.

- You know who we are and where we are

Shaking, I opened the envelope. Diane put her hand to her mouth and her eyes watered. The others were shocked.

Inside, were several photo's of Elizabeth. She was gagged and bound to a chain on the floor. She was covered in bruises, cuts and her left arm looked broken and her eyes had bags under them.

I clenched my fists. Someone as going to pay. And I knew just who it was.

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