Chapter : Sleepover Pt 3

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*** Meliodas' P.O.V ***

I woke up to a very surprising thing. Elizabeth was next to me! She had her arms wrapped around my waist. For some unknown reason, my hands were wrapped around her waist. Wait, around her waist!?!? How on earth did that happen?!

Elizabeth looked so angelic like that, her silver hair framing her face perfectly, her rosebud mouth parted slightly. At her chest, she clutched my teddy bear. I remembered last night, she forgot hers so I lent her mine. We ended up sharing it and we fell asleep like this, I guess.

Her eyes slowly opened, I must have moved. Elizabeth smiled sweetly. 'Morning, Meliodas.' she said quietly. So adorable. 'Did you sleep well?' Elizabeth asked.

I nodded. 'I did. the question is, did you?' I wanted to make sure she slept well. After all, she is my best friend.

' Uh, yes I did.' Elizabeth answered, happily. We looked down and realised we were still holding each other.

'Ah-uh-please l-let go of me!' Elizabeth stammered, looking flustered. She looks so cute like that. DAMN MY INSTINCTSSSS!!!!!!! She started to wriggle slightly when I heard a voice.

'Yeah, you should.' I looked up to Diane, Ban, Gowther, Merlin and King looking down at us. Ban was grinning widely, and Diane was frowning. Elizabeth's face went from pink to raspberry.

I decided to tease them a bit. 'Nope.' I said and put my head right into her breasts. Elizabeth shrieked a bit King literally had a nose bleed. Merlin just smiled. Ban roared his head off, rolling around on the floor laughing.

'CCCAAPPPTTTAAAIINNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Diane yelled angrily. Her face was livid, and Elizabeth's priceless. I smirked when I took my head away from her breasts and ran. Diane chased me all the way out the house and into the streets. She changed back into a giant as she ran out after me, the other sins except Gowther and Merlin in tow, waiting to see what will happen when I get caught. If I got caught.

I ran right down the street and to the park across the road. She shrunk again as she passed the barrier. I laughed happily and ran towards the swings. There was three Boys, a little younger than me on it. They all sensed me and turned to me with menacing smiles. I stopped suddenly. The others stopped, surprised. They were demons, like me. They must be brothers, there aren't many demons in town, thanks to uncle Demero's fearsome reputation.

The boys walked towards me. 'Hello, runt. get the hell out of here before I give you a beating.' the tallest one said.

'Who the hell are you? Get away from Meliodas!!!!' Diane yelled. They just laughed. The other sins clenched their fists and got ready to fight. For me.

That made me happy inside that they would do this for me, but I knew that I couldn't let them. It was my fight. More like a punishment. For being the way I am... I put my hand in front of them as they stepped forwards, making them stop.

'No guys, this is my fight.' I muttered darkly. I stepped forwards.

The three boys laughed. Again. 'Three powerful of us against one puny runt? This will be easy.' The smallest chuckled. They activated their Demon powers, scaring the living daylights out of Elizabeth. The others took a step back.

'Meliodas! Run! You can't beat them! They are DEMONS!' Elizabeth bellowed. The others nodded, agreeing.

I laughed darkly. The three stepped forward. They began to advance towards me. I had no choice if I wanted to prove that I wasn't just a runt. I had to let the cat out of the bag. I let out my demon mark, the colour of dark purple, practically black, releasing a dark black-purple blast that pushed them all back. Elizabeth and the others looked at me with fear, even Ban. That kind of stung.

The three demons grinned and began to ferociously throw punches at me, I blocked them all. The Sins looked at me awed and scared. 'M-MELIODAS! BE C-CAREFUL!' Elizabeth stuttered fearfully. The Demon triplets looked at each other knowingly, they were going to go after them.

'Run,' I barked fiercely. They all shook their heads defiantly. Elizabeth was to frightened to do anything. 'If you don't they will KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!' I roared. They proceeded to retreat back to a nearby tree. That's far enough away.

I began to attack with so much strength that the triplets were put on defense. I was kicking and punching them to a pulp, my anger and hatred towards my brothers and the cruel demons at my old school fueling me. By this time my clothes were in tatters, as well as theirs. I could see they were growing desperate, my magic and physical attacks becoming more and more lethal, whereas theirs were becoming decreasingly weak. Their markings moved to grow a wing with one arm and flew into air. So they've resorted to flight as a final attempt to defeat me, huh? My markings moved as well, making the form of black-purple feathered wings appear on my back. I flew up to meet them. They looked at me, shocked. I guess there's nothing I can do to prevent them from knowing now.

They were frantically throwing attacks at me, but I quickly overpowered them. They flew back to Earth and surrendered. 'J-Just who a-are you?' One asked.

I sighed and stood up straighter. A crown appeared above my head, made of the colour's of my mark. ' I, if you really wanna know, am Prince Meliodas Wrath, Third Son of the Demon King Anderson Wrath, and Successor to The Demon King. Now get out of here. That is an order.' I declared. The Sin's eyes widened and they gasped at my true identity.

the three demons bowed. 'We are deeply sorry, my lord. We did not know it was you, please forgive us. We will depart now.' and ran off.

I sighed and turned back to the sins. I heard a creaking and snapping and looked up at the branch above the Sin's head. It was about to snap and fall on them. My demon powers deactivated as I reached out and yelled 'CRAP! Everyone watch out! ELIZABETH!!!' But I was too late. The tree fell on them, knocking them out.

I rushed to them, swearing and cursing. I chucked the branch of of them. They were all unconscious. I picked up Elizabeth and cuddled her body. 'Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up... I love you...' I was shocked as I realised it. I loved Elizabeth, my best friend.

The others started to stir and sit up, holding their heads and groaning, distracting me from my thoughts. Elizabeth moaned and opened her beautiful blue eyes.


'What happened? Why are we in the park?'

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