Chapter 10: Date!!!!!!

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V***

I was still collapsed on my bed, fretting about the date when Diane came over. I can't believe that Meliodas asked me out! Diane needs to help me get ready, I have no clue what to wear! Then, before i could panic anymore, The doorbell rang. 

I squealed excitedly and ran downstairs. But before I could open it, the door swung open and hit my face. 'Owww, that hurt, you meanie!' I mumbled.

Diane looked down at me apologetically. 'Sorry, Elizabeth. But never mind that, Tell me everything!'

She helped me up and then pulled me up the stairs. Diane sat on a beanbag on the floor and I sat on my bed. Diane looked at me expectantly. 'Come on, we don't have all day, spill it!'

I told her everything that happened, including him falling asleep on my stomach. Diane fangirled the entire time. 'Now I need help deciding what to wear!' I finished.

She stood up. 'Well Elizabeth, have no fear, because Diane is here!' Diane pulled a funny pose and I laughed. 'Now for the outfit!'

***Meliodas P.O.V****

It was half six and I was almost finished getting ready. I was checking myself out in the mirror. Shirt, waistcoat, shoes, tie. Yup, I'm definitely ready. (A/N - what he wears in the anime/manga). Thankfully, my brothers were out. 

I pulled a box out from under my bed. I opened it and took out a black leather Diary. I began to write in it. It's hidden from my bothers in a box full of clothes. That's the only private thing in my house. I checked the time and panicked. 6:50! I'm going to be late! I quickly put my diary back in the box and shoved it under the bed. I ran downstairs.

As I ran out the door of the Boar Hat my Aunt Daisy grabbed my arm. 'Where are you going, mister?' She said.

'Out.' I answered and wriggled out of her grasp.

Aunt Daisy smiled slightly. 'I know that look. It's a girl isn't it?' I said nothing, but my face betrayed me because I felt myself blushing.

'Thought so.' Aunt Daisy smiled. 'You better treat her how Demero treats me or I'll kill you.' She said it lightly but in my world we don't make many jokes, she was threatening me. 'If you can be back for 10, I can cover for you until then.'

I nodded gratefully and ran out the tavern. I walked all the way to Elizabeth's house. I knocked on the door. 1 minute later, Diane opened the door.

'Well, hello, Elizabeth will be here in a minute.' Diane giggled. 

Elizabeth then descended the staircase. Her dress was purple, with a large bow in the back. Elizabeth had her blue earrings in as usual. She looked beautiful. Elizabeth blushed when she saw me.

'Hey Elizabeth, you ready to go?' i-I asked her.

'S-Sure.' We went down the drive and to the end of the street. 'S-So, where are you taking me?'

'Just wait and see.' I took her down several streets until we reached the street. 'Now close your eyes.' I instructed her.

Elizabeth nodded and closed her eyes. I gently took her hands and led her down the street and stopped outside the shop. 'Now open your eyes!' I grinned.Elizabeth gasped when she opened her adorable blue eyes. We were outside Build-A-Bear workshop! 'C'mon lets go in!' 

Elizabeth squealed and ran inside. I walked over to the lady at the desk while she gushed over the cute teddy bear skins. 'Hey, Carlianne.' I smiled.

'Oh Meli! I haven't seen you in years! How are you?' Carlianne yelled while bear-hugging me.

While this was happening Elizabeth noticed us and walked over. 'M-Meliodas, who's this?' I swore she looked jealous.

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